Chapter 347 Sawadika
Zhang Sanli didn't say much, after all, this was his son's glorious moment, and of course he couldn't take more of it.

He gave up his position and wanted to step down silently, but Zhang Mo grabbed his wrist.

Zhang Mo said with a smile: "Dad, you don't need to go down. I can have today, and it has a lot to do with your efforts."

Zhang Mo's expression was very serious, he first waved the trophy in his hand to the audience, and then smiled.

"To be honest, I never thought that I could get such an important award before, even in my dreams, I never dared to dream like this, but now it has become a reality!"

"The boss of our company, Chu Qing, came to me and said that there was a movie in his hand that was very suitable for me. He asked me to play a villain in it, and said that he had a chance to win the best actor."

"I thought to myself, don't be funny, how can I not understand what I am?"

Hearing Zhang Mo's self-mockery, no one in the audience dared to laugh out loud. After all, Zhang Sanli is still on the stage!

It's okay for people to laugh at themselves, but if you have to go along with it, that means your EQ is low!
"And after I joined the crew, I believed it! He really helped me a lot, and he even taught me how to play this role!"

"I believe that if he plays this role by himself, he will definitely be more amazing than mine!"

It was time for the camera to show Chu Qing in the audience. Chu Qing still had a gentle smile on his face, clasped his hands together, and made a modest gesture.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo said with a smile: "In my life, there are only two people I admire the most. One is my father! He has been my idol since I was a child! The other is Chu Qing. He made me find the meaning of life!"

After Zhang Mo finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Zhang Sanli seriously.

"Dad! My son has grown up! I won't let you worry about it anymore!"

"The child you care about the most will become your pride!"

These words completely broke Zhang Sanli's defense.

At the moment I am in tears, and I don't care about my image anymore.

He didn't cry, and he didn't wail.

It's just that the tears flowed non-stop like tap water with the valve turned on.

At this time, the cameras all turned to their father and son, and Chu Qing knew clearly that after the Golden Bird Awards ended, the female artist's crying and his advertising were useless.

The hottest one must be the father-son relationship between Zhang Mo and Zhang Sanli!
After the Golden Bird Awards, Zhang Sanli waved his hand and invited everyone to join his son's celebration banquet!

Except for some entertainers and directors who really didn't have time, everyone chose to participate.

After all, this is an afternoon. Wouldn't it be a pleasure to get online with Zhang Sanli or Chu Qing in this afternoon?

Needless to say, the benefits of being on the line with Zhang Sanli, Zhang Sanli definitely contributed a lot to Chu Qing's success today.

But what they most want to know now is Chu Qing!
Who doesn't have two incompetent juniors?
Those juniors who made them feel headaches and couldn't train them, now let them see hope!
Even a bastard like Zhang Mo can turn his prodigal son back, and even won the best actor, so why can't their children?

Zhang Mo is the best advertisement!

In this way, Chu Qing has become a favorite in the circle without knowing it.

Needless to say, those who have younger generations at home, even those who have small fresh meat in the company have come to them one after another, and they already have the posture of treating Chu Qing as a training institution.

At the bar, the cafes in the circle exchanged contact information with each other, and then came the bragging session that everyone loves to hear.

This one says what kind of big plan I have for next year, and that one says what kind of big production I have in the past two years.

In short, it just means that it is not easy to ask me to make a film, I am worth a lot!

But no one said this in front of Chu Qing. After all, what Chu Qing said at the awards party before, I have a movie with a billion investment next year was too shocking!

The big productions they talk about are all superficial.

But when Chu Qing said one billion investment, it must be one billion investment!
After all, this is a player who used 100 million yuan to make a movie and dared to be transparent about all the expenses. He will never lie, especially when so many people say it.

After eating, Chu Qing led the crew on the plane to Sawatika that night, ready to officially film "囧囧 in Thailand"!
Song Dawei had already arranged the itinerary, and after the group got off the bus, someone was already waiting.

Because the crew was filming this time abroad, Song Dawei specially hired two security companies, one is Huaxia's security company, and the other is a local company in Sawatika.

When the local government heard that Huaxia was going to shoot a movie, it was very supportive, especially after Song Dawei said that he could pay enough for the venue.

He even said that as long as they come to shoot, those tourist attractions such as places of interest and historic sites can be blocked for a few days and used exclusively for them to shoot!
This is also the reason why domestic production crews like to come to Sawadika country to film in the past few years. Not only do they have nothing to eat and get cards, but they will relax the policy to the greatest extent!

Of course, they also have their purpose, that is tourism!
After all, Chinese tourists are well-known and rich all over the world!

They hope to use the beautiful scenery that appears in the movie to attract Chinese people. As long as Chinese people come to travel and drive the local tourism industry, then what's the point?

They can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

Out of the airport, followed the convoy into the car and went straight to the hotel.

Wang Cong has been here many times, and with the exhaustion of traveling by plane, he seems to have no energy.

Leaning on the chair and yawning, "When will work start?"

Song Dawei held the tablet and said, "Work starts on October [-]st. In the past two days, the staff and actors have just familiarized themselves with the shooting environment, and we have to have some dinner with some local people to get to know each other."

Wang Cong yawned and said, "Can I not go?"

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "You are one of the nominal producers!"

Wang Cong could only nod his head, then turned to look at Chu Qing and said, "Let's go out to play at night!"

Chu Qing shook her head resolutely, thinking, are you an idiot?Didn't you see that Yin Tao is still beside me?

In fact, he misunderstood Young Master Wang. Young Master Wang actually saw it, but he didn't care!

He has too many girlfriends, but he really doesn't have any who are in love with each other!Never took them seriously.

Seeing Chu Qing shaking his head, he looked at Song Dawei again.

Song Dawei also shook his head firmly and said: "I'm not going either, and you can't go either. You have to keep fit. There's a dinner tomorrow. After the dinner is over, you can go together."

Wang Cong curled his lips and said, "Drinking with them has a fart meaning, I can't even understand what they're talking about."

(End of this chapter)

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