Chapter 346 Movie Emperor!

"I'm surprised, I'm really surprised, I didn't expect that I could get such a prestigious award!"

When Chu Qing said a word, many people in the audience laughed out loud. Chu Qing waved his hand and said, "I will continue to work hard and try my best to create better works for Huaxia Films! I am confident and have a good team! "

"To tell you the truth, next year, our company will have a big-budget movie with an investment of over one billion yuan!"

As soon as Chu Qing said this, many people in the audience exclaimed!

There are not many movies with an investment of more than one billion yuan in the whole network!
[Bright Entertainment] It's only been a few years since it was created, is it possible to prepare such a big movie now?

They were very surprised, and many people were even more surprised that Chu Qing's acceptance speech was actually an advertisement for his own company.
They could already imagine that after the conference, Chu Qing's coquettish operation would definitely attract a lot of attention!
Chu Qing waved to the cameras in the audience and said, "I know there will be audiences to watch again now! Believe me, the movies produced by Bright Entertainment will never let you down!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she bowed and stepped down.

After walking back to his seat, Zhang Sanli smiled and said, "You boy, what kind of crooked trend is this, such a big stage, and you actually put up an advertisement on it?"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "The investment next year is too big, as long as it is an opportunity for publicity, I don't want to miss it."

Zhang Sanli nodded with a smile. What he said just now was just a joke among the elders, and he didn't feel embarrassed.

"Next, there are those who will be shortlisted for the best actor!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Mo and Duan Peng became nervous instantly!
Although Duan Peng knew that he had no chance, what if?What if?
Zhang Mo also thinks this way, although he has a high probability, but what if?What if?
Seeing the nervousness of the two, Chu Qing relaxed instead. Anyway, no matter who wins Best Actor, he is the beneficiary. After all, these two are artists in his studio.

"The best actor is shortlisted! "Lost"! Zhao Xinhai!"

A towering unfinished building appeared on the big screen, and a man in a beige windbreaker stood on the roof, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance and smiling.

"What a beautiful city! It is as beautiful as a maze, which fascinates people, but makes countless people get lost in its beauty!"

"The best actor is shortlisted! "Go to the Mountain"! Wu Haibo!"

The screen switched again. A handsome man in a white suit was walking in the night rain with a bunch of roses in his hand.

It was raining heavily, and his eyes were so red that it was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears.

The narration sounded at this moment.

"If the mountain doesn't come to you, you can go to the mountain"

"But just because you like this mountain, it doesn't belong to you"

Every time the big screen switches, there will be applause from the audience.

Zhang Mo was already excited enough to breathe. Seeing this, Chu Qing had already created a picture in his mind.

Needless to say, if this grandson wins the award, he will definitely perform a tearful stage for him every minute.

"The best actor shortlist is "Adult's Choice"! Ye Xin!"

The screen switched again. In an office building, all the other offices were turned off, and only one office was still lit.

A middle-aged man was sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard.

The expression on his face was very strange, and it was impossible to tell whether he was crying or laughing.

"The best actor shortlist is "The Witness"! Duan Peng!"

Chu Qing could see Duan Peng's body froze suddenly, and he clenched his fists tightly.

The scene on the big screen changed to the scene where Duan Peng hugged the little girl's 'corpse' and cried heart-rendingly.

In this scene, Chu Qing also used item cards at the beginning, and Duan Peng played very well.

"The best actor shortlist is "The Witness"! Zhang Mo!"

This is the last finalist, and the clip on the big screen is a shot of Zhang Mo holding his wife's hands on the hospital bed.

At this moment, Chu Qing clearly heard Zhang Sanli and Zhang Mo's breathing became heavier!
Although they all understand that this award will be given to them with a high probability, but what if?
Before things are implemented, no one is 100% sure!
On the stage, the host announced that because the previous Best Actor was filming abroad and couldn't come, the best actor award this time will be presented by Zhang Sanli!
Zhang Sanli obviously knew the news in advance. Amidst the sound of music, he stepped onto the stage steadily.

But Chu Qing and other familiar people can still see that the old man is nervous, not to mention anything else, he walks a little smoothly
Zhang Sanli, who walked onto the stage, took the security box, then took the envelope inside and opened it, just glanced at it, and couldn't maintain the indifferent expression on his face.

"Congratulations, Zhang Mo!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience stood up and applauded!

Father and son are on the same stage, the father is the old actor, and the son is the new actor!

Isn't this a kind of inheritance?

Zhang Mo burst into tears with excitement, hugged Chu Qing fiercely, and kept saying thank you, thank you!
After waiting for him to walk onto the stage, Chu Qing saw Duan Peng's shoulders slump.

He was discouraged.

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, grabbed his shoulders and said, "At the latest next year!"

Chu Qing only said these four words, but Duan Peng could hear the meaning clearly!
The tacit understanding between the two for many years, there are some things that need not be said in depth!

Chu Qing patted him on the shoulder, saying nothing.

Before walking onto the stage, Zhang Mo wiped away his tears, and strode up to his father.

He can't wait for a moment!

This is his most satisfactory answer to his first 30 years.

Zhang Mo stretched out his hand to hold the trophy, but found that his father didn't seem to want to let go!
Zhang Mo pulled again, and sure enough, his father's grip was so tight that he couldn't pull it out at all!
This scene was seen by many people in the audience, and they immediately burst into laughter.

Only then did Zhang Sanli wake up, but he was an old man after all, so he gently put the trophy in Zhang Mo's hands.

Before Zhang Mo could say anything about his acceptance speech, he spoke first.

"Forgive me, everyone. I am really getting old. When I saw Zhang Mo coming to accept the award just now, I suddenly thought of me 30 years ago. I was just as energetic. I felt that I would definitely stand out in the future!"

"Hey, I'm really irresistible. In a blink of an eye, I'm at this age. If I don't dye my hair, it will be more than half white."

As soon as these words came out, many artists in the audience were a little bit embarrassed.

In the actor industry, elimination is actually the fastest!

A new generation replaces the old, never out of date!
Newcomers have passion, enthusiasm, low price, and value opportunities!Why don't such people use it?

Therefore, when the value of old artists declines and there is no box office appeal.

So sorry, you can be laid off!

Go back and wait for a new director to come out and ask you to make a movie.

(End of this chapter)

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