Chapter 348 Shooting

The car quickly arrived at the hotel. The hotel was of average size, not the best hotel, simply because it was relatively close to the film crew and the shooting location.

Wang Cong looked disgusted when he saw this, but he didn't say anything to refuse.

Everyone traveled long distances and was exhausted. After arriving at the hotel, they had nothing to say all night and slept soundly.

At noon the next day, Song Dawei led the interpreter and took Chu Qing and others to the agreed hotel.

When they arrived, some local leaders had already arrived.

Seeing this, Chu Qing went up to greet her with a smile, speaking the purest 'savadhika', and even had some local accents. Everyone who heard it was pleasantly surprised.

A person who was clearly the leader smiled and patted Chu Qing on the shoulder: "I never thought that Mr. Chu could speak our language, and it was so standard. Has Mr. Chu ever lived in our country?"

Chu Qing smiled and shook her head: "Not really, but I like the culture of Sawadika very much, so I taught myself some at home."

As soon as this remark made the other party feel extra respectful, the smile on his face became more sincere, but Song Dawei, Wang Cong and others behind him were all shocked and confused.

I wonder what's going on here?How can this still speak Sawadhika Mandarin?
Song Dawei was even thinking, if I knew you had this ability, I would have hired a fucking translator!

Let Chu Qing do this, and the atmosphere immediately improved a lot.

It didn't take long for the other party to hook up with Chu Qing, looking like a good brother.

Chu Qing introduced Han Jie, Song Dawei, Wang Cong and others to them. The local translators were dumbfounded. If it weren't for the difference between the elders, he would have doubted whether Chu Qing was from their country of Sawadika. .

Everyone had a great time at this dinner.

The technology in this world is developing well. Song Dawei, Wang Cong and others all have translation earphones. Whatever the other party says can be translated into Chinese with a delay of two or three seconds.

But this time I hired a translator, firstly because of showing respect and sincerity, and secondly because I was afraid of accidents.

After all, with a machine like this, no one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

After a few days of communication, Chu Qing won a lot of policy conditions and was able to leave a sum of money for the crew.

This is the benefit of the Adult Wine Bureau, but at the same time, Chu Qing also promised to sponsor a school of the other party!This made the other party very grateful.

But in fact, Chu Qing didn't even pay fifty Huaxia coins.

In the world, China's labor force is the cheapest, but in fact, it is just an illusion caused by the large number of people in China.

The price of labor in Savadika is far lower than that in Huaxia!

This is also the reason why many large Chinese factories will build their factories in Sawadika.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to October [-]st. After the movie starts and worships God, the filming officially starts!
Both Ding Yibin and Wang Shu cherished this opportunity very much, and worked extra hard when acting.

Chu Qing naturally needless to say, although his scenes are not too many, but the whole character makes Chu Qing's performance extremely plump!

As long as it is a scene with Chu Qing, there is no NG, almost all of them are one-off.

Chu Qing's acting ability also amazed everyone present!

Han Jie didn't let go of this opportunity, bragging about Jia Anli with everyone!

Chu Qing didn't want Han Jie to be the director anymore, he really felt that Han Jie would have a better future in the HR department!
The people he recruits are guaranteed to be loyal!

Comedy, the filming is still very smooth.

At the beginning, everyone was somewhat worried. The so-called people who leave their hometowns are cheap. After leaving the country, everyone has no sense of security.

Although Song Dawei found two security companies, these artists and staff still felt a little unsafe.

If this kind of mental backlog persists for a long time, problems will definitely arise.

So after every few days of filming, Chu Qing will arrange for everyone to go on a team building trip!

This is a relatively rare thing among domestic production crews, no, it is relatively rare among international production crews. After all, after the production crew starts work, the time wasted is money!
How many people would waste money for the actor's mood?
Chu Qing actually didn't have many roles in the movie. After the actors were familiar with each other, Chu Qing asked Han Jie to shoot his own scenes first, so as to liberate himself in the movie.

Afterwards, Chu Qing acted as Han Jie's assistant and became the assistant director.

With Chu Qing's help, the shooting progress was much faster again.

Moreover, there were occasional small jokes during the filming, which were also added into the film by Chu Qing.

The biggest problem during filming was that the actors laughed too easily.

Wang Cong is even more like a second idiot. He doesn't even go to the nightclub every day, but walks around the crew, and his exaggerated laughter can be heard everywhere.

"Hahahaha, this hang, this hang!"

"Oops, I rub it, hahahahaha"

"What the hell is this, who came up with this book? I can't do it, I can't do it"

"Chu Qing! I want to invest! I want to invest in this movie too! It's so fucking funny, hahahaha"

This guy's laughter was incomparably loud, and the ensemble performers from Sawadika Kingdom were dumbfounded.

Chu Qing was also a little speechless, thinking what's wrong with this child, is it because of some kind of stimulation?

Later, it really annoyed Chu Qing so much that Chu Qing simply found two producers and asked them to chatter around Wang Cong every day and train him!
Chu Qing's strategy was undoubtedly successful. In two and a half days, Wang Cong was terrified of the crew!

Resolutely shifted the target, led the translator and a team of security guards out to wander.

Chu Qing expressed his satisfaction.

That's right, if you don't go wandering around in this status, wouldn't you ruin your reputation?How will you mess around in the world of the rich second generation in the future? What will you let other rich second generations think of you!
Chu Qing took the time to shoot, while Song Dawei returned to China, began to choose a location, and started to build a shooting location!
After all, "Thailand Lost" is just a small head, and the real big head is "World War Zombies"!
This time Song Dawei returned to China to set up a shooting location, and secondly, to discuss cooperation with some foreign film and television companies through relationships.

After all, it is still difficult for such a large-scale movie to make money at the box office in its own country.

For this reason, when selecting the actors for "World War Zombies", Chu Qing used a lot of foreign faces, both eastern and western faces, just to open up foreign markets!
In recent years, the films shot by Chu Qing have also been abroad, but most of the time they are in Asia, such as Bangzi Country or Wa Country.

There are almost no films going to the West. This time, with a cost of one billion yuan, Chu Qing will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and must promote it abroad.

And the time is spent leisurely like this~
(End of this chapter)

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