Chapter 349

Time came to December in a blink of an eye, and we have been shooting for two months.

With the two months of contact, everyone has become more and more tacit, and the progress is very fast during the shooting.

But Chu Qing was getting more and more tired, and she had too much time to worry about every day.

Speaking of which, he really hasn't had a good rest in the past two years.

But he doesn't regret it, because he is still young at the moment, if he works hard now, then wait until he is old to exert his strength?
After a busy day, after returning to the hotel, Chu Qing lay limp on the sofa, he didn't even want to take a bath.

After stretching for a while, my eyes could hardly be opened.

At this time, a pair of small hands stretched out on the sofa and gently pressed his head.

Chu Qing knew who it was without looking up.

Yin Tao didn't know when she was already standing behind the sofa, she lightly pressed his head and said, "I've never seen any assistant director work so hard in filming."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "How many directors have you met?"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she gently grabbed her hand and said, "Thank you for bringing you abroad."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If I'm not by your side, there won't even be a single person around you who knows the cold and the hot."

Yin Tao continued to press his head for him and said: "I don't have as many abilities as you, and I can't help you, so I can support you in my heart."

Chu Qing let out a long breath and said: "This is enough, as long as I know, you are always here."

This must be the same for most men.

They don't have much demand for their own material life, but they only want the best for their wives and children.

In the last life, Lu Datou once asked when interviewing Mr. Guo.

"What do you do now that you earn so much money but don't have time to enjoy it"

Teacher Guo's answer is: "I can let my wife enjoy it instead of me."

This is a man's heart, as long as you can get it, that man is willing to suffer for you!
Yin Tao pressed Chu Qing's head, fingering gently.

When Chu Qing was about to fall asleep, she patted Chu Qing's shoulder lightly and said, "Go to sleep and have a good rest."

Chu Qing took a deep breath and stood up, turning her head to meet Yin Tao's eyes.

"Taozi, let's get married next year."

Yin Tao looked at him, her eyes turned red, and then she nodded heavily.

"Cut! The actor is in the wrong mood, Mr. Ding, this paragraph needs to show Xu Lang's inner transformation, from an anxious middle-aged man who desperately wants to make a career and save his marriage, to let go and understand such a process of life”

"Your emotional transition is too sudden, giving people a feeling of going directly from A to D, too abrupt, without the transition of BC"

Chu Qing called out Ka, and walked up to Ding Yibin.

Ding Yibin's attitude was very good, and he hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry Director Chu, I didn't handle this part well."

Chu Qing smiled and waved her hands and said, "Take a rest first, don't be in a hurry, this period really needs a process of transformation, you did a good job just now, but you were a little anxious, and you almost missed your limits"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he patted Ding Yibin on the shoulder and said, "I'll play a part, and see if you can get any insights."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he directly acted for a while. Ding Yibin is a good actor. After seeing Chu Qing's performance, he immediately found his own shortcomings, quickly adjusted his mentality, and gave Chu Qing an expression that he must be fine this time.

Chu Qing smiled and patted him on the shoulder again, then gestured OK to Han Jie behind him.

Han Jie picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Every department is going to do it again!"

This group of staff who went abroad with them were all carefully selected in the company, each of them had strong working ability, and they entered the working state very quickly.

Waiting for the second shooting, Ding Yibin obviously grasped the feeling, and it was over after shooting once!

Chu Qing was also very satisfied with his performance just now, while other members of the crew lamented that Chu Qing's ability to guide actors is too strong!

The most powerful point is that he can perform all the characters in the play!Give you a template for acting, just follow this template to learn.

Today's filming task is not heavy, and the crew has already called it a day before it got dark.

After everyone returned to the hotel, Wang Shu found Chu Qing.

"What's wrong, Wang Shu?"

Chu Qing didn't know why Wang Shu came to find him, so he poured black tea for the two of them himself.

After taking a sip, Wang Shu said, "Mr. Chu, it's really an honor to cooperate with you this time. That's it. My contract with our company is about to expire, and I want to join you!"

Chu Qing was taken aback, he really didn't expect this, but of course he welcomes a capable actor like Wang Shu.

The most important point is that his contract is about to expire, instead of quitting, and he doesn't need Chu Qing to pay him any liquidated damages, which Chu Qing feels very nice~
Wang Shu sighed and said, "The entertainment industry has changed too fast in the past few years. Not having good looks in this industry is equivalent to being sentenced to death. To put it bluntly, I haven't filmed such a big movie for two years. made a movie"

Chu Qing was taken aback by these words, big production?
The total investment of "Lost in Thailand" is less than [-] million yuan. Now this kind of movie is also called a big production?
All of a sudden, Chu Qing felt a little sympathetic to Wang Shu. Anyway, Wang Shu is also a second-tier player. Why is he doing so badly now?

Immediately, he patted Wang Shu on the shoulder and said, "I'm very happy that you have such an idea. Let your agent discuss the specific matters with Song Dawei. I still welcome you to join."

Wang Shu breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also a little nervous. For grown men like them, changing companies every time was actually a gamble.

He was not sure whether Chu Qing would praise him and give him some movies after he jumped to Guangming Media, but he was very optimistic about the future of this company!
After sending Wang Shu away, Chu Qing couldn't help feeling that even a powerful actor like Wang Shu was facing a situation where there was no filming.

Sure enough, the traffic market is now the world!
Chu Qing silently walked to the bedside. He was just the owner of a small media company, and he never thought that he had the ability to change the current atmosphere in the industry.

And he doesn't intend to change, he has always adhered to a saying, if you can't beat it, then join!
Those five little fresh meats will be able to return to China almost next year.

Publicity to the outside world, isn't the name of the returned five sons who have been trained in Bangzi Country for three years, not very famous.

Chu Qing rubbed her nose, and she could already see that these five little fresh meats became her cash cows!

The time passed leisurely, and on New Year's Day, the production team wrapped up, everyone packed up their things, and left Sawadika country happily.

(End of this chapter)

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