Chapter 337 Preparation
Xia Zhen fell silent. Don't look at his blunt mouth, but he knew in his heart that he might not be able to touch the one billion investment until he died.

Chu Qing said flatly: "Do you know how long I have used it?"

Xia Zhen shook his head subconsciously, he really didn't know much about Chu Qing.

Chu Qing said lightly: "For six years, I have been working hard since I graduated from university, and I have come all the way to today, and I have my own company and my own business."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she turned her head and said casually.

"This is the path I chose, I don't know if it's right or not, but I'm sure it's not the wrong path"

"And your way, I can tell you responsibly that it is wrong, which is why your uncle sent you here in such a hurry, he wanted me to help you find the right way"

"Xia Zhen, it's not too late for you to turn around now, as long as you want, I can help you, are you willing?"

Chu Qing looked at Xia Zhen seriously, but Xia Zhen fell silent.

He began to recall everything he had experienced in these years, and also began to think.

After about a minute, he looked up at Chu Qing, and replied very seriously: "I am willing!"

Chu Qing, who returned to her apartment, began to search for the script in the safe.

In Chu Qing's spare time, she would write some scripts. Of course, it was written in name, but in fact it was copied!
The written scripts were all locked in the safe after he registered them, in case of emergencies.

Now that we have set a signing date with people, how can we do it without a script?

An investment of one billion yuan is exciting just thinking about it!

Speaking of the last life, there was actually a film with an investment of more than one billion, and that was "The Great Wall"!
As a result, the domestic box office was 11 billion, which can be said to be a loss to grandma's family!
Chu Qing was not too worried about this, after all, he would not make a movie that would obviously lose money.

One billion yuan, it's totally possible to make some serious big productions!
For example, movies like "World War Z" can definitely make people soar with adrenaline!

The film industry in this world is very developed, especially in special effects films.

But there are really not many zombie movies, and the plot is limited to survival. Chu Qing plans to do some market research to see if there is a market for the zombie genre. If there is, then it is absolutely possible to shoot such a zombie blockbuster!
Immediately afterwards, Chu Qing dug out another script from inside.

The investment for the first part of this movie was about [-] million US dollars, which is almost one billion RMB equivalent.

This movie was also a sensation at the time, partly because it was a childhood memory of many people.

The second is also because the special effects scenes directly crushed all the original movies!

Especially the scene of the transformation of the Autobots is simply not too shocking!

Chu Qing simply took out both scripts, found another notebook, and began to draw sub-shots based on the memories in his mind.

Early the next morning, when Chu Qing came to the office, Xia Zhen was cleaning the table for him.

Chu Qing was very satisfied with this, and this was the beginning of the opponent's change.

He simply handed him the two scripts in his hand: "It's enough for the table to be wiped clean. You can take a look at these two scripts and see which one you like better."

Xia Zhen was also obedient, and started to read the script seriously after receiving it.

It didn't take long for his mind to be completely immersed in the script. Coupled with the sub-shots drawn by Chu Qing, he was able to make up the scenes shot in the movie by himself.

After he had finished reading both scripts, more than half an hour had passed before he woke up like a dream.

Chu Qing was still sitting on the office chair, signing the documents without looking up.

"finish watching?"


"Which one do you like?"

"Zombie World War!"

Xia Zhen said his answer almost without hesitation, Chu Qing paused his pen, and said softly: "Why?"

Originally, Chu Qing thought that they would like "Transformers" more.

"Because this looks more enjoyable!"

As Xia Zhen spoke, he also took out the sub-camera and pointed it to Chu Qing. When Chu Qing turned his head, he saw that it was a sub-camera of the zombie siege.

"So what do you think of Transformers?"

Xia Zhen shrugged and said: "It's pretty good, but if I can only shoot one, I still like this "Zombie World War""

Chu Qing nodded, and after waiting for Wang Cong and Song Dawei to arrive, Chu Qing showed the script to them first, and then held a high-level meeting.

An investment of one billion yuan is not a child's play. One person counts the short, and the two count the long. There is always no harm in discussing more.

At the meeting, everyone was arguing endlessly, and the high-level executives also understood what this billion investment meant!
Whoever directs this movie is destined to leave a big mark in the circle!
If it succeeds this time, their company will officially enter the level of a large company!
No matter what kind of company it is, it is definitely a very important thing.

Some people even suggested that they simply use the funds to expand the company as much as possible!
Chu Qing was speechless when he heard it, and told them before the meeting that the investors were also there.

In the end, everyone decided to do a market research first.

Find audiences in three age groups, 100 people in each age group, and do research!

Chu Qing also felt that this method was relatively safe.

In the end, the two parties signed a contract, agreeing that one billion funds will arrive before the end of the year!Before that, Bright Entertainment was in charge of the preparatory work for the movie.

Song Dawei also started to get busy. There are not many well-known special effects teams in China. If you want to cooperate with them, you need to make an appointment in advance.

He took Chu Qing's concept draft to many houses, and the other party was very excited when they heard that it was one billion yuan, and said that he could take the lead in working for them.

But after reading the concept draft, few companies are confident.

With the current domestic special effects technology, no one has the confidence to completely follow Chu Qing's concept.

After all, the top group of people in the country have already gone to Hollywood, who would let them pay a high price?
And Chu Qing was not idle, the market research came out in less than a week, and the final conclusion was that "World War Zombie" was more popular with these audiences!

Chu Qing thought, this may be because there are no "Transformers" comics in this world.

After all, the movie was so popular in the last life, and it is inseparable from the feelings of the audience.

After deciding on the shooting plan, the rest became simple. The staff began to contact various prop companies and make appointments.

Chu Qing started to prepare for the actors, but don't worry that everything is ready, but the funds have not arrived?
Not at all, because the other party is Wang Cong!

The time has come to August [-]st, the day when "The Witness" is officially released!
Early in the morning, Chu Qing was woken up by Zhang Sanli's call, saying that his family was going to the cinema to watch a movie today, they had already bought the tickets for Chu Qing and Yin Tao, and the car would go downstairs immediately, and asked him to prepare.
 The next two chapters will be the plot of the movie. Friends who have not seen the original film can take a look, and those who have seen it can skip it, and it will not affect normal reading.

(End of this chapter)

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