Chapter 358 October
Han Changqing smiled and said, "How much money is appropriate?"

Chu Qing scratched her head and said, "Pack 20 billion! Ask them if they want it"

Song Dawei couldn't help laughing and said: "If they spend 20 billion to buy the three of them, the boss must be crazy. If Song Wei is added, it will be about the same."

Chu Qing also said with a smile: "My psychological price is one billion. Changqing, you can talk about it. Let's talk about whether it will work or not. Anyway, I want to let everyone know through this incident. Let's start entertaining!"

Han Changqing nodded: "Understood, what about the boss, Xiaowu?"

This sentence made Chu Qing's head hurt again, this little five is indeed a problem.

Lan Wangji is such an easy-to-pop character, but it makes him play half-dead. This ability is amazing enough. It is really not easy for ordinary people to do it.

Chu Qing scratched her head, and finally said: "Keep Xiaowu for now, if there is any company that doesn't deal with us in the future, sell Xiaowu to them!"

Song Dawei: "."

Han Changqing: "."

Both of them want to ask very much now, are you listening to what you say is human?

After discussing the direction of the five little fresh meats, they began to discuss some follow-ups.

For example, some resources that have been set before will definitely not be given to them now.

In addition, those endorsements that have been signed before also need to be negotiated with their new company, the follow-up handover and so on.

Several people discussed in the middle of the night, and finally finalized all the plans.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing returned to the crew and started filming again.

Song Dawei and Han Changqing had already returned to Beijing and began to contact the other company to discuss the transfer.

"Mr. Han, 20 billion! 20 billion! Do you know how high 20 billion are stacked? Do you know what 20 billion is?"

"With all due respect, your price has no sincerity at all! I can tell you the answer without reporting it. We [Awakening Media] will not agree to this price!"

In the conference room, a woman in her early thirties was looking at Han Changqing with an angry face.

Han Changqing shrugged his shoulders after hearing this, and took a sip of the coffee that the other party just brought over.

"Buying and selling, it's better to be calm and calm. If you don't accept this price, then tell me, how much will you agree to?"

The woman pondered: "[-] million! One-time buyout of Zhao Yining, the other two are not worth the price you offered, with all due respect."

Han Changqing smiled and said: "Then there is nothing to talk about. To tell you the truth, we did not agree to [Eastern Media's] offer of 14 billion for packaging. I can also tell you on behalf of my family, Mr. Chu, that your price is absolutely not acceptable."

Han Changqing picked up the tablet and put it in front of the woman, "Look, this is Zhao Yining's data growth. Do you know how powerful his fans are now?"

The woman still shook her head and said: "The price of 20 billion is also acceptable, but you need to add one more person, Song Wei!"

Now it was Han Changqing's turn to shake his head: "Song Wei, you don't have to think about it, it's not for sale from our boss!"

So the two sides began to argue all kinds of things, and finally set a price, 12 billion!three people!

When the negotiation was completed and the contract was about to be signed, the woman suddenly asked.

"Although Zhao Yining's popularity is not as high as Song Wei's, it's still good. Why are you so eager to sell him?"

Han Changqing thumped in his heart. Fortunately, he had already thought up his speech, and his expression did not change at all, and he smiled softly.

"It's because of Song Wei! You should know that our President Chu is shooting a movie right now. The role was given to Song Wei but not to him, so some people have opinions. Hey, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

The woman on the other side understood in seconds. After all, this kind of thing is actually not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

Han Changqing's work is very fast, and everything has been done in just one week!
After the two parties signed the play contract, the other party promised that within half a month, 12 billion would arrive in the account!
That afternoon, the other party announced the news on their Weibo, Zhao Yining and the third and fourth had quit!
[Awakening Media] The popularity before was actually not high, and there were no two popular artists at all!
This is why they are willing to pay such a high price to poach Zhao Yining. They need a banner!
Zhao Yining turned around and directly published a long article on his official Weibo.

The content of the long article is probably that he has been longing for [Awakening Media] for a long time, and even the reason why he joined the entertainment circle at the beginning was because of the influence of Awakening Media.

In short, kneel and lick to the new owner!
Han Changqing was really angry after reading the whole Weibo, and really wanted to point his nose and ask, who followed you to the Bangzi Kingdom, and who worked so hard to make you popular!

When you change companies now, you forget everything?
The white-eyed wolf is not such a law, is it?

Of course Chu Qing saw this Weibo, but he didn't feel anything.

Everyone has been sold by me, can't you just say it happily?

Besides, let him talk, how many days can he be happy?

But Chu Qing never expected that [Awakening Media] would move so fast!
Directly announced that a movie, a web drama, would be tailored for Zhao Yining!
The movie is an urban movie, and it claims to invest [-] million yuan!

The web drama is a historical drama, claiming to invest [-] million yuan!

Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help feeling emotional, this is really a big deal, I don't know if someone thought Zhao Yining was the boss's illegitimate son, otherwise how could he be so flattering?
However, what do you mean by the promotion of your urban drama?
Chu Qing had already started promoting it when she filmed "My Brothers and Sisters", but now, the other party's promotional posters are actually similar to theirs!

Rubbing popularity is not such a method, it already involves plagiarism!

Chu Qing began to think, should he sue them?
Telling them will look petty, but it will gain some heat.

If I didn't tell them, I would feel a little bit unwilling to let them gossip casually.

In the end, Chu Qing suddenly thought about it, so let's just go ahead, anyway, after a while, when Xiao Xianrou is really banned, their investment will be in vain.

Things were exactly as Chu Qing thought, on October [-]st, an announcement was made from above!
The so-called idol talent show is not allowed!

Offsite voting is not allowed either!

No sissy images are allowed!
After this operation, countless netizens applauded one after another, and there was a lot of mourning in the traffic circle!
It can be said that these three items alone have almost blocked these people who rely on traffic to survive!
And [Awakening Media] was even more confused, only one big cursive word appeared in his mind!

Damn, tell me earlier!Say it sooner!

One month!
I lost a small 20 billion in one month! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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