Chapter 355 Explosion!

Chu Qing saw for the first time today how fast a person can gain followers!
Before Song Wei had less than 200 million fans, after one night, the number of fans has exceeded 2000 million!
This kind of speed was something Chu Qing couldn't even imagine in his dreams, but now that it's actually happening, it's not just the zombie fan he bought with money!

Song Wei became popular, and the fire happened suddenly, so fast that Chu Qing couldn't even imagine it!

Zhao Yining is also popular, and has fewer fans than Song Wei.

Han Changqing received no less than [-] calls in one noon, all wanting these two people to speak for them.

Seeing this treatment, the other three puppies were a little jealous.

Zhao Yining was not so happy. When he thought that his share with the company was [-]% and the company would take [-]% of it, he felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe!
That's all money!It's all money!

This also increased his determination to go solo, now he is popular and has the capital to change jobs!Isn't it just a few hundred million liquidated damages?He believes that there will be companies willing to pay him!
If Han Changqing knew about this idea, Han Changqing would definitely tell him with sincerity.

"Son, you are still young, why didn't you read the contract in detail when you signed the contract?"

"Chen Qing Ling" became popular, and the acquisition was a mess!
It's being discussed all over the Internet, and of course, only for women.

This is also one of the disadvantages of this web drama. The gender gap is too serious, especially for those who pay to watch, more than 80.00% of them are women!
Under the discussion of these people, Song Wei was covered with halos one after another. The original appearance of 90.00% had reached [-]% under the background of these halos!
Seeing this, Han Changqing organized a fan appreciation party for them.

As long as you repost "Chen Qingling" in Moments and get 300 likes, you will have the opportunity to shake hands and take a photo with Song Wei!
This time, the popularity of "Chen Qing Ling" has been raised to a higher level!
All over the Internet, there are voices about this online drama. At the same time, some surrounding countries, such as the country of Bangzi, the country of Wa, and the country of Savadika, etc., have come to ask for cooperation and purchase copyrights.

Judging from the current situation, it is inevitable for this web drama to recover its cost. As for how much profit it can make, it is really hard to say.

But from Chu Qing's point of view, at least doubling is not a problem!

Some people like it on the Internet, and naturally some people don't like it.

There are also many people who are discrediting "Chen Qing Ling", Chu Qing doesn't feel disgusted at all, but thinks what they say has some truth!
In fact, Chu Qing's three views are similar to theirs.

But in the face of money, Chu Qing can temporarily ignore his three views!

And he also knew that if he didn't take advantage of it now, he would not be able to eat it after two years of reforms!
Chu Qing's worry was not unreasonable, that's why Song Wei was asked to film "My Brothers and Sisters".

The first is to use this movie to create a good actor for Song Wei, so that he can transform later.

The second reason is that Song Wei can also have a chance when the reform comes.

Bright Entertainment now has a lot of old actors joining in, waiting for the reform one day, these are indispensable talents!
At that time, it will be the day when Bright Entertainment will really take off!
It only took a week, and the names of Song Wei and Zhao Yining were swiped on the screen, which made many netizens look confused and couldn't help asking soul questions.

"Who are these two grandchildren?"

As a result, the responses to them were all sharp-edged answers.

"Hey, Song Wei and Zhao Yining don't even know each other, what's the matter? The village just connected to the Internet?"

"There are still people who don't know my brother, you dog!"

"Hehe, this guy is obviously here to catch the heat, everyone ignore him"

The netizen who asked the question was stunned, what's the matter?I will be afraid of you across the network cable?

At that moment, the netizen began to greet their family friendly, and the other party was also not a good person, after all, there was no need to pay attention to civility and politeness through the network cable, and hurt each other!

And the more they scolded, the more popular these little fresh meats became, especially Song Wei as the captain. Now you only need to surf the Internet for an average of two to three minutes to see clips or comments about Song Wei.

Chu Qing felt a little envious of this speed of getting out of the circle.

He knew that the show would be popular, but he didn't expect it to become so popular.

But if Chu Qing were to choose, Chu Qing would still not choose this path.

Because this will narrow your own path, and it will not be easy to judge awards in the future.

After discovering that the momentum on the Internet was getting bigger and bigger, Chu Qing decisively asked Song Wei to post a message and told the group leader to control fans.

The effect he wanted has been achieved, and if it continues, good things may turn into bad things.

In August, Chu Qing led the crew to start work and officially started filming "My Brothers and Sisters".

And now the five of Song Wei have become the hottest fresh meat at the moment!
In one month, Han Changqing accepted [-] big endorsements for them, all big brands, high prices!
The endorsement fee alone is nearly one billion!

This made Zhao Yining very upset. In his heart, the money should be his own, but now the company took [-]% of it and only left him [-]%!

Although the [-]% is already a figure that he never dared to dream of before, he still feels very angry, wishing he had to earn the [-]% and let the company not earn the [-]%!
It's a pity that Han Changqing's management of them is very strict, so that they have little contact with the outside world, and there is no chance for their contacts to change jobs.

But he is not in a hurry, now that they are in full swing, they have to find a leader in the industry to find their next home!
He didn't care that Chu Qing didn't bring the four of them with him for this filming.

Urban drama?Don't be funny, what year is this, does anyone still watch that thing?

And it's the company's urban drama, how much money can I give?According to Song Wei, his salary this time is less than 50 yuan.

50!This little money is not enough to send beggars!
Zhao Yining is confident that he can earn 50 in one night by taking a random photo and setting it as paid viewing!

And what about Song Wei?He has to work hard for three months to make money, hehe, let me go and I will not go!
Zhao Yining's family has already begun to help him contact the next family. He believes that it will not be long before he can find a suitable company for him.

As for Chu Qing?Hehehe, aren't you eccentric!Let's wait until later to see!

I don't believe that I can't compare to Song Wei, when the time comes, I will make you all look up to me!

This time the shooting was mainly done in Yanjing and Bingcheng.

The scene in Yanjing is okay, but the scene in Ice City, because it is not frozen, can only be set up and then filmed.

The total investment of "My Brothers and Sisters" is not high, and it is only 5000 million after including the actors' remuneration and publicity.

(End of this chapter)

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