Chapter 344
Chu Qing has long understood a truth, that is, no matter how good-looking a movie is, it is not as important as good publicity!
Of course, the quality of the movie should not be too bad, after all, the audience is not blind.

As soon as Zhang Mo knew about the box office, he clamored to invite Chu Qing to dinner, choosing any restaurant in Yanjing!

Chu Qing was a little speechless, and thought to herself, do you know what is so happy about the box office?All the money is in my bag!

Um, you can't say that, because the money has not yet been warmed up, and Jiang Shaoan has to take it away to open a branch.

This also has to say something about Jiang Shaoan's ability to handle affairs!
The speed of opening theater branches is faster than others opening milk tea shops!
And he is really good at choosing the venue. After renting the venue, he can make a profit in less than three months. He just has this ability!

But this is not what Chu Qing thinks is the most powerful, the most powerful thing about him is crying poor!
That guy, Chu Qing really can't see any money in his hands!
All the money, as long as it is in his hands, will be turned into various resources for you in minutes!
Speaking of the theater distribution of the last movie, Chu Qing went over to ask, and Jiang Shaoan took him directly to a map in the office, pointing to a few small red dots on the map.

"It's turned into a movie theater, the employees are all hired, and work will start right away, are you happy?"

What else can Chu Qing say?Who told me to agree when I hired someone else!

But Chu Qing also asked, when will the cinema be opened like this, and it is impossible to keep opening it endlessly!
Jiang Shaoan laughed as soon as he heard it, and said that in terms of China's market, the theater chain is still far from being saturated. If you don't take advantage of this time to seize the market, and wait for the film industry to take off in the future, it will not be easy to seize it!
What he wants to do is to dominate the whole country!
Let [Bright Cinema] become the leading movie theater in China, and even drew a big cake for Chu Qing, and they will be able to decide the number of films scheduled for that time!

If you want to suppress that movie, just don't arrange the movie for him and it's over!
And for the good movies of your own company, it would be nice to increase the number of films scheduled?

Chu Qingming knew that this was a big cake, but he ate it anyway. He admitted that his heart was moved!

Not having a sword, and not having a sword are two different things!

When the time came to mid-September, all of Wang Cong's funds had arrived!

Once you have money, the rest will be easy to handle.

Chu Qing held a meeting in the company and promoted many staff members to be in charge of the film's early stage preparations!
The company's talents are not small, and there are some channels and connections before. With sufficient money, everyone is full of enthusiasm!

After all, who doesn't like a promotion and a raise?And if you want to be promoted and raise your salary, you have to have a certain opportunity, and now this is the opportunity!

There are always many vacancies in a new company. If you don’t show yourself well at this time, when will you show yourself?
For a while, contact the special effects makeup artist to study the special effects makeup and study the venue to find the venue.

Chu Qing was preparing to participate in the Golden Bird Awards.

This time, the crew of "The Witness" has been shortlisted for four awards!

Chu Qing alone was shortlisted for two awards, namely the Best Screenplay Award and the Best Director Award!

Then, both Zhang Mo and Duan Peng were shortlisted for Best Actor!

What Chu Qing didn't expect was that the actor who played Xin Ye was also shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actor Award.

Duan Peng was a little excited at first, but then he calmed down, because he and Chu Qing both knew that the best actor this time was either not the crew of "The Witness".

As long as it is given to the "Witness" crew, then Zhang Mo must be the best actor!

Chu Qing couldn't bear to see his good brother like this, and secretly decided in his heart that he must give Duan Peng a good movie then!Then I will help to run it again to see if I can get the actor!
This time, the time for the Golden Bird Awards has been moved up a bit. On September 25, it will be officially held in Xiamen.

Chu Qing packed all her luggage, and then flew directly to Sawadika after attending the awards ceremony.

On the 24th, Zhang Sanli took Chu Qing and his party on the plane to Xiamen.

Since Chu Qing finished filming "The Witness", he can clearly feel that Zhang Sanli's family has a different attitude towards him, in short, they are more cordial.

His wife often asked him when he would get married, and when she knew that Yin Tao had no father or mother, she even took Yin Tao as her goddaughter!
It's just that in this way, Zhang Mo's kid will no longer be called brother, but brother-in-law long and brother-in-law short all day long.

After the group arrived at Xiamen, Zhang Sanli didn't let them stay in the hotel arranged by the organizer, but went directly to a more luxurious hotel.

Chu Qing repeatedly said no need, but Zhang Sanli insisted on going.

In fact, Chu Qing's perception of hotels is really slow, as long as the environment is cleaner and the beds are cleaner, he thinks it will be fine.

And he also understood why Zhang Sanli did this, Zhang Sanli just wanted to show his importance to him through actions!
The elder gave him the gift, but he dared not resign, so in the end Chu Qing had no choice but to agree.

On September 25th, early in the morning, a make-up artist who made an appointment came to make up.

The stylists have already been prepared, but Chu Qing has clothing endorsements, so they can't be used for clothing matching.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the organizer's car came to the hotel to pick them up and they rushed to the ceremony venue together.

After arriving at the venue where the ceremony was held, Zhang Mo, Chu Qing, and Xin Ye rode in a car, while Zhang Sanli and his wife rode in a car.

After waiting for the people in front to enter, the driver drove slowly on the red carpet and arrived at the entrance of the ceremony.

"The next one to get off the bus, I believe everyone must know him, he is the hottest dark horse in the past two years! The owner of [Bright Entertainment] who claims to be safe in filming, a well-known artist in China, Chu Qing!"

"But today he is not attending the ceremony as an artist, but as a director!"

"On the left side of his body is Mr. Zhang Mo, who was shortlisted for the best actor this year. Mr. Zhang Mo's superb acting skills in "The Witness" have won a lot of praise from the audience."

This time on the red carpet, Chu Qing didn't walk too fast.

If it was only him, Chu Qing must have entered the arena by now.

But Zhang Mo and Xin Ye didn't walk fast, obviously enjoying the feeling of being under the camera. It's not easy for them to have such an opportunity, so why should they spoil the scenery?
Zhang Mo looked very excited, because he heard the voice of his fans for the first time!
When he was walking in front, there were fans shouting his name all around.

Although the voice was too low compared to the one calling Chu Qing, he still heard it.

For the first time, he had the feeling of being sought after!

Waiting for the three of them to finish walking the red carpet, the host at the door almost finished introducing the three of them.

After the three of them greeted the host, they walked into the ceremony venue under the leadership of the staff.

(End of this chapter)

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