Chapter 343
The first person who walked in for an interview was an ugly star, who came to interview for the role of Wang Bao.

She definitely has no acting skills, but Chu Qing felt that this person was not suitable at a glance.

He is definitely qualified to be ugly and weird, but if he is to cause trouble, it is not very pleasing.

Then the second person, the third person, and until the last person was interviewed, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and finally found another suitable person!
This person's name is Wang Shu, and he is not too well-known in the circle. He was able to get to the second-tier position because of his professionalism over the years!

He has almost never acted as a male lead, but the audience has a deep impression of him in movies, and he belongs to the kind of actor who can steal the show.

Of course, this is not a derogation but a compliment.

Chu Qing immediately made a decision, and it was decided to be him!

Again, everyone is an adult, and if there is a suitable one, we should cooperate directly, so as not to waste other people's time.

What to say to let them go back and wait for their call, and then wait a few days before telling the other party that they are unqualified.

As a result, during the interview with bald Xu Lang, Chu Qing was a little puzzled.

He turned to Song Dawei and asked, "What's the situation? Didn't you say there were two people? Why is there only one?"

Song Dawei looked at the tablet and said, "Meng Yu didn't come. His agent expressed regret that he couldn't cooperate this time. He said that Meng Yu has a movie in hand and it will be released during the Spring Festival. He really has no way to do it."

Chu Qing shrugged, he didn't think much of it, anyway, these two bald actors are quite suitable.

The reason why the bald head is necessary is because Xu Lang is the best kind of character, and the well-known bald head is more stalking.

Now Ding Yibin was left alone, and Chu Qing didn't even think there was any need for an interview.

However, Han Jie said that everyone has come and prepared for several days. If you don't let him interview now, he will feel uncomfortable.

Chu Qing thought it was the same reason, so he simply called Ding Yibin out.

Although both of them are second-tier artists, Ding Yibin can't compare with Chu Qing in terms of identity, status, popularity, and assets, so Ding Yibin is more polite in front of Chu Qing.

"Hello three teachers, I am Ding Yibin who is here to interview Xu Lang"

"Hey, Mr. Ding, you are too polite. We can't be called teachers. Thank you very much for coming to the interview this time."

Chu Qing smiled very friendly, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

This is the smile he is the easiest to get close to others, which he has practiced through years of sales experience.

Han Jie also smiled and said, "That's right, we also hope to cooperate with a talented actor like you, Mr. Ding. So, please start. Which part does Mr. Ding plan to perform?"

Ding Yibin laughed and said, "I'm performing the scene where Wang Bao and Xu Lang fall into the river."

Chu Qing also laughed when she heard it, this section is definitely the one with the most laughs in the movie!
Chu Qing smiled and said, "Teacher Ding, do you need me to play?"

Ding Yibin didn't refuse, and it would be better if someone played with him.

Chu Qing picked up the script, found Wang Bao's part and said, "Sorry, big brother, I shot too hard."

Chu Qing's line is exactly the plot of the two fighting in the play, and Wang Bao kicked Xu Lang's teeth off.

After hearing this, Ding Yibin began to laugh maniacally, and he couldn't tell whether it was self-deprecating or a breakdown.

"Hahahaha, Journey to the West"

After he said this, his laughter became more intense, as if he had collapsed to the point of madness, feeling that he was extremely ridiculous.

Pointing at Chu Qing and laughing, "Red Boy! Hahahahaha"

"Crazy, crazy crazy"

Chu Qing acted for him again.

"I'm Tang Seng! Hahahaha"

But Xu Lang, who was still laughing wildly one second, burst into tears the next second.

Chu Qing suddenly pointed to his side and said, "Don't move!"

Ding Yibin still cried, "Let me cry for a while!"

Chu Qing's voice was also a little anxious: "Don't move!"

Ding Yibin raised his head and glanced at Chu Qing, then slowly turned around and looked behind him. When his face turned around, all the wild laughter and crying were gone, and his face was full of horror!

Here in the original book, a cobra bit Xu Lang.

But there is no need to act in the future anymore, just the switching of the three emotions during this period can already prove Ding Yibin's strength.

He is perfect for the role!

Chu Qing didn't say any more nonsense, got up quickly and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Ding, I hope we can have a happy cooperation"

Ding Yibin said with a surprised expression, "I passed?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded: "Of course, your acting skills are amazing, this role is almost tailor-made for you!"

Ding Yibin wiped away his tears, he really shed tears during the crying scene just now.

Chu Qing stepped forward, shook hands with Ding Yibin, and said, "Mr. Ding, we can prepare to sign the contract now. In addition, you have to ask your agent to prepare a visa and passport for the country of Sawadika."

Ding Yibin nodded with a smile, without any hesitation, he signed a contract with Bright Entertainment.

On October [-]st, it was time to go to Sawadika to shoot a movie, with a three-month contract.

Moreover, Ding Yibin promised that he would be able to re-shoot the crew three times for free later, which is not bad.

When Wang Cong heard that Chu Qing was going to film abroad, he was a little anxious. He hurried to the company to ask, if Chu Qing went out to film, what would happen to the movie they collaborated on.

His company is about to sell, and the other party is already preparing money, one billion, and it will be credited immediately!
After hearing this, Chu Qing said with a smile that a movie worth one billion yuan cannot be shot with just one hand.

There are a lot of things that need to be prepared in the early stage, including some real scenes and other things, which need to be prepared.

There are also ships, airplanes, group performers who play zombies, and even special effects makeup artists, studios, etc., all need to be prepared in advance, and the filming will start after the Spring Festival next year, which will be considered fast.

Wang Cong is also reasonable, but he said that this time he will follow Chu Qing and the others to Sawadika country, on the one hand, it is for travel and relaxation.

On the other hand, I also feel in advance what it feels like to be a producer.

Chu Qing said no problem, but there is one condition, that is, no women are allowed to go there!
It's okay for him to find him in Sawadika, but he can't let those people have contact with the crew.

Young Master Wang shrugged his shoulders, saying that there is no problem at all. When did Young Master Wang lack a woman?Ever since I was a child, I have lived among women.

In this way, time slowly came to September, and the movie "The Witness" was off the shelves!
Total box office, 28 billion!

Chu Qing was very satisfied when she saw the box office.

The total investment of this film is less than [-] million, and the most expensive actor is Xiangjiang Xiaohua, and the salaries of the remaining two brothers are not high.

More investment was used by Chu Qing for publicity, and now the box office clearly proves how correct his choice is!

(End of this chapter)

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