Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 359 Are You Playing Me?unmodified

Chapter 359 Are You Playing Me?unmodified

The boss of [Awakening Media] is going crazy!
Before, he still felt that he was quite wise, so he poached Zhao Yining away before the other companies received the news.

In the past two years, as long as you are not blind, you can see how much money traffic stars make.

Just talk about that "Chen Qing Ling", how many people in the circle were dumbfounded?
Who would have thought that such an internet-breaking drama could break so many records, and even make [Bright Media] a lot of money.

The overseas copyrights alone sold for seven or eight hundred million yuan, and that's not counting the later dividends!

Song Wei and Zhao Yining have directly become the two most popular fresh meat in the circle, and all of this is just the effort of a web drama!

Who wouldn't be envious of this terrifying purchasing power of fans?

If such a person buys it in his hands, at least he can eat it for a few more years.

Not much, a few 'cool' them a year are enough!

That's why he rushed to buy people back. After all, the most important thing about a little fresh meat is 'freshness'!
In the past two years, the circle of Xiaoxianrou has not been stable, and the replacement is too fast. Although they are so popular today, maybe two more tender ones will come out in a few days. Who will look at them then?
It was with this in mind that he hurriedly filmed a web drama for Zhao Yining!
He wanted to take advantage of Zhao Yining's enthusiasm, and eat the "Chen Qing Ling" again.

So the web drama he filmed this time is called "Yining Ling". The outline was written by a screenwriter, but the content was changed in a mess.

It mainly reflects just one word, rotten!

This is the reason why this web drama he concluded after watching "Chen Qing Ling" became popular!

Isn't it rotten?Who wouldn't?He's making one too!
Even if it can't reach the popularity of "Chen Qing Ling", it won't lose money, right?

However, Zhao Yining also put forward his own opinion, that is, it is necessary to shoot an urban movie, and the total investment is higher than that of "My Brothers and Sisters"!

[Awakening Media] The boss has no choice but to agree, and it is also because of this that he believes what Han Changqing said before.

One mountain cannot contain two tigers, Zhao Yining and Song Wei really had a falling out.

However, the current market for urban dramas is whoever shoots who dies, let alone movies that require a higher investment than "My Brothers and Sisters".

Although he has money, he can't throw money into the water.

So he thought of a note, in the name of an urban drama, it is actually a romance movie!Isn't that all right?

But the main reason why Zhao Yining is so popular now is that rotten women support the sky, so the heroine must not be wanted.

Still have to be the same as before, get a handsome male second to set off, that's the best!

So he made some manipulations, adhering to the idea of ​​earning money as soon as possible, and the crew started working within a week.

Because of the rush of time, he didn't receive a lot of investment money, so he had to pay in advance by himself.

Unexpectedly, an order from above suddenly came down!The two dramas he had prepared were ruined!
This result was a bolt from the blue for him. The three top streamers who spent [-] billion dug up are almost all scrapped now. Who can bear this change?
Why spend your own money to buy them back!Is it also because of their acting skills?Isn't it because of their high popularity!
He even has an idea of ​​wanting to dance L now!
Although a billion or two billion is not a catastrophe for their company, it is definitely a traumatic injury.

What makes him even more troubled now is that web dramas and movies still have to be filmed!
But it can't be filmed according to the previous plot, it must be changed to a normal style!

This is what makes him feel the most painful. He knows that he must lose money, but he still has to lose money!

This feeling, wronged.
What made him even more frightened was that many investors hadn't received their money before, and he paid it in advance.

Now that such a thing has happened, can those people still transfer the money, and will they give him the most shameless excuse?This kind of thing is also very common in the entertainment circle!

This was just his idea, for Zhao Yining, there was no such pressure at all.

In his heart, he is not some fresh meat, but a powerful actor!

How else could it be explained that he was so popular playing Wen Ning?
As for those people on the Internet who said that his acting skills were not good, he understood it this way.

First, those people are purely envious, envious that they are more handsome than them!
The second reason is that because of my good looks, when the audience watched me acting, most of their attention was on my face, and then they ignored my acting skills!

He doesn't even care about the bad reviews given to him on the Internet.

Why should you care?They are all black fans!He just needs his confidant to understand him!
This is also a common problem of xiaoxianrou nowadays, almost no xiaoxianrou will admit that he is a vase.

They all feel that they are powerful, but the audience is blind!

But after struggling for a long time, I couldn't come up with a passable work.

And the more they want to express themselves and prove their strength, the more they will provide the audience with some laughs.

And there are some smart little fresh meats that are amazing, so let’s make a hard-working character for myself first.

No matter what else, just one sentence, do you know how hard my brother works, is enough for their fans to brag about it.

Hard work is a good thing, but it also depends on the occasion.

For example, he is originally a brick, but you want to grind him into a mirror, do you think it is appropriate?

As long as the kung fu deep iron pestle is ground into a needle, this truth is correct.

But in this day and age, that would be wrong.

Because why should others wait for you to grind into a needle?They can buy needles by themselves!

It's cheap, easy to use, and doesn't rust. What's not better than what you grind?
All in all, it's still the same old saying, people need to know themselves!
However, Zhao Yining is already gearing up and ready to show off his skills, and has even planned a blueprint for the future for himself.

Needless to say, first the domestic three-gold actor wins it all, then hits the top domestic traffic stars, and then rushes out of Asia and goes to the world.

Complete before the age of 30, the dream of becoming a world superstar!
He is very ambitious now, and Han Changqing, who had been in charge of him before, is gone, and now besides his agent, all other positions around him are his relatives, so he is naturally praised.

But he didn't realize at all that the policy introduced this time was a heavy blow to him!

He didn't notice at all that the way his manager looked at him had quietly changed.

Yanjing, Bright Media

Song Wei is doing post-dubbing for his character. When he saw the new policy from above, he only had one thought in his mind.

Fortunately, I transformed early, the boss is amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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