Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 345 Best Director Award

Chapter 345 Best Director Award
The Golden Bird Award is almost the most important award among the three gold awards.

Therefore, the number of guests is not small. At a glance, they are either first-tier or second-tier, and there are even two super-tier ones, sitting in the front row, enjoying the compliments from the people around them.

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

But there is only one sentence in his mind, it's not enough!
It's not enough now, sooner or later he will be like those people, no!Do better than them!

As soon as I walked into the venue, everyone's eyes were on me, and they all came over to say hello to me!

The venue was somewhat dark, and no one noticed the ambition in Chu Qing's eyes.

Under the leadership of the staff, the three sat down in the second row, surrounded by some first- and second-tier actors, and Chu Qing chatted with them very familiarly.

It didn't take a few minutes before Zhang Sanli and his wife walked in, and immediately many people stood up and went over to say hello.

I don't know if it was specially arranged by the organizer. Zhang Sanli sat in the first row, just in front of Chu Qing and the others.

After waiting for Zhang Sanli to sit down, two more 60-year-old veteran artists entered the venue.

These two people were also sitting in the first row, sitting next to Zhang Sanli.

"Hahahaha, good you Zhang Sanli, this time you are proud, your son is nominated for the best actor, is this a double actor?"

Zhang Sanli was happy when he heard someone praise his son, his face was full of wrinkles.

But with so many people around, you still have to be humble.

"Hahaha, it's just for playing. The two brothers are playing with themselves. Who would have thought that they would really make a fuss?"

After Zhang Sanli finished speaking, he turned around and said, "Qingzi, Xiaomo, get up and let Uncle take a look."

Without even thinking about it, Chu Qing and Zhang Mo hurriedly got up and shook hands with the two old artists.

Zhang Sanli pretended to be modest and said: "This one is my apprentice and future son-in-law, and the other one is my son. When you meet in the future, please take care of me."

"Hahaha, Lao Zhang, what are you talking about! They are your son and son-in-law, that is, my nephew, can my family not take care of them?"

"Yes, they are all from our own family, and we don't speak two different languages."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Chu Qing also smiled softly, and Zhang Mo did the same.

In the world of adults, no matter what you think in your heart, you must learn to speak on the spot.

In the face of lack of absolute strength, don't say things that embarrass everyone.

People carry people in bridal sedan chairs, of course offending them is not as beneficial as complimenting them.

At eleven o'clock at noon, the awards ceremony officially began!
This awards ceremony will also be broadcast live on the Internet. Fang Chuqing is no stranger to the live broadcast. It is the place where he made his debut,!
At this point, I have to praise, their network is really very wide.

Not only this kind of awards ceremony, but also some domestic and foreign sports competitions, challenge competitions, etc., they can find channels and obtain copyrights.

What they focused on at the beginning was comprehensive!

This point is completely incomparable to [Guangming Video], or incomparable to the current Guangming Video.

As for the future, whoever said it well, at least Chu Qing is not a person who likes to be the second!

When Qin Shihuang annexed the six countries, would he think that it would be okay to annex one or two?

The award ceremony was still the same two hosts, a man and a woman. They first introduced today's guests on the stage.

As the finalists, Chu Qing and Zhang Mo were naturally mentioned.

Immediately afterwards, the awards ceremony officially began, and the awards were presented one by one. The winners were also very reserved, and almost no tears were shed on the spot.

Zhang Mo seemed a little nervous, Chu Qing was sitting next to him, in the cool hall, Chu Qing actually saw him sweating.

Logically speaking, Zhang Sanli is also an old artist, and he is used to this kind of award ceremony.

But this time, he was also extremely nervous, and his joints could be seen turning white when he clenched his hands into fists.

Time has come to the award nominated by Chu Qing, the Best Screenplay Award!

But this time, Chu Qing was unexpectedly defeated, but Chu Qing was not only not disappointed, but rather happy.

Because of Guoguo's urination according to the ranking of the conference, if he didn't get the best screenwriter, he had a high probability of getting the best director!

Which of these two awards is more important is self-evident.

Subsequently, the best actress award was presented, which was taken away by a veteran female artist in the industry.

This person is definitely a show star, he lived up to Chu Qing's expectations, and shed tears on the spot, attracting countless attentions.

Chu Qing was almost certain that after the Golden Bird Awards, she would definitely attract a certain amount of attention, but whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, that was hard to say.

Then came the Best Director award.

"The shortlist for this year's Best Director Award is "The Witness"! Chu Qing!"

Following the host's words, a still photo of "The Witness" appeared on the big screen, and a small video frame below it, in which Chu Qing looked like at the scene.

Chu Qing smiled softly, with a tepid look on her face.

The screen on the big screen switched, this time it was a female director.

"The shortlist for this year's Best Director Award is "Lost"! Xiao Dongdong!"

Xiao Dongdong is almost fifty years old this year, but he is well maintained, and he can't tell it at all.

It was followed by a third director, a fourth director, and a fifth.

Don't look at Chu Qing who is as stable as an old dog on the surface, but in fact he is panicking in his heart.

He was still laughing at Zhang Mo in his heart before, isn't he just a movie king?So caring?
But when it came to him, a best director made his heart beat wildly.

Just like the previous rules, the person who is in charge of the best director award is the person who won the best director award last year.

The last time he won the Golden Bird Award for Best Director was Kang Liang, a veteran director.

He has won many awards in his life, and he belongs to the kind of person who can be recorded in textbooks!
The old man is no longer young, his hair is gray and he wears a pair of reading glasses. He looks like a tiger when he walks. After he came to the stage, he didn't talk nonsense. He opened the envelope and looked at it with a smile.

"The one who won the Golden Bird Award for Best Director is Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing's heartbeat in the audience not only did not become stable, but became even more violent!

He took two deep breaths, got up and hugged Zhang Mo and Zhang Sanli before walking to the stage.

He was a little nervous before going on stage, but the moment he stepped on the stage, his heart was exceptionally quiet.

One of Chu Qing's characteristics is that the bigger the scene, the quieter his heart is.

He may be nervous before a game or an exam, but when something happens, he will be in the mood right away!
When Chu Qing came to the stage, he first hugged Kang Liang, and then accepted the best director trophy from him.

The host waved his hand, indicating that he could speak.

Chu Qing walked to the microphone and said with a smile: "."

(End of this chapter)

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