Chapter 350

After returning to the country, everyone celebrated with joy for two days, especially Wang Cong, a big dog, was there!

It's just like what he said, he never cared about money, as long as you are friends with him, you must have fun!
The hearts of the crew were about to be played wild. Fortunately, Chu Qing immediately found him a job, so he let these poor employees go.

Chu Qing asked him to check the buildings built in the past few months, as well as the props that will be used in filming next year.

Although Wang Cong is a bit of a dude, he still knows how to measure when it comes to business, so he stopped playing now, bought a ticket directly, and went to check.

After all, it was all his money. Although he didn't care about money, the money had to be spent in the right place!
Chu Qing came back to relax, and the whole person has relaxed a lot, he is accumulating state!
Next year's "Zombie World War" is still waiting for him to star in it!He had to adjust during this time, and then started working out.

Speaking of filming in the past few years, he has really neglected fitness, and now his abdominal muscles are not so obvious.

Wang Shu's job-hopping was very successful. When Song Dawei paid 50 more, the other party readily let him go.

This simply made Chu Qing dumbfounded. Second-tier stars, if they add 50, they will be released in advance, which feels like a joke.

But the fact is like this, maybe the other company also knows that they can't keep Wang Shu, or they don't want to keep him.

After Wang Shu joined the company, Chu Qing immediately assigned a new agent to Wang Shu, and then ordered a series of movies and online drama plans. This made Wang Shu see Chu Qing's respect for him, and he was moved. stand up!

And before the Spring Festival, the five little fresh meats finally returned to China!
When Han Changqing brought five people to Chu Qing, Chu Qing couldn't recognize them.

Children grow up fast, let alone these children who are still in the second development period.

In fact, Chu Qing had only been separated from them for two years, but these five people had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This also depends on Chu Qing being willing to spend money on them, such as their cosmetics.

Because of their skin problems, the cosmetics they use are the best ones, which are not harmful to the skin.

And this kind of cosmetics has a common problem, that is, it is expensive!
Millions of cosmetics are spent on these few people every year!

Their manager, Han Changqing, was also very excited when he saw Chu Qing, his expression was like a pilgrimage!
That night, Chu Qing directly booked the most famous hotel in Yanjing to welcome the five of them, and at the same time invited their family members!
After this dinner, they can go back with their families to rest for a while, and come back to the company next year.

The families of these five people are also very grateful to Chu Qing. After all, not everyone can get such a high salary and have the opportunity to study abroad when they are teenagers.

During this meal, everyone was full of emotions, and those who were emotionally sensitive even cried directly.

Only Song Wei's parents seemed a bit out of place. Song Wei's family came from a remote mountainous area, and his parents were both honest farmers. This kind of gathering obviously made them feel a little uncomfortable.

But Song Wei's reaction did not disappoint Chu Qing, he knew how to take care of his parents.

Chu Qing is a person who is good at observing, especially when it comes to people.

After all, the first requirement of being a salesperson in the previous life was to be able to distinguish customers!

After the group had eaten, everyone bid farewell to Chu Qing and left, but when Song Wei wanted to leave, Chu Qing stayed behind.

"Song Wei, wait a moment, your parents don't have to worry, Viagra, take care of me"


Song Dawei agreed, and led Song Wei's parents back to the hotel with a smile.

Chu Qing led Song Wei to the negotiation area, and said softly: "I have a long-term contract here, do you have any ideas?"

Song Wei was taken aback, what they signed now is actually a long-term contract, ten years!

Now they have trained for more than two years, and there are still more than seven years in the contract, so they can definitely make money for the company.

Now that Chu Qing said that, it must have ulterior motives, the biggest possibility is that the company intends to promote herself!Increase your investment in yourself, that's why you want to sign a longer contract with yourself!

Song Wei almost didn't even think about it, and nodded decisively: "Of course! Mr. Chu, you gave me everything. As long as you don't drive me away, I will stay in the company forever!"

Song Wei is a smart man.

He knows what kind of contract is more beneficial to him given his current situation and conditions!

Now there is always a phenomenon in this society, A has a work, B can help him promote it, but it will take 40.00%.

This makes A feel very uncomfortable, it is obviously my thing, why should I give you 40.00%?
But he didn't know that without B, he couldn't even get the 60.00%.

Before many people became famous, they began to worry about their contract issues after they became famous.

This feeling is like a person who has not graduated from elementary school and starts to think, oops, I can't go to Tsinghua in the future, because Tsinghua's school rules are too strict.

And the most sensible thing about Song Wei is self-knowledge!

He knows how he got these things, who gave them to him, and what he will do in the future to maintain these things. This is what Chu Qing admires most about him.

Chu Qing laughed after hearing the words: "From next year, I plan to make you famous. I am very confident that I can make all five of you popular, but Song Wei, you five are different."

"The four of them, I can see their ceilings now, and after becoming popular, the chances of quitting with their personalities are very high, as high as [-]% or more."

"But you are different. You have a conscience and a talent. I can take you to the top! At that time, whether you want to transform or want to continue, I will support you!"

Song Wei's heartbeat was super fast after hearing this, and he patted himself on the chest and said, "President Chu, don't worry! I will never let you down!"

Chu Qing smiled, then took out her mobile phone and said: "I sent the script to your mailbox, you go back and print it out, read it yourself, don't let others know, understand? You play the leading role, don't let me down !"

Song Wei's heart was beating non-stop, and he showed his loyalty again.

After waiting for Chu Qing to leave, he impatiently opened the mailbox on his mobile phone and opened the script. On the first line, he wrote three large characters "Chen Qingling"!
Time has come to the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye, but this year Chu Qing did not return to her house in Haik, but chose to stay in Yanjing.

Parents also came to Yanjing, and the family of four spent a Spring Festival.

When they heard that Chu Qing planned to get married this year, her parents were very excited.

In his hometown of Bingcheng, young people get married very early.

There are not many people like Chu Qing who only get married in their thirties.

(End of this chapter)

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