Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 351 New Year's Eve

Chapter 351 New Year's Eve
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing led Yin Tao to visit Zhang Sanli with gifts.

Zhang Sanli had been waiting for a long time, and specially called a large group of people, including young talents from his company, and some friends of his same age.

Calling these people has only one purpose, to pave the way for Chu Qing!
In Zhang Sanli's opinion, Chu Qing is more suitable to inherit his mantle than his son!

Zhang Sanli has the right and face now, but there will always be a day when he grows old and doesn't care about things. When that day comes, Zhang Mo can't support it.

So he recognized Yin Tao as his goddaughter, and Chu Qing was his son-in-law!
In this way, he can let Chu Qing take over his class in an open and honest manner!

Chu Qing's selection of national first-class actors has been implemented, and Chu Qing's previous song "Singing the Motherland" is now being sung by elementary and middle school students all over the country. In terms of qualifications, Chu Qing is undoubtedly qualified!
Coupled with Chu Qing's successful achievements in these years, Zhang Sanli firmly believed that Chu Qing is definitely a person who can hold on.

That's why Zhang Sanli intentionally or unintentionally introduced some people to Chu Qing to expand Chu Qing's network!

As for whether Chu Qing will kick him away when he grows up?
Ha ha.

Zhang Sanli never worried about this problem.

Zhang Sanli was very happy about Chu Qing's arrival. He first took him to introduce some bigwigs in the circle, and then let him play with the young people.

When Chu Qing passed by, Zhang Mo was playing poker with them.

Seeing Chu Qing walk in, a newcomer stood up and stepped aside, saying, "Brother Chu, you sit down."

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, I don't know how to play these things, you guys play, I'll just watch the excitement"

That's what Chu Qing said, but everyone put down their poker.

With Chu Qing's current status, sitting here is enough to put them under pressure!
Everyone is afraid that a bad one will ruin their career.

How many people have you seen running to the edge of a cliff to play poker?

When Chu Qing saw that she was uncomfortable, she didn't force it, and waved to Zhang Mo.

"Come on, I have something to do with you"

Zhang Mo agreed, and walked out of the room with Chu Qing in slippers.

It wasn't until the two of them were out of sight that the people in the room breathed a sigh of relief and continued to play poker.

Chu Qing dragged Zhang Mo to the study, stretched and said.

"Are you almost resting?"

Zhang Mo's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he smiled: "What? Do you have any new plans?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "There is a new plan. In addition to "World War Zombies", next year, I plan to shoot a movie to earn awards. Are you interested?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhang Mo nodded like a chicken pecking rice, Chu Qing stretched and said.

"This movie is not easy to make. In fact, none of us are the protagonists. The protagonists should be some children!"

Zhang Mo was a little surprised when he heard the words: "You want to praise child stars?"

Chu Qing shook her head: "It's not about child stars, it's just a good seed, other actors have to borrow it"

"What type of notebook? What's the name?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Chu Qing's face: "Urban book, the movie is called "My Brothers and Sisters"!"

Zhang Mo didn't feel it yet. When he heard the name of the movie, he thought it was an ordinary family drama, but Chu Qing knew how lethal this movie was!
The first time Chu Qing watched this movie was when she was in elementary school.

At that time, a total of 65 students in their class went to see it together, and 66 of them cried when they came out!
The teacher in charge was crying, and the reason why Chu Qing chose this movie was because there were many young actors in it. Song Wei was very suitable to play the big brother at that time!

Duan Peng, on the other hand, can act as the big brother who grew up.

This movie is definitely a winner!
Chu Qing briefly told Zhang Mo about the role of the scene, and Zhang Mo was also fascinated by it.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Guangming Media officially started construction!
Chu Qing assigned two production crews. The first production crew was "World War Zombies" composed of Chu Qing, Han Jie and others.

And the crew of "Chen Qing Ling" starring Song Wei!
This time, with a wave of Chu Qing's hand, he directly broadcast [-] million to the "Chen Qing Ling" crew, which moved Song Wei and others so much that they almost didn't cry.

As soon as she debuted, Chu Qing took out [-] million yuan to film web dramas for them!

Not to mention web dramas, filming movies is easy with this money, but now they are just being used to film movies for a group of amateurs!
There is no need to say much about the lineup of directors. Guangming Media has a background in filming web dramas, and there are many directors of web dramas!
At the same time, Chu Qing also took out 5000 million to stir up excitement for these five children.

The 'Five Returning Sons' have gained a certain reputation in Shaking Hands now, and Chu Qing even used his own relationship to contact them with some well-known variety shows and let them go to variety shows to attract fans.

Song Wei also signed a new contract with the company, a 25-year contract!

Chu Qing didn't treat him badly. The benefits for Song Wei in the contract are still very good, only the liquidated damages are particularly scary. It can be said that Chu Qing has already fully paid the liquidated damages!

As for the rest of the people, it's okay.

After the assignment of the crew was over, Chu Qing and his party went directly to the shooting location!

Start shooting a big movie with an investment of more than one billion!

Bright Entertainment has searched for a location for this shooting for a long time, and finally cooperated with the film and television city to build such a place for shooting "World War Zombies".

After the filming is over, this will become the new location of the film and television city.

This is beneficial to both parties. Bright Entertainment can find a suitable shooting location and only need to pay a small part of the cost.

And the film and television city can get a good publicity, and someone cooperates with him to build the venue, why not do it?

Generally speaking, Chu Qing is still not strong enough, just like Lao Mouzi in the previous life when he was filming "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

His venue was built by himself, but he didn't spend a dime. After filming, the venue became a film and television studio, and someone paid for it.

But Chu Qing also understood that the gap between the two of them was like clouds and mud.

Let alone him, even Zhang Sanli is no match for Lao Mouzi!

After everyone arrived at the shooting location, they went straight into the studio.

Around the studio and the shooting site, a high closed fence has long been pulled up, and the confidentiality measures are in place.

The prop master and some staff members arrived at the place early, and the venue has been arranged in sevens and eighties.

After the big team arrived, the photographer began to adjust the camera position, the lighting engineer began to prepare the lighting set, and everything went in an orderly manner.

On March [-]st in the Gregorian calendar, the crew of "World War Zombies" officially started!
Most of the shots will be done in the studio, and for some shots, Chu Qing chooses to go abroad for live shooting, which is even more shocking!

In a word, if there is truth, try to use truth!Anyway, they have money!
(End of this chapter)

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