Chapter 360 Big wedding!

Song Wei's acting skills are not yet to the point where he can fully use live radio, so some voices still need to be re-recorded.

In fact, during filming, most of the actors' lines are divided into two types.

One is naturally full-scene radio, this kind of shooting is good because the actors are full of emotions and can fully express themselves.

The second type is post-dubbing. Don't think that post-dubbing means that the actors are not dedicated to their work. This is really a helpless thing.

Because the actors come from all over the world, such as Guangdong Province, Sichuan Province, etc., of course there are people who can speak Mandarin well, but some of them have accents, which requires post-dubbing.

For example, in the early filming of "Lotus Lantern", the actor who played Chen Xiang was from Baodao, the actor who played Liu Yanchang was from Xiangjiang, and there were also actors from inland areas. Most of them were chickens and ducks when they were filming. speak.

In the later stage, voice actors are needed, so when watching Hong Kong movies and Taiwan movies, audiences can always hear one or two familiar voices, and that is because they are all a group of voice actors.

There are also two types of post-dubbing, one is the dubbing by professional dubbing actors as mentioned earlier.

There is another kind of dubbing by the actor himself, that is, Song Wei.

There are mostly three reasons for this kind of dubbing. The first reason is that the actors were not in good condition at that time, the sound conditions were not good, and so on.

For example, if I caught a cold at the time, or the actor misread the lines of the scene after the scene, etc., the post-dubbing will be considered here.

In other words, the voices of the actors themselves are difficult to hear. For example, there are a few well-known female artists in the circle. Their voices are male duck voices, and they all have their own professional voice actors.

The second reason is that the lines of 123456, which have only emerged in recent years, naturally needless to say here, they must be dubbed.

The last one is not as common as the first two, mostly because the lines are modified later and then dubbed by actors.

Under the guidance of professionals, Song Wei's dubbing speed was quite fast. After finishing his day's work, he returned to his room and started to read the news.

The news that the upper echelons want to punish Xiao Xianrou has now caused a shocking wave on the Internet.

Countless people who eat melons have started to discuss who should be rectified the most.

Unfortunately, Song Wei is at the top of the list!The second place is old teammate Zhao Yining, their rankings are almost even!
This result made Song Wei very upset. He should be on the list, but why can't he get rid of Zhao Yining at this time?

Although this is not a good thing, but he also has the desire to win!

Ever since his debut, he had been tied to Zhao Yining by chance, which was not what he wanted!
It is true that they are making money very fast now, but what he wants is to last for a long time!

Song Wei took a deep breath, thinking of the plot in "My Brothers and Sisters".

He is confident that this time he will definitely get rid of Zhao Yining completely!
In a blink of an eye, time came to November, and "My Brothers and Sisters" began to hype!
However, the intensity of this publicity is not too great, because another bigger melon is coming.

Chu Qing is getting married!

The woman's goddaughter Zhang Sanli, Yin Tao!
Originally, Chu Qing thought that since he had announced the news, he would lose countless followers.

But unlike what he thought, he hardly lost his fans, and even gained some fans.

Chu Qing's current fans have reached 4000 million!

More than half of them may be female fans, but these female fans have grown up and are no longer the little girls of the past. Many of them are even married and have children. They have their own lives and will not die just because their idols get married. Live.

Of course, there are also some fans, but they are still a minority.

Most of them are blessings to Chu Qing!
Compared with Chu Qing's marriage, they wanted to know the identity of the bride.

Yin Tao's identity is not a secret, especially after becoming Chu Qing's assistant, she was secretly photographed by paparazzi before, and almost made headlines at that time.

Originally, the paparazzi thought they could eat a big melon, but they didn't expect it to be Chu Qing's assistant.

The love experience of the two is also known as Cinderella meets the prince, and the lovers finally get married.

Although Chu Qing doesn't like this metaphor very much, who makes netizens like it?

In mid-November, the two officially held their wedding in Yanjing!
At the wedding scene, almost half of the people in the entertainment industry came. Looking around the wedding scene, it was either the first line or the second line, or it was this or that director.

Chu Jianye and his wife couldn't see their eyes from laughing, they were busy entertaining their relatives.

After the wedding in Yanjing, they still need to go back to their hometown in Bingcheng to hold another wedding.

Because almost all of my parents’ friends are in Ice City, I have to go back to my hometown this time, so that my relatives and friends can see how beautiful his son’s marriage is!
Chu Qing got married, and Zhang Sanli was also very busy.

He invited almost all the influential people he knew over here!
Chu Qing is getting married today, and Zhang Sanli is also marrying his daughter!

Zhang Sanli was so busy that he didn't have time to sit down, he was always greeting guests.

Zhang Mo is similar. Since Zhang Mo's successful transformation, he now has more film appointments, and he has also accepted two good movies during this period.

Zhang Mo, who had been needing Chu Qing to help him walk before, is now able to take charge of himself!

Duan Peng, as Chu Qing's younger brother, took on the role of best man this time!

By the way, this time Chu Qing's best man team was luxurious enough, even the little king Xue Yiming came, and Wang Cong, who is known as the husband of the nation, also came to join in the fun.

The release date of "World War Z" which the two collaborated on has also been set, Spring Festival!
And "My Brothers and Sisters" was released on New Year's Day, and the two are almost seamlessly connected!
For this wedding, even the director of Yanjing TV Station came, grabbed Chu Qing's hand and said a lot.

To put it simply, he just took office as the director of the TV station, and he has never had any of Chu Qing's bad things in the TV station before.

He himself is looking forward to Guangming Media's cooperation with Yanjing Satellite TV in the future!
Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to him. It wasn't because Chu Qing was arrogant, but because it was his own wedding, and he didn't want to have to deal with it at the wedding.

Fortunately, Song Dawei is a caring manager, he skillfully held the other party's hand and exchanged greetings together, and then pulled the other party away from Chu Qing.

On this day, Chu Qing's face was almost frozen with laughter, but every smile he smiled was sincere.

All the emotions of fear of marriage before, the moment he took Yin Tao's hands, they were all thrown into the sky!
From this day on, he has a small family that belongs to him.

He has a woman to take care of all his life.

Two lives as human beings, one life with deep roots.

(End of this chapter)

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