Chapter 353

Han Changqing said indifferently: "Because of the filming these days, the director is very dissatisfied with your acting skills, and thinks that you can't play the role of Lan Wangji well. If I hadn't forcibly stopped the director, I might not even be able to play the role of Wen Ning is you"

The veins on Zhao Yining's forehead popped up when he heard it, so he wouldn't believe such nonsense!

The director of "Chen Qing Ling" is an insider of the company, how could he offend them?This is obviously because Han Changqing doesn't want him to act!
Thinking of this, Zhao Yining suddenly turned his head to look at Song Wei.

Seeing this, Song Wei shrugged, indicating that he didn't say anything.

He did not say anything, but the recording was sent.

Zhao Yining took a deep breath and said, "Is Mr. Chu agreeing?"

Hearing this, Han Changqing fixed his eyes on Zhao Yining and said, "What do you mean? Use Mr. Chu to suppress me?"

Zhao Yining felt a little guilty when Han Changqing looked at him, but on the first day he entered the circle, he understood that in this circle, everything has to be contested!

"I'm not using President Chu to pressure you. The main thing is that I'm Lan Wangji handpicked by President Chu. Now that you have replaced me, I'm afraid that President Chu will be unhappy."

Han Changqing smiled, rubbed his chin and said.

"First, I was the one who chose you to play Lan Wangji, not President Chu."

"Second, this is what President Chu meant!"

These two words once again made Zhao Yining's face darken.

Seeing this, Song Wei suddenly felt that he was so pathetic. How could a person who couldn't even hide his emotions beat the company?

Zhao Yining took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.

"Brother Han, does the company have any objections to me? If you think I'm affecting the show, I can step down and let Xian!"

Han Changqing smiled and said: "Where is it, the main reason is that you are really not suitable for this role, why? Don't like Wen Ning? If you really don't like it, don't force it, the company can rent you out to film a movie!"

"Brother Han, that's just right. I might not really be able to play the role of Wen Ning. I don't need a company to rent me out. I can find a crew myself!"

Han Changqing smiled gently, making several people stunned at the same time.

They couldn't be more familiar with this kind of smile, it was Chu Qing's smile at all!

Han Changqing is imitating Chu Qing?

"It's okay to find the crew yourself, but you need the company's approval. After all, you are an artist of our company. To put it bluntly, you are our company's product!"

"If the drama is not selected well, it will affect the commercial value, which will make it very difficult for us"

Zhao Yining was not talking, but turned to look at the third and fourth children.

Both of them lowered their heads, not daring to look up at him.

Zhao Yining almost lost his breath when he saw this, what did you all say back then?Now he is a grandson.

Seeing this, Song Wei sighed and said, "Yining, Wen Ning is just Wen Ning, that kind of tragic character is also very pleasing to the audience."

Zhao Yining held back his anger and finally gave in.

Seeing this, Han Changqing smiled and unscrewed his thermos, took a sip and drank it slowly.

"You are still young, the future is bright"

"It's also because our company is good, and the treatment is generous. Which company have you seen that is like us, and has a production of [-] million yuan to pave the way for you?"

"You guys, this is a good time. When I debuted, artists were always frozen and banned! It took a few years to kill them. Who will remember those artists by then?"

Han Changqing drank hot water with a smile on his face.

But Zhao Yining's face turned pale when he heard these words. He looked up at Song Wei, but Song Wei didn't even look at him.

Han Changqing blew on the hot air in the thermos cup: "People, the most expensive thing is self-knowledge!"

Hearing Han Changqing's pun, the three of them lowered their heads even lower.

Only Xiao Wu felt that it was a little hard work. He finally finished memorizing all Wen Ning's lines, and he had to memorize the longer Lan Wangji's lines, it was terrible!

What?You said that Lan Wangji is easier to become famous than Wen Ning?
Xiao Wu said, I am the only one who pays, so why do I care about that!

Lines!Recite the lines!

There are thousands of lines!I am a god!

In mid-April, all the scenes in China have been filmed, including the scenes of the cruise ship, etc., and they have all been filmed.

The crew began to go abroad to shoot foreign scenes!

The special effects team has already started to produce special effects. The investment this time is too huge, and the domestic special effects team can't afford it.

In other words, it cannot be eaten completely.

In fact, Huaxia's special effects team is not inferior, but too many talents have been lost.

Most of the special effects teams chose to go abroad to Hollywood, after all, the price they offered was too high.

If you dare to work in Hollywood for one year, it is worth working in China for five or six years. Of course, people will go abroad.

But this time, Chu Qing spent a lot of money to invite him back!

Formed a super luxurious special effects team lineup, it can be said that if there is no accident at this time.

The special effects industry might not be able to slow down for three to five years, but the price is expensive, very expensive!
The total investment of this movie is one billion, and the cost of special effects and special effects makeup is more than five hundred million!

Most of the remaining expenses are venues, equipment, etc. In contrast, actors' remuneration is not much money at all.

Wang Cong has also lost a lot of weight over the past month.

Even people who don't care about money can't remain indifferent after investing one billion yuan!

He also finally took on part of the producer's work, which can be regarded as hard work.

Compared with other rich second generations, Wang Cong's biggest advantage is that he has self-knowledge!

He will intervene in things he understands, and will never touch things he doesn't understand!
Chu Qing still appreciates this.

This time, when everyone got off the plane in Gran, Wang Cong tightened his clothes and said.

"Chu Qing, after the movie is released, how much box office will it make?"

Chu Qing shrugged: "Who can say for sure? But Viagra has found some people, and it will be released globally at that time. The higher ups are very supportive of our 'movie output' this time, and it shouldn't hit the street by then. "

Wang Cong smiled and said with emotion: "This may be the last time I will go crazy. If I fail, I will have to go home and inherit hundreds of billions of property."

Chu Qing was speechless after hearing this, listen for yourself, is it human?

If you are so resistant, go back and discuss with your father, how about I go and be his son?

Time passed like this, and it was July in a blink of an eye.

After four months of shooting, "World War Z" is finally finished!Next, it's the work of post-production and special effects production.

Chu Qing gave everyone in the crew half a month off to let them have a good rest.

Of course, besides Song Dawei, there are many things he needs to contact!
Chu Qing returned to the company and began to prepare for the next movie and her own marriage.
(End of this chapter)

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