Chapter 339 Thug
Facing Duan Peng's intercession, my cousin was furious!
He has been complained by Duan Peng more than once, resulting in a mess of records, and basically bid farewell to the chance of promotion!
He felt that Duan Peng was too unreasonable. They were clearly relatives, but they complained to him for a trivial matter!
But in the end, seeing Duan Peng's nosebleed face, and hearing his apology, he agreed to help him.

The next day, Duan Peng went to Gao Min's house, hoping to talk to her and offer help.

Just as Gao Min refused, she received a text message and video of her daughter being kidnapped!
He also reminded her that Zhang Ridong's blood sample must be replaced tomorrow.

At the same time, my cousin also quickly found out the approximate area where Zhang Mo was located through this text message.

And successfully deciphered the video content and forwarded it to Duan Peng.

Duan Peng looked at the sobbing girl in the video, broke through the defense directly, and was at a loss on the main road.

On the other side, although Zhang Mo kidnapped the girl, he didn't do much harm, and the downstairs mother-in-law's sewer was blocked, so she brought the police to Zhang Mo to settle the score.

Zhang Mo hurriedly hid the girl in the secret room. Who would have thought that the girl would break free from the rope and blindfold when the police inspected the bathroom.

He came to Zhang Mo's wife's room by mistake, and used the other party's mobile phone to call his mother.

After Gao Min heard this, she was startled and anxious. She wanted her daughter to see something outside the window to identify the location, but before the little girl could see clearly, Zhang Mo rushed in and hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhang Mo's wife had a seizure, and she didn't want the medicine bottle but was knocked to the ground by the girl.

Zhang Mo couldn't tell the color of the pills scattered on the ground because of his eye injury. Finally, with the help of the little girl, he found the right medicine for his wife to take.

Then Zhang Mo asked the girl to help him sort the pills on the ground. Seeing this obedient and sensible little guy, he felt a little compassion in his heart, and his words became softer.

It was also agreed that after helping him distribute the medicine, he would buy chicken legs for her to eat.

On the other end, Duan Peng, who had watched the video, found that there was a red neon light in the threatening video, so he wanted to wait for the lights after dark to search for them one by one.

Xin Ye originally wanted to buy something for two to eat, who would have thought that Zhang Mo would suddenly see Zhang Mo who came to buy chicken legs in the restaurant.

Because Duan Peng had described Zhang Mo's appearance to him before, coupled with his gray-eyed features, the new master hurriedly contacted Duan Peng.

But Zhang Mo's vigilance is too high, and he will run away when he realizes something is wrong.

Duan Peng and Xin Ye chased after him. After a tense chase and fight, Zhang Mo actually snatched the money transporter C's gun and confronted Duan Peng.

On one side is the one-eyed, cold-looking Zhang Mo!

On the other end was Duan Peng whose hands were trembling. He kept thinking about the scene where he accidentally killed the girl's sister, which had become his demon.

Zhang Mo went down with two shots, and the street suddenly became chaotic.

Zhang Mo is alone, and he has the aura of being one man and one man alone!
After a fierce inner struggle, Duan Peng rushed out with a gun, but Zhang Mo had already disappeared.

Such a big scene caused a large number of investigations by the J side. The new master persuaded Duan Peng to hand over the matter to the police, but Duan Peng, who felt guilty, insisted on finding the girl himself.

Here, the kidnappers thought it was Gao Min who called the police and made further threats.

Gao Min knew that this must be the reason for Duan Peng. After finding Duan Peng, he was slapped across the face, accusing him of meddling in his own business and putting his daughter in danger of being killed.

Duan Peng said that he had found a clue, and after his investigation, the neon light in front of him was the most suspect!
He hoped to give it a try no matter what. In the end, Gao Min was moved by his sincerity, and finally acquiesced in Duan Peng's actions.

Duan Peng climbed up the scaffolding outside the building with difficulty, and finally, he saw the girl in a window.

But he has been seen by Zhang Mo who just came back. Duan Peng, who got off the scaffolding, promised to bring the child back, and then hurried upstairs with the new master to Zhang Mo's house!
But Zhang Mo took the child away before the two of them. The two who were a step behind searched in the house to no avail, but found Zhang Mo's wife's room.

On this end, Zhang Mo received an order from the middleman to cut off the girl's hand as punishment for Gao Min's revenge!
He hurried to the black clinic with the girl. When the doctor injected the girl with anesthesia and was about to start, his phone rang suddenly.

The voices of Duan Peng and Gao Min came from the other end of the phone. Gao Min threatened him and asked him to release his daughter immediately, otherwise he would never see his wife in his life!
Who would have thought that at this time his wife's condition would flare up, and everyone could only rush to find medicine to treat her, and after a lot of tossing, his wife's condition worsened.

Duan Peng could only ask Xin Ye to call and send her to the hospital first.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Mo got into the ambulance secretly, and pushed the Xin Ye who was following the car off halfway.

Duan Peng, who was following the car, hurriedly stopped to check Xin Ye's injuries, but the cunning Xin Ye secretly put his mobile phone in the ambulance, and asked Duan Peng's cousin to start tracking.

An hour later, Duan Peng found an abandoned factory based on the location provided by his cousin.

Zhang Mo, who heard the sound of the car, got out of the car to check. The girl just woke up from anesthesia and tried hard to untie the rope on her hand.

Zhang Mo's wife on the hospital bed beckoned the girl to come to her, and helped her untie the knot with her two fingers that could only move.

As soon as the girl escaped from the car, she ran into Duan Peng who was rushing over, and they hugged each other tightly.

Gao Min on the other end received a call before the trial, asking her to give the blood sample to the two people who were waiting for her.

When Gao Min was hesitating, Duanping also called and gave her the good news that his daughter had been found.

Just as Duan Peng was about to take the girl away after finishing the phone call, he was attacked by Zhang Mo who was hiding in the dark!

Duan Peng, on the other hand, has no intention of fighting, he just hugs the girl to avoid, Zhang Mo has been chasing after him!
This scene was extremely tense, and the three members of the Zhang family were fascinated by it, even Zhang Mo, who was filming the movie, watched it very seriously.

This scene is also Chu Qing's proud work. He didn't let the martial arts director design any gorgeous moves, but let the actors perform by themselves. What he wants is that kind of reality!Fist to the flesh!
In order to film this scene well, Zhang Mo was beaten a lot.

There's nothing he can do about it, with his small body, he's not enough to look at in front of Duan Peng, who is big and thick.

This is still the result of Duan Peng's release of water, and then creating a kind of stupidity, which was edited in the later stage, otherwise Zhang Mo would have been 'brought to justice' by Duan Peng!

The screen switched, and at the trial, Gao Min finally chose to believe Duan Peng, did not hand over the evidence, and completed the charges against Zhang Ridong in court.

Zhang Ridong became furious and shouted for Gao Min to wait for the body to be collected
(End of this chapter)

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