Chapter 354 Broadcast
Just a few days ago, "Chen Qing Ling" has been completed, and it has passed the broadcast standard, and can be released online.

Song Wei also has time to film "My Brothers and Sisters"!

This time, on the one hand, it was to let Duan Peng hit the position of actor, and on the other hand, it was to praise Song Wei.

Chu Qing admired Song Wei very much.

The other kid named Xiaowu is also good, but he is a bit too salty and doesn't want to make progress.

Chu Qing doesn't dislike this kind of person who you need to push him to move forward, but it's not like he likes it either.

After Chu Qing returned to the company, the first person he met was Han Changqing.

Han Changqing reported on the situation during this period, and Song Wei's performance was as good as ever.

Xiao Wu is also good, but because of the sudden change of tasks, he often NGs during filming.

Zhao Yining secretly contacted several media companies. Currently, the highest offer is 1000 million a year, and the company is divided into June Fourth media companies!

The other two were very honest and ordinary during this time, but they didn't contact other companies.

But because of the previous incident, these people are now falling apart.

The five people were divided into three camps, Song Wei Xiaowu was in one camp, Zhao Yining himself was in one camp, and the third and fourth were in one camp.

Chu Qing couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Such a small group can split, and Chu Qing finds it a bit ridiculous to talk about it.

Han Changqing continued: "The other thing is that the sales of the few songs you gave are good, and the fans are very happy with them. The sales of their five-person album broke 6000 million on the first day, breaking the sales record of the website's electronic album."

Chu Qing stretched her waist and said: "What is this? Just watch it. After this web drama is broadcast, they will be in full swing! By then, you should be crazy busy."

After hearing this, Han Changqing smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of being busy, just be busy."

After finishing speaking, he was a little worried: "But Zhao Yining and the others, now that there is no fire, they will have a heart, and they will not be able to float when they are on fire?"

Chu Qing shrugged and said: "What are you afraid of? The amount of our liquidated damages depends on the profits they bring to the company and the number of years. When they want to terminate the contract, there is no one billion or two billion."

Han Changqing gasped, unexpectedly, in Chu Qing's heart, he was so optimistic about these five children!

He actually thought that their liquidated damages would exceed one billion or even two billion!

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Where is Song Wei?"

"Looking at the script. I've been stunned by studying it for the past two days. This kid didn't graduate from a major. I hired an acting teacher for him, and he's learning from the script."

Chu Qing nodded in satisfaction, that's what he likes about Song Wei.

Never give up any opportunity to enrich yourself!

Chu Qing stretched his waist and said: "The five of them are just testing the waters. Now, the most talented ones are Song Wei and Zhao Yining. Song Wei increases resources, and Zhao Yining also increases resources."

Han Changqing was a little surprised when he heard this: "Mr. Chu, we need to increase resources for a rebellious boy?"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Before the pig is sold, you have to eat something good, let alone a human being? Give him some resources to make him more famous, so that he will be worth a lot when he sells it in the future!"

Han Changqing understood, with a weird smile on his face.

After waiting for everyone to leave, Chu Qing began to count the date with his fingers. It is now July, and he doesn't have many roles in "My Brothers and Sisters". It is estimated that it will be finished in less than half a month.

The preparations for the wedding can indeed begin.

In fact, these things have been worrying about.

His parents are now in Yanjing, discussing the big and small things about the wedding with Zhang Sanli and his wife.

Two lifetimes as human beings, but it is the first time to get married, in fact, Chu Qing has some fears in her heart.

People are always afraid of the unknown, and there are too many poisonous chicken soups on the Internet these years, so Chu Qing also has a feeling of fear for marriage.

Fortunately, the marriage partner is Yin Tao, which makes him have some expectations for his future life.

In life, there are always two people who make your lips curl up when you think about it.

Yin Tao is this person, and many people may not understand it.

Your conditions are so good, and there are so many people who like you, why did you find such an ordinary girl?
The reason is actually very simple, just like everyone going to the beach to pick up shells.

When you pick up a shell, your eyes will always be drawn to another shell.

And in this world, there will always be more beautiful and beautiful shells.

Do you want to keep choosing?

Chu Qing was lucky, he found a pleasing piece among the shells.

Maybe not as beautiful or as valuable as other shells.

But this shell is unique and the most suitable for him.

So Chu Qing chose to walk out of the beach with this shell. As for the other shells, leave them to other people who don't have shells yet.

On July [-]th, the online drama "Chen Qing Ling" will be officially released!
Different from the previous web drama screening method, this time Chu Qing chose the single-episode payment mode!
There are roughly two modes of online dramas today.

The first model is that the first two episodes are free, and members watch the last two episodes in advance.

This is also the most common one, and then two episodes are updated every week.

You don't need to spend money, as long as you can survive.

Then the first episode is free, and everything else is paid for.

This is relatively rare, and most online dramas will only adopt this form after the first wave of free.

And Chu Qing directly borrowed from her previous life, the most shameless method, paying for a single episode!

The first two episodes are free, and then members can watch two episodes in advance.

But if you are still in a hurry, you can also choose to order in advance!

For the next 46 episodes, one yuan per episode!

In other words, as long as you like, you can watch the whole show in one day.

This kind of pattern appeared in the previous life, but was severely scolded by netizens.

But I have to admit that this is a very profitable method, so Chu Qing plans to try this way, and let's talk about it after being scolded.

If you didn't get scolded, wouldn't you earn money?
And what is the purpose of cultivating these little fresh meats and throwing in [-] million yuan with a swiping of a pen? Isn't it just to make money?
Facts have proved that Chu Qing's investment was successful.

When the data came out on the first day, Bright Media shook up and down!

The number of premiere broadcasts exceeded 2000 million in one day!

More than 900 million paid people, that is to say, 900 million people paid to watch the rest of the content!

What's even more shocking is that the word-of-mouth of this TV series has risen as if it had been released!
In one day, in just one day, Song Wei and Zhao Yining's reputation has exploded across the Internet!
Of course, in order to achieve this, Chu Qing really spent a lot of money.

And then, it's time to witness the harvest!

(End of this chapter)

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