Chapter 357 Mutation
Song Wei himself knew this, so even though Chu Qing scolded him like his grandson every day, he didn't complain at all. People are really different.

If it was Zhao Yining, and Chu Qing scolded him, he would definitely be so angry that he couldn't sleep for half the night.

After Chu Qing scolded, she sighed.

"If you think about it, you had a wonderful family, but all of a sudden it's gone"

"In order for your younger siblings to survive, you have to give them away"

"All the burden is on you, and you're just a child!"

"You need to show that breakdown, not sullen"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she directly made a broken expression, tears welled up in an instant, and the surrounding staff and actors were dumbfounded.

At this moment, the actors knew in their hearts that Chu Qing's ability to become the best actor is definitely not for nothing!
After performing for a few minutes, Chu Qing said: "Have you learned it? You don't want to look at my expressions! The same expression, if two people make it, it will be different! What you need to understand is this kind of emotion, this kind of collapsed emotion! "

Song Wei took several deep breaths before saying, "I understand, director!"

The crew started filming again, without a doubt, it failed again!

Song Wei still couldn't feel it, Chu Qing was so angry that he couldn't say anything, he put enough pressure on Song Wei, if he gave more, he was afraid that Song Wei would collapse.

Chu Qing waved his hand, indicating that everyone can rest for a while, while he sat in the director's chair and began to think about how to get Song Wei into the play as soon as possible.

At this moment, Yin Tao trotted over, still holding Chu Qing's mobile phone in his hand.

"Godfather's Phone"

Chu Qing agreed and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Master"

"Qingzi, the higher-ups are very dissatisfied with the current online talent show and the sissy entertainers! The few in your company have been very active recently, and I'm afraid they will become targets."

Chu Qing suddenly sat up straight, what?So fast?

Chu Qing had already guessed that the so-called fresh meat would be punished by the superiors, but she didn't expect it to come so soon!

"Master, when will it be implemented?"

"Soon, you are ready to either transform or sell it quickly! If you plan to make a move, you must be quick, and those big companies will receive the news in a short time."

"I see, I'll treat you to a drink after returning to Beijing"

Chu Qing hung up the phone, frowned and began to think.

He was a little thankful that he made an early move, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat the last wave. What he has to do now is to sell those four before the matter is announced!

You can sell three of them!Anyway, it must be shot!

As soon as he thought about it, Chu Qing got up and called Song Dawei, explaining the whole story.

"Okay, I see, this kind of thing still needs to be said in person, so I will take Lao Han to find you at night, let's have a meeting"


After Chu Qing agreed, she hung up the phone directly.

The higher ups want to rectify the entertainment industry, so they have to choose someone to do it!

Chu Qing is now a little worried that Bright Media will become the target of the operation. After all, the influence of Song Wei and Zhao Yining before was really bad.

If the higher-ups intend to make an example of others, they are the best candidates to be J!
After the phone call broke out, Chu Qing was not in the mood for filming anymore, so he called his assistant director directly and asked him to take the actors to find the status first, while Chu Qing went back to the lounge by himself and began to think about the future direction!

The showbiz looks at the scenery, but it is actually very fragile.

Sometimes your good movies and TV series may be ruined because of one sentence or one artist!
And those like Chu Qing who can afford to make movies with a lot of money are still in the minority.

Most of the filmmakers will cooperate with some investors to share the risks.

Often for a movie, investors alone can have 30 people, maybe even 50 people!

Of course everyone is happy when the movie makes money, but in fact, more than half of the movies can only keep their capital.

Among the other half, the other half are living on subsistence allowances, and the remaining half are barely making money.

Among the movies that are barely making money, there are often only one or two movies that really eat meat, and it is not easy for the rest to be able to drink soup.

So don't look at these artists, directors and investors who make a lot of money. Similarly, if they lose money, they will not be able to recover for half their lives.

Chu Qing is now facing such a situation, and now he has indeed started to make money.

Those who invested in the five little fresh meats had already made more than ten times their profits, but it was not enough for him!Far from enough!
This is already the last madness, how can it be done without draining all the use value?

As for Zhao Yining and the third and fourth children, Chu Qing can just pack them up and deal with them.

Song Wei and Chu Qing need to be cultivated to see if they can maintain the heat flow.

As for Xiao Wu, according to his unprogressive personality, Chu Qing really didn't think about how to arrange him.

In the evening, Song Dawei and Han Changqing came to the hotel together.

Han Changqing's face was very ugly, and Chu Qing could only sigh when he saw this.

If the artist he has been leading for three years is about to be banned just after showing his talents, his expression will not be too good-looking.

But these are things that can't be helped. There are policies at the top, and they have to implement them unconditionally.

The three sat on the sofa, and Song Dawei asked first.

"Uncle Zhang said how long will this news be announced?"

Chu Qing shook his head and said: "I didn't say it, but it won't take long. The main reason is that if we plan to sell Zhao Yining and the third and fourth children, we should do it as soon as possible! We can know the news, and those big companies can also know the news "

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she turned to face Han Changqing.

"Changqing, how many companies did that kid contact?"

"Seven or eight, his family has been very busy these days, and all kinds of companies have been contacted like crazy. The highest bidder should be [Awakening Media], and their asking price is almost [-] million!"

"One year?"

"Well, two hundred million a year!"

Chu Qing took a deep breath. He really didn't expect that the other party would offer such a sky-high price for just filming a web drama!
Two hundred million a year?It's almost like a joke!
Chu Qing took a deep breath and said: "You contact them and tell them that the price is 15 billion. If you agree, you will let him go directly, and I will allow them to use the ID of "Chen Qingling""

Han Changqing smiled bitterly and said, "They will definitely not agree to this price, and they are not stupid."

This made both Chu Qing and Song Dawei laugh, and Chu Qing said angrily: "Of course I know they are not stupid, and I will definitely not agree. Isn't this asking for a lot of money and paying back the money when they land?"

Only then did Han Changqing understand, and then asked again: "What about the third and fourth? They are pretty honest, and they only contacted one or two companies. The prices offered by the other party are quite average, and none of them exceed [-] million yuan."

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing said: "Then pack it up and give it to [Awakening Media] and tell him that our artists are not just for sale!"

(End of this chapter)

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