Chapter 356 Acting
But the cast here is exaggerated!
Of course, Chu Qing doesn't need to say much, Best Actor!
Zhang Mo also made a guest appearance in it, the Best Actor!

The male lead, Duan Peng, is nominated for Best Actor!
Plus the most popular little fresh meat at the moment, Song Wei!

With such a lineup, in a word, there is no problem at all with the top players.

And the remuneration of the five of them was not high, Chu Qing directly gave each of them a certain box office share, and then gave a little money symbolically, which was the '50' that Song Wei said before.

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect some fools to believe it.

Song Wei actually felt that Zhao Yining was amazing, he had obviously changed roles, and playing Wen Ning could steal the show so much!

On the other hand, Xiao Wu felt like he was playing soy sauce all day long.

On the Internet, his and Zhao Yining's voices were all discussed, and not many people mentioned Xiao Wu at all.

Even the third and fourth are hotter than the fifth.

This made Han Changqing very upset. In his opinion, Xiao Wu played Lan Wangji, which was a very brilliant role, but Xiao Wu ruined this role abruptly, and it didn't achieve the effect at all.

If it wasn't for Chu Qing's obstruction, Xiaowu's resources would have to be reduced by a large amount!

Song Wei also knew that he was popular, and it was that kind of explosion!
He must be fully armed to go out now, and then bring bodyguards, otherwise he really can't say what those crazy fans will do.

He also saw the negative comments about him on the Internet, and to be honest, he really minded it!

After all, he is just a young man who just turned 20 years old.

So he couldn't wait to shoot some movies to prove his strength!

He doesn't want to be a vase all the time, or rather, being a vase doesn't match his ambition!

Chu Qing clearly grasped his state, and resolutely gave him ugly makeup, using it as an animal!

In September, Chu Qing's role had already been completed, and now she took on the position of assistant director again, and started filming with Han Jie at the same time!
Chu Qing took a group of young actors to film in the ice city.

Han Jie brought adult actors to film in Yanjing.

With a two-pronged approach, the shooting progress was significantly faster.

And after more than a month, no matter whether it is the actors or the staff, some tacit understanding has been cultivated in the crew.

Chu Qing has only one goal for Han Jie, he doesn't need to worry about time or investment, he just needs to be meticulous and must pursue perfection!

Han Jie can be said to be one of Chu Qing's confidantes, so he naturally understands that this movie is actually to praise Duan Peng and Song Wei.

And Duan Peng is Chu Qing's best friend. Now that Chu Qing is willing to hand Duan Peng over to him, that is his trust in him. He patted his chest and said that he will do his best to make Duan Peng the best actor!
Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, and took the crew to Bingcheng.

Their filming location was in the remote mountainous area of ​​the Ice City, and there was no other way, because it was still autumn, and Chu Qing spent a lot of money to create a winter scene, and started filming directly.

This made it difficult for the young actors, since it was only September and they were going to be wearing big padded jackets, they were all too hot.

Fortunately, these children are more dedicated, and none of them complained, and the filming made Chu Qing see a touch of aura!
Even Chu Qing was thinking about whether to really sign these little guys.

But in the end, Chu Qing gave up.

There are many child stars, but they can still be stars when they grow up, and they can be counted with one hand.

Although it is said that three years old is eighty, but people will change.

When I was young, I was gifted, it was compared with my peers.

When he grows up, he may not be talented.

"Ka! Song Wei! How did I tell you? Your emotions in this scene are not right at all!"

"You have been strong before because you couldn't cry in front of your younger siblings, but now you need to completely release the pressure in your heart!"

"It's this time, who are you still serious about? Are you afraid of being ugly? Let me tell you, the uglier the better! Cry out your nose and tears!"

In the crew, Chu Qing roared at the top of his voice.

Everyone on the scene, from the staff to the actors, was silent.

It's no wonder that Chu Qing was angry. In fact, this scene has been filmed five times. Chu Qing has already demonstrated it twice, but Song Wei still can't act well.

Chu Qing was really furious.

In fact, Song Wei was not very suitable for this role, after all, his age is here.

He is already 1.8 this year, and his height is close to [-] meters. Playing a [-] or [-]-year-old child is already a bit of a drama.

For this reason, Chu Qing hired a special effects makeup artist at a high price. His makeup cost alone was almost worth the makeup cost of the entire crew.

And what is Chu Qing doing for?Isn't it just to let him fit the role and play the role more deeply.

As a result, I was okay when I was acting in other roles, such as stealing eggs and helping my father de-ice, but when it came to sending the younger siblings away, I couldn't do it.

Just one scene was stuck for three days, Chu Qing could only shoot some scenes with milder plots first, and let him adjust his state.

Of course, Chu Qing can also use system props to let him have a period of peak acting or something.

But Chu Qing was really optimistic about him and wanted to give Song Wei some chances.

Actors always have to go through several processes when acting. It is better to be scolded by one's own people than to be scolded by outsiders!
A third-class actor plays the plot.

Second-class actors play emotions.

The atmosphere of first-class actors.

If you want to know whether an actor is a good actor or not, this is the easiest way to divide.

Needless to say about the plot, more than 90.00% of the showbiz is this kind of actor, he will act whatever you ask him to act.

You can't say that he doesn't look like him, but if you put someone else in, the performance is similar to him, and it's just acting out the plot in the script.

Second-class actors act emotionally, simply put, they can empathize.

When he cries in a movie, he can influence the audience to cry along with him, so he can be regarded as a good actor.

Chu Qing is now at this stage, and at the peak of this stage!
First-class actors play atmosphere, which is another extension of emotion.

The role played by this kind of actor not only makes the audience empathize, but also makes people feel that he should play that role like this!
He will even engrave this image in the minds of the audience, so that when the audience thinks of this character, the first impression in their minds is him.

For example, when you talk about He Shen, who comes to mind?

And now Song Wei, obviously filmed a [-]-episode web drama, but now his acting skills are not even third-class!
Such an actor, even if Chu Qing used a prop card for him, he wouldn't be able to support him in the future!

So Chu Qing has been suppressing him, and suppressing him again!

He wants to make Song Wei feel the pressure, and then break through!

No matter how bad it was, he had to become a third-class artist!

(End of this chapter)

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