Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 340 My son is not trash!

Chapter 340 My son is not trash!
At this moment, Gao Min looks calm on the surface, but in fact, the inner tide is already raging!
The camera cuts back again, Duan Peng takes her daughter and runs to a pipe, he lets the girl run away alone with her mobile phone, and he stays behind the pipe!

At the same time, Zhang Mo with a knife also rushed over.

Here Chu Qing also specially made a character setting for Zhang Mo, that is Kuai Dao!

Otherwise, how could he beat Duan Peng who was as strong as a man?In the end, the two fought, and Duan Peng lost to Zhang Mo and was knocked to the ground.

Zhang Mo climbed into the pipeline and continued to chase and kill the little girl.

The little girl who ran to the inside of the pipe found a corner and squatted down, wanting to call her mother.

But Gao Min was in court and couldn't answer the phone, so the little girl could only leave her a message.

And Zhang Mo at the other end received the order again, asking him to kill the little girl as soon as possible, and only after seeing the corpse can he collect the money!

At this time Zhang Mo also found the little girl, but at this moment his heart was extremely entangled.

The little girl's innocence has moved him for a while, but if he doesn't kill the little girl, where will he get the money to treat his wife?

At this moment, Zhang Mo's acting skills exploded, expressing all the characters' inner thoughts through facial expressions!

Zhang Sanli was startled, and turned to look at his son with an expression of disbelief.

Zhang Mo looked a little embarrassed by Zhang Sanli, scratched his head lightly and said, "Hehehe, Dad, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Sanli's eyes were slightly red, and he fondled Zhang Mo's hair, but he didn't say a word.

Zhang Mo, who is in his 30s, clearly felt his father's emotions, and his eyes turned red involuntarily.

"Dad, the child you have been worrying about back then has grown up"

Chu Qing smiled knowingly when he saw this scene. He would never tell Zhang Mo that his amazing performance that day was the result of spending [-] points in exchange for props.

The plot on the screen was still going on, Zhang Mo finally made up his mind and was still ready to do it.

For him, nothing in this world is more important than his wife!

The little girl fled in a hurry, and was pushed to the pipe column in the chaos. Suddenly, tons of sand poured down, and the little girl was buried in it in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Mo froze in place, while Duan Peng who came after him completely lost control of his emotions!
This "emotional drama" between the two was so intense that it exploded, and their intense emotions could be clearly felt even through the big screen!

This is what a good actor must do, empathy!

You let the audience empathize with you after watching your performance.

At this moment, Duan Peng had already forgotten his identity as a policeman, and directly picked up a piece of gravel and knocked Zhang Mo down, and then started to scrape the sand on the ground like crazy, and rescued the girl.

But the little girl seemed to be out of breath. Seeing that calling and artificial respiration were useless, Duan Peng hugged the girl in his arms desperately and cried loudly.

On the other side, Gao Min heard her daughter's message after she got off the court, which almost directly destroyed her will, and she couldn't help but slump on the chair.

Fortunately, the little girl did not die, and finally Yoyo woke up, Duan Peng wept with joy.

On the other side of the Lingtai, Zhang Mo slowly got up on the ground, holding a weapon in his hand, but dropped it to the ground after a while.

It turned out that after Duan Peng's heavy blow, his eyes were completely blind.

At this moment, he was groping forward, but repeatedly bumped into a wall, fell down, and his back was stabbed by the exposed steel bars.

He called out to the police, and now he only hoped that Duan Peng could take him to see his wife.

In the end, Duan Peng agreed to his request.

In the ambulance, Zhang Mo, who was seriously injured, silently knelt beside his wife's bed, only holding her hand.

The wife looked at Zhang Mo but couldn't speak, only the corners of her eyes were silently shedding tears.

This scene directly made the teacher cry.

Although Zhang Mo was not born by her, he was raised by her.

Seeing this scene now, she really couldn't stand it.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo hurriedly took his mother's hand, and softly comforted him that this was filming and it was all fake.

The wife of course knew that this was all fake, but seeing her son's appearance, she still couldn't help but feel sad.

The time went back to three months ago again, when the pregnant Zhang Moqizi found a middleman and pawned off his watch, hoping to get some money to live on.

While counting the money, the middleman complained to her, saying that Zhang Mo's asking price was too high, and there were too many things to do. Who would hire such a killer if he didn't kill one or the other?
If this continues, sooner or later you will starve to death!

In the eyes of his wife, she really couldn't bear her husband's humiliation, but for the sake of their children's life in the future, she still did not hesitate to take the order by herself and go to 'bring the goods'!
Zhang Mo was furious when he discovered all this, but he was reprimanded by the middleman, saying that he was useless. If he was willing to do it, his wife would not have to come out with a big belly to bring the goods.

This deeply hurt Zhang Mo's heart. The two went out one after another, but met their enemies seeking revenge.

During the fight, the husband and wife got into the car, but the wife's amniotic fluid broke because of excitement. Zhang Mo hurriedly took his wife to the hospital.

As a result, at the intersection, the car accident that runs through the whole drama happened!

The car accident made Zhang Mo almost blind, his wife was seriously injured and became a vegetable, and the two also lost their unborn child forever.

The screen switches back.

Zhang Mo and his wife were both lying on the stretcher. The wife stared at the sun in the sky with a calm face and the sun was well.

Just like the text message she sent to Zhang Mo back then, 'I haven't seen the sun for a long time'

It's a pity that Zhang Mo couldn't watch it with him this time.

And the little girl who had gone through hardships finally ran to her mother's arms in the sunshine.

The movie is over.

When the lights in the auditorium were turned on, Chu Qing realized that Zhang Sanli and his wife were already in tears.

Zhang Mo was busy comforting the two of them.

"Dad, Mom, didn't you say that this is a movie, it's all fake, you two are old actors, why are you so involved in the movie?"

Zhang Sanli took the paper towel handed over by his wife, wiped his tears and said: "Dad, this is happy, happy."

Zhang Mo was at a loss after hearing this, which is also a common problem among Chinese people.

We will not be like foreigners, say we like it when we like it, and express our feelings all the time.

They will only be silent, put all their feelings in their hearts, and then use actions to prove their love for you.

After walking out of the cinema, Zhang Sanli wanted to invite Chu Qing to dinner whatever he said, and he would not let go of Chu Qing's hand.

Although he had watched the movie "The Witness" before, watching Zhang Mo's performance again today still made his heart agitated.

For the first time in so many years, Zhang Sanli felt the feeling of having a successor!
This feeling even made him sink a little bit!From now on, in front of those old friends, I can finally speak up straight!

did you see it?My son, not trash!

(End of this chapter)

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