Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 361 "My Brothers and Sisters"

Chapter 361 "My Brothers and Sisters"

In December, Chu Qing and Yin Tao went abroad for their honeymoon.

In fact, according to Chu Qing's original plan, he could just play around in the country.

After all, China is so big, it would take a lifetime to travel all over China.

But he ignored one point, that is his popularity!

He can't still wear a mask, sunglasses and cap on his honeymoon.

So they chose to go abroad. Considering that Yin Tao didn't understand foreign languages, Chu Qing was afraid that she would feel insecure in an unfamiliar place, so Chu Qing chose Xinjia P as the place for their honeymoon.

Here, Mandarin can be used as the subject!There is no barrier at all.

But it is a pity that Chu Qing really feels that there is nothing interesting here, it is better to go to Egypt to ride a camel and see mummies
The one-month honeymoon ended soon, and at the end of December, the two returned to China, just in time for the premiere of "My Brothers and Sisters"!
This time the film promotion is still hot, after all, with Chu Qing and Zhang Mo supporting the scene, plus the red and purple little fresh meat Song Wei, how could this lineup be unpopular?

In addition, during this period of time, Guangming Media has spared no effort to promote, such as "annual healing blockbuster", "top ten movies in life", "three great movie stars on the same stage", etc., the audience on the first day is very sincere. !
Chu Qing took Yin Tao with him, and the two were also present.

Yin Tao had seen the filming, after all, she had followed Chu Qing throughout the process, but she had never seen the finished product.

The two of them were packed tightly, and they didn't go to the VIP hall, but chose a simple couple's hall.

The number of people in the lovers hall can most likely reflect how many young audiences are watching at the moment.

Chu Qing glanced casually, and the occupancy rate had already reached over 90.00%, which met his psychological expectations.

He could even see a few people holding small notebooks in their hands and writing something intently.

Generally, such people are mostly self-media big Vs or film critics. You can see these people in any couple hall like this. Chu Qing can already predict that the movie will become popular after its release.

At least the heat is there!
"Hey, I've been under too much pressure in the company during this time. I haven't maintained a good relationship with my clients. The boss has troubled me every day. I hope this movie will really heal as advertised."

"It's definitely possible. Didn't you read the promotion that it's the annual healing blockbuster?"

The young couple behind Chu Qing were not very old, they seemed to have just graduated from university and entered the society, and the content of the chat was still childish.

Chu Qing couldn't help but smile, he also had this stage of life back then, unfortunately, he was later wrapped in layers of armor.

The armor is cold and hard, but it keeps you from getting hurt!

While Chu Qing was thinking about messy things, the auditorium gradually darkened and the movie was officially released.

A good movie can stand the test of time.

But looking back after so many years, it still brings tears to my eyes.

But there are also some movies that make people afraid to watch it a second time. This is the case with "Hachiko", and the same is true for "My Brothers and Sisters".

Qi's family was originally a big happy family. His father was a top student at the music academy, but he was sent to work in the countryside because of certain problems.

In the impression of children, parents have always been very happy.

The eldest of the Qi family is named Yiku, the second is the younger sister Sitian, the third is the younger brother Qi Tian, ​​and the youngest is the younger sister Qi Miao.

His father worked as a music teacher in an elementary school, but because of the general environment at that time, he could not accept his father's music philosophy. The school was complained by parents many times, and the principal had to dismiss his father.

Father is a stubborn person, even before leaving, he still has to give the students the last moment.

My father has his own attitude towards music, and he is also using his attitude to influence the four brothers and sisters.

The audience in the movie theater has already watched it at this moment, and all their minds are in the movie.

Even the father played by Chu Qing and the boss played by Song Wei didn't care too much.

Song Wei may be due to the make-up artist, while Chu Qing is due to her acting skills!
A good actor will not let the audience play.

The camera switches, and the point of view comes to the plane. It turns out that everything just now is the memory of the heroine.

She was the little girl back then, Qi Sitian!

Now she has achieved fame and become a musician, and now, she is about to return to China for her first performance.

On the plane, her nervous palms were sweaty, and her boyfriend kept comforting her.

As soon as I got off the plane, many reporters gathered around to interview her, asking her how she felt about returning to China this time.

And she just calmly narrates her own story.

At the press conference, she said that she has always looked forward to returning to her hometown, which she has always missed.

Because in this land, she also has a younger sister, a younger brother, and an older brother.

She hasn't seen them for almost 20 years. When she returns to China this time, she not only hopes that the performance will be successful, but also hopes to find them.

She showed reporters a family photo she took when she was seven years old, and the story quickly went viral.

Newspapers, radio, can see this news!

And in a taxi, a broadcast is playing, a gentleman named Qi Yiku is looking for his sister.

The younger sister's name is Qi Miao, who was separated in Bingcheng 20 years ago.

Time went back to 20 years ago, the father who was dismissed pretended to be calm and brought back apples to the children.

Only then did the audience realize that this father was actually played by Chu Qing!

Chu Qing wore the clothes unique to that era, with a look of vicissitudes, especially those eyes, which were not at all like the eyes a 30-year-old should have, but more like an old man.

"As expected of an actor!"

"This look is amazing!"

"Did you see? This master was born as a freshman back then, but he chose to hone his acting skills in a down-to-earth manner. Now you can see the results!"

The movie continued. Although my father wanted to hide the unemployment, how could it be possible to hide this kind of thing?
But everyone chose to pretend not to know, and carefully avoided making their father angry.

Although the mother knew everything, she still didn't say a word. She was busy with everything in the family, but she started to vomit blood behind her back, and told the children not to tell their father.

She doesn't want to put pressure on him anymore, she understands his difficulty.

Life at home became more and more difficult, and my mother's health became weaker and weaker.

The younger siblings are still immature, and their hard-fought life makes them a little difficult. As the eldest brother, Yiku can only take risks to steal eggs.

As a result, it was discovered as soon as it was stolen.

When the father found out about this, he was very angry and beat Yiku hard. The children came to intercede, but the father ignored him.

In the end, Yiku was fined not to eat, and stood outside in the ice and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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