Chapter 336 One Billion?

The food was served very quickly, and it was already served in less than 5 minutes.

A few people ate and chatted, and Xia Zhen realized that the person in front of him was actually a well-known rich second generation in the circle!

"Master Wang, the artistes in your company have been a little quiet recently, that's not okay, if the artistes don't have exposure, then there will be negative growth."

Song Dawei said while eating the steak, Wang Cong shrugged.

"I would like to present two of them too, but they are not like that! Qingzi, Viagra, I know you two have good vision, do you have any good seedlings to sell to us?"

Song Dawei shook his head positively and said: "It's been a long time since we recruited new people, and this circle is very strange, it doesn't mean that good seedlings will become popular."

Chu Qing nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, this kind of thing has something to do with luck."

Wang Cong sighed, and took a big bite out of the steak without cutting it.

"I heard that you let Zhang Mo take the lead this time?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Yes, don't underestimate Zhang Mo, after all, he is also my teacher's own son, I am a hero! He still has great potential"

Wang Cong curled his lips and said, "I don't know him yet? It must have made you worry a lot."

Chu Qing smiled wryly, not only did he worry a lot, it was almost as if he had performed it again!

But Zhang Mo is one of his own, so these words must not be said outside.

Wang Cong laughed and said, "Qingzi, you said that if I invest in a movie with full rights, how about we get [-]% of the income?"

Chu Qing looked at him in surprise and said, "Full investment?"

Wang Cong nodded solemnly and said: "Yes! I don't feel at ease when I cooperate with others. I have watched your movies on the Internet before. As long as it is a movie made by you, it will not be a loss! Hehehe, the fat water does not flow to outsiders Field"

Song Dawei laughed as soon as he heard it: "Master Wang, you have said that the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, so why don't we make it ourselves? Do you think we will miss the money for making movies?"

Song Dawei was stunned by Wang Cong's words. Wherever he went before, he was always begged to invest. Why is he actively investing now, and people don't want it?
This is really a bit beyond the prince's cognition, why can't the money be sent out?
Xia Zhen on the side was stunned. He studied acting, so he naturally knew how difficult it is to attract investment.

But now that people take the initiative to send money to the door, the boss doesn't want it?
My boss can't be a fool!
Thinking of this, the way he looked at Chu Qing became intriguing.

Wang Cong was a little disappointed and said: "The times have really changed, and even if you have money, you can't spend it!"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "If you don't manage your company as an artist, why do you want to invest? Then your company will be in vain?"

Wang Cong shrugged and said, "It's not in vain. I'm currently in contact and plan to sell the company!"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Qing and Song Dawei were very surprised.

Song Dawei was straight-hearted, and asked directly: "Sell the company? You won't do the goal your father gave you?"

Wang Cong shook his head: "How is that possible, but I think it is too difficult for this performing arts company to make short-term profits! Everyone is not a fool. Why do you have to pay a sky-high price for an artist you have cultivated in three to five years? And I The most important thing is time, so I plan to engage in venture capital!"

Chu Qing and Song Dawei looked at each other, both a little speechless.

But neither of them could say anything. After all, what Wang Cong said was right. If you want to see high returns in a short period of time, venture capital is definitely a good option!

And this guy has plenty of money, and he doesn't worry about losing money, so he doesn't have any worries.

There are too few people who can play venture capital and really make money.

Wang Cong waved his hand and said, "That's why I told you before that I want to co-produce a movie! Let's play a big one! I'll invest six or seven hundred million, success or failure depends on this time!"

Xia Zhen gasped, what the fuck did I hear just now?Invest six or seven billion?Just kidding?
Before he finished being surprised, Wang Cong continued.

"My company is selling food through contacts, and the artists are also packing together. If all of them are sold, I will have almost one billion yuan! I plan to take it all out and play a big game!"

As soon as these words came out, both Chu Qing and Song Dawei were stunned.

One billion!What is this concept?
This means that only a box office of 30 billion or more can be guaranteed!

And how much is China's highest box office now?This is simply a terrible investment!

And what did Wang Cong say before?The income is [-]-[-] with Chu Qing, which means that Chu Qing can get half of the box office share no matter what, and the loss is definitely not counted.

No matter how you look at it, it is a sure-fire deal for Chu Qing!

Chu Qing took a deep breath, and still planned to reject Wang Cong. After all, her company was too small and had no artists, so she simply couldn't afford such a large investment.

Just as he was about to speak, the long-lost system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Dididi, the main task is announced! Please host a billion investment to make a movie, and it will become popular in Asia!"

"Mission reward, a pinnacle item!"

This burst of system prompts abruptly suppressed Chu Qing's refusal.

This is a rejection of a hammer, did you even limit the amount?

If I refuse, where can I get a billion yuan to make a movie?

Chu Qing coughed lightly and said, "Isn't this a bit too risky?"

When saying this, Chu Qing herself felt a little hypocritical, she clearly wanted to follow up, and on the surface she looked very considerate of the other party.

Wang Cong shrugged and said, "Success or failure depends on one stroke, just play something exciting, what do you think?"

Chu Qing coughed lightly when he heard the words: "I have a plan, it's definitely big enough! If I play it well, it will definitely become popular in Asia! But I'm only 40.00% sure, can I play it?"

Wang Cong laughed and slapped his thigh and said, "Play! Why not? I'm only 40.00% sure of playing venture capital! That's no delay! Let alone [-]% now?"

Chu Qing wiped her mouth, stood up and stretched out her right hand, saying, "We are happy to cooperate."

Wang Cong also stood up, and the two shook hands.

Song Dawei smiled and said, "When will the contract be signed?"

Chu Qing thought for a while and said, "It's better sooner than later, let's do it tomorrow."

Wang Cong said with a smile, "Okay! Sign the contract first, but we have to wait a few days for the funding issue. Is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay. If you can't believe it, who else can't believe you, Young Master Wang?"

When waiting for the dinner to end, Xia Zhen still looked dazed, he even wondered if this was a play specially performed for him.

But then he realized, how could it be possible, that was indeed a well-known rich second generation in the circle.

With these two people, I must be a fart. Is it worthwhile for them to come and play a play for me?
After seeing off Wang Cong and getting into the car, Chu Qing turned to look at Xia Zhendao.

"How do you feel?"

Xia Zhen was taken aback, he didn't expect Chu Qing to talk to him, and he didn't hear clearly.

Chu Qing said very seriously: "Do you think, if you go to be a gangster, when will you get access to a billion investment?"

(End of this chapter)

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