Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 341 "Thai Embarrassment"

Chapter 341 "Thai Embarrassment"

As soon as "The Witness" was released, it received praise from countless netizens, and its popularity grew wildly.

After all, before the film was released, those well-known film critics and the media had a lot of good things to say.

After the audience went to the cinema and watched it, they found that it was indeed a good movie, just as those film critics said.

Especially those fighting movements inside are not just any show, but two people punching each other to the flesh.

The audience also got to know 'Zhang Mo' again!
This person who everyone thought he was a dog S, suddenly refreshed everyone's perception of him!
Of course, this also required the hard work of the sailors hired by Chu Qing.

This time, Chu Qing spent more than 3000 million yuan just for hiring sailors and advertising!
Looking at it now, the money must have been spent in vain.

Zhang Mo's whole body seemed to be demented, curled up on the bed, covered with a quilt, flipping through the comments that praised him, laughing like a fool from time to time.

On the second day, the box office of the first day of "The Witness" was released!
The premiere box office, [-] million!
When this result came out, netizens were shocked.

In fact, the premiere box office of [-] million is not an exaggeration, and it is not uncommon to see movies that drive high and low.

But this "Witness" is definitely different!Didn't you see that 90.00% of the nine are all positive reviews on the Internet?

Zhang Mo was so excited that he couldn't find the north. This is the highest box office premiere ever since he made a movie!
Immediately without further ado, he called Chu Qing again, hoping to invite Chu Qing out for dinner.

Chu Qing didn't refuse either. Zhang Mo is his brother, so eating and drinking is nothing.

And on the second night, the Golden Bird Awards announced the shortlist this time.

Duan Peng and Zhang Mo in "The Witness" were selected together!
In just a few days, Zhang Mo has transformed from a cancer in the show business circle to a hot 'well-known acting school'!
Seeing this, Chu Qing teamed up with Zhang Sanli again to increase the enthusiasm for cleaning the ground!

Be sure to take advantage of this time to completely wash off Zhang Mo's stains and change his impression in the minds of netizens!

Zhang Mo's whitewashing means that for Chu Qing, there is an additional useful male artist in the company, and for Zhang Sanli, it is the hope for the future.

Both of them tried their best, and Zhang Mo cooperated very well, and even made a TV interview.

He expressed that he had a lot of feelings in this filming, and he is willing to donate all the salary he earned from this filming to the Hope Project!Help children in the mountains by giving them a chance to read!
When the show was broadcast, the name Zhang Mo instantly became conscientious.

This is also one of the tragedies of today's society. It only takes one "prodigal son" and some rhythm to turn a bad person into a good person.

Most of Huaxia's netizens have a herd mentality.

It doesn't matter what one person says, but when everyone is talking, if you don't say it, it seems that you will be isolated!

Zhang Mo, just because of a movie, turned over completely!
Seeing the growth of the box office, Chu Qing finally felt relieved and could put more experiences on "World War Zombies"!

For this movie, the investment has not yet arrived, and the preparation work still needs to be done for a long time, and now there is still a long time before the Spring Festival. He is considering whether to shoot a movie or an online drama during this time, which can be released during the Spring Festival. kind.

In these years, Chu Qing has won a good reputation in the hearts of the audience through the quality of the films she shoots.

Although it has not reached the stage where Chu Qing's products must be high-quality products, it is still not bad.

Especially the success of "City Hunter" last year gave him an idea about the big fat meat of the Spring Festival stalls.

I can be regarded as a director now, so why not compete with those big directors?Maybe it will be done!
Also because of the popularity of "The Witness", Chu Qing's popularity is not low now, especially in the circle.

Chu Qing just used "The Witness" to prove to those company artists that she is capable of training artists!

Before "The Witness" was released, several artist companies came to the door, hoping to cooperate with Chu Qing to make a movie.

From the script to the investment, as long as Chu Qing is willing to be the director, then choose anything else!
But Chu Qing gave up after reading their scripts.

"Evidence", "Sinner" and the like, don't put your enthusiasm on your face!

You can copy it as soon as you copy it. After you copy it, you still bring it in front of the original author, and let the original author be the director. Isn't it a bit too much?
Seeing this, Song Dawei simply refused to meet anyone and asked Chu Qing to write the script quietly.

Chu Qing began to think about which movie would be more suitable to shoot.

In the end he came up with a very good movie, "Lost in Thailand"!
Speaking of the "囧" series, Ren Zai Tu and Tai囧 are definitely the two most successful.

These two films were very popular at the time, and they could compete with the later "Detective Chinatown" series, and they were regarded as the two major IPs in the domestic comedy industry at that time.

The reason why Chu Qing chose this "Lost in Thailand" was because the cost of filming in Sawatika was low.

The second reason is that this drama is full of laughs and is very suitable for the whole family to watch together!

It is similar to the original "City Hunter"!

Chu Qing was even thinking about making a name for herself during the Spring Festival!
Let people develop the habit of watching their own movies during the Spring Festival, and only then can they be considered successful!
Just do it when you think about it. Movies like "Lost in Thailand" don't need to do complicated market research at all.

Just like "City Hunter", the strength of this kind of movie is that it is suitable for all ages, everyone can watch it!

Chu Qing quickly wrote the script, then drew the sub-shots, found the company assistant to make these into PPT, and then held a high-level meeting to prepare to shoot this movie!
After watching the PPT of "Lost in Thailand", the company's senior management almost passed the vote and decided to start shooting this movie.

Next, it's time to start casting!

In fact, choosing an actor is a very troublesome thing, especially for Chu Qing, a crew who can shoot as soon as they say it.

Generally speaking, for actors above the second tier, if you want to find someone to make a movie, you have to say hello a year in advance before they can arrange a schedule.

Of course, there are very rare cases, for example, if your book is so good that it shakes the world, then people may reject the scene and shoot you.

As for those directors who can't find suitable artists, or who don't have a schedule, they can only choose to promote newcomers!

But this is actually an extremely dangerous thing. Except for a few big directors, there are too few people who dare to do it.

The reason is also very simple. First, the newcomer has no box office appeal!

Second, newcomers are not stable enough and are prone to problems.

Third, the lack of experience of newcomers will prolong the shooting time, and for a crew, every day of delay is a sky-high fee!

(End of this chapter)

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