Chapter 352 April
"Brother Wei, the person who came to see you yesterday is someone from [Tianxia Media]"

The crew of "Chen Qing Ling" started work nearly a month later than Chu Qing and the others. Firstly, it was because the preparations were a bit late, and secondly, Song Dawei was in contact.

As a result, not long after the start of work, people from several media companies secretly approached them, asking them to discuss cooperation, endorsement, and even job-hopping!
The price they offered made the eyes of these young freshmen who had just stepped into society a little red.

A basic salary of 600 million a year, [-]% of the endorsement contract!Where can I find such a condition?

They were very grateful to Chu Qing before, but after a comparison between the two sides, they realized that what Chu Qing gave them was not even a fraction of the other party!
Song Wei, who has the highest income among them, is only in the early 600 a month. Does this price compare with [-] million a year?

If you switch to that company, you will be on top of this 30 years after working for one year!

But they didn't have the guts to change jobs, firstly because they were used to listening to Song Wei for everything.

The second reason is that Bright Media's liquidated damages are too scary!
If they change jobs, even if they have a basic salary of 600 million a year, it will be enough for them to pay for ten or twenty years!

So they want to find a leader, and Song Wei is the best candidate!
Song Wei glanced at him lightly after hearing this.

The person who spoke was none other than Zhao Yining who played Lan Wangji in the play.

He is also one of the five returnees, and among the five, he has the second most fans.

"what do you want to say?"

Song Wei's voice was flat, and he could see through Zhao Yining's thoughts at a glance.

He is the biggest among them, and he is less than [-] this year, and the rest are even younger, just say this Zhao Yining, only this year!

How could Song Wei not see through their cautiousness?
Zhao Yining was afraid of Song Wei's tone, so he laughed twice.

"Brother Wei, we, don't we earn too little?"

"Look at [Tianxia Media], that surnamed Li has only over 200 million fans on Weibo, and he can earn tens of millions with just an endorsement. Then look at us, who have worked hard for a year. Just take two to three million"

"Even if we get an endorsement, we can only get [-]% of the dividend, which is too little."

After Song Wei heard it, he picked up the script and said, "You haven't filmed a movie, sang a song, and you haven't even proven your own worth. Why should the company raise your money?"

Zhao Yining hesitated, then he laughed and said, "Aren't they not much different? Brother Wei, you should also understand that we are young people, if we don't take advantage of it now, when will we take it? Wait for the group of twelve San's growing up, where is our foothold?"

Song Wei didn't go to see him, but calmly flipped through the script.

"Then what do you want? Job hopping? You should have seen the liquidated damages, do you think you can afford it? Or do you think there will be a company to pay the liquidated damages for you?"

Song Wei put down the script and said with a light smile, "Several hundred million, brother, can you still afford it?"

Zhao Yining said unconvinced: "Then we can't just be oppressed by them like this? Brother, in the past two days, many people from the company have come to our door. With one word, this matter will be done!"

Song Wei sighed, looked at Zhao Yining seriously and said.

"Yining, we brothers, I will never stop you from the path you choose, but I still have to say something"

"Everything we have on us now is given by Mr. Chu. Isn't it a little unreasonable for you to do this?"

After Zhao Yining heard this, he said with a natural expression: "Brother, the times are different. People don't kill themselves. Isn't he investing in us to make money? We paid liquidated damages, which is enough for him to make a lot of money. Then he should pay the liquidated damages." How much do you want to make? Squeeze us dry?"

Song Wei sighed and said: "Let's finish filming this movie first. No matter what, you only call me Brother Wei for three years. Yining, I can't leave. Mr. Chu treats me well, so I won't either." Give the words of today to anyone"

"But don't let Brother Han know about your things, you can't beat him"

Zhao Yining nodded and said, "Then I know, Brother Wei"

After speaking, he got up and left, but the moment he turned around, Zhao Yining's expression was a bit ferocious.

Not thin to you, of course not thin to you!
If it wasn't because he was unfair and gave you a small meal, why would we want to leave!

Song Wei!

Just wait and see, I won't be crushed by you forever!

After Zhao Yining walked away, Song Wei silently picked up the script that he had put down just now. Under the script was the phone he had been recording.

Song Wei paused the recording lightly, and then sent the audio to Han Changqing.

Within 2 minutes, his phone vibrated slightly, and the word "received" appeared in the chat box.

Song Wei silently put down his phone and picked up the script as if nothing happened.

What Zhao Yining said just now is actually not completely wrong, at least one sentence is correct, that is, if people do not do themselves for themselves, heaven and earth will perish!
Han Changqing held his mobile phone in silence for a long time. Those children who were so well-behaved in front of him finally changed in front of money.

When filming for the first time, three of the five children wanted to change jobs.

This is not their failure, on the contrary, it should be their own failure.

After reflection, a meaningful smile appeared on Han Changqing's face again.

In his hand, there are some black materials, and some are even holes that he dug on purpose.

You can leave if you want, but if you don't have Chu Qing's consent.

Then Han Changqing will make them look good!

Han Changqing leaned on the sofa and began to think about how to maximize the benefits as much as possible.

Now, among the five people, three people want to change jobs, so it is useless to increase investment in them.

So the resources must be replaced. After thinking about it, Han Changqing still called Chu Qing.

Chu Qing happened to be resting, and after hearing Han Changqing's words, he said, "Let Zhao Yining play Wen Ning, and let Xiao Wu play Lan Wangji."

Han Changqing readily agreed and contacted him immediately.

The one who is called Xiao Wu, whose real name is Wu Wu.

And because he is the youngest of the five, and he is also the fifth oldest, over time, everyone called him that, even his fans called him that.

This kid was a little naturally dumb, and he didn't feel anything about the surrounding things at all.

That night, Han Changqing directly called all five little ones to the temporary office.

After waiting for everyone to gather, Han Changqing said: "An announcement, starting tomorrow, Xiao Wu, you play Lan Wangji. Yining, you play Wen Ning"

Zhao Yining was stunned, then suddenly got up and said, "Why!"

"Chen Qing Ling" is a drama with two male protagonists!

He was originally one of them. Although he didn't have as many roles as Song Wei, he was not bad.

But now he suddenly let himself play the male third?Why?
(End of this chapter)

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