Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 362 Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 362 Brothers and Sisters
Sitian was a sensible child who made people feel distressed since she was a child. She secretly hid a steamed bun for her brother.

But how could such a small action be hidden from his father's eyes?

The father got up and left on the pretense that he was full, and gave Sitian the opportunity to deliver steamed buns to his brother.

Looking at his son who was eating steamed buns in the snow, the father was relieved.

Because he knows that the children in his family are in love with each other, even if he is gone one day, they can still live in unity and friendship by virtue of their unbreakable blood relationship.

The screen switches again, Sitian's boyfriend has already found the whereabouts of his sister Qi Miao.

This is a noisy nightclub, where she found her sister Qi Miao.

Looking at her younger sister who is now wearing heavy makeup, she was in a daze for a moment, the innocent and lovely image in her memory was really difficult to overlap with the current Qi Miao.

Qi Miao also seemed a little indifferent to Si Tian who said she was her sister.

For so many years, she has always had a pimple in her heart. She felt that she was abandoned by her brothers and sisters. Although it was not cruel, it was difficult to get rid of.

Si Tian asks Qi Miao for news about her elder brother, but Qi Miao satirizes her elder brother for not being as good as herself, maybe in prison.

Sitian didn't understand why her sister said that, but Qi Miao said that her elder brother had been stealing chickens and dogs since he was a child, and took them to the neighbor's house to steal eggs, so it's not unusual to go to jail.

Si Tian's expression was very complicated. At that time, Qi Tian Qi Miao was still young, so she didn't understand why his brother would steal eggs, but she did.

Qi Miao said that her elder brother had moved several times, and after that he could no longer be contacted.

When Si Tian asked about her job, she stubbornly said that she was still hungry.

It can be seen that she doesn't want to show timidity in front of Sitian, and she doesn't want this sister who hasn't seen her for 20 years to pity herself.

Qi Miao dropped out of high school, Si Tian wanted to find her a school, let her continue to study and find a normal job after graduation, but Qi Miao still refused.

This made Sitian a little sad, she knew that Qi Miao hated herself and her eldest brother, but they were only children back then, so what could they do?

After the two sisters quarreled, Qi Miao turned and left, leaving Si Tian alone in memory.

Once Qi Miao caught a bad cold, her whole body ached, and she was hospitalized because of bronchitis.

On the hospital bed, she watched the clinical children eat canned fruit and clamored to eat it too.

But at that time, my father was already unemployed, and he spent all his savings just on seeing a doctor. Where did he get the money to buy canned fruit?
But how could the young Qi Miao understand this truth, she cried and made noises, and her parents' faces were full of embarrassment.

At this time, Yiku, Sitian, and even Qi Tian took out the lucky money that he was reluctant to spend, and chipped in to buy a canned fruit for Qi Miao.

Qi Miao was so innocent and cute at that time, even when eating canned food, she didn't forget to share it with her brothers and sisters.

After that time, my mother's illness could no longer be sustained, and she passed out in the snow.

The father wanted to send the mother to the hospital, but the mother cared about the money and was unwilling to burden the family, so she refused to go no matter what.

At night, the mother's condition worsened again. Finally, under the persuasion of the father, the mother finally agreed to go to the hospital.

Before leaving the house, his father specifically told Yiku that you are an older brother, you have to take good care of your younger siblings, tell stories, and put your younger siblings to sleep.

But no one expected that this time, there would be an eternal separation between man and heaven!

It was snowing heavily on the way to the hospital at night. My parents met a kind-hearted man and got into his carriage, but they didn’t expect that because of the dark and slippery road, they turned over into the ravine with the car. When they were sent to the hospital, they were dead. I'm out of breath.

When the audience saw this, they all felt a little stuffy in their chests.

Although there have been speculations before, it is still difficult for them to accept when the children's parents die.

Those four children are still so young, how can this make them live?

The camera cuts, and Qi Miao recalls her childhood. She still remembers that when she went to the hospital and didn't understand anything, she still went to hold her father's hand, but found that her father's hand was as cold as ice.

It wasn't until that moment that she understood that her father would never be able to put her to sleep again.

After the father was buried, his cousin came and took them away.

In front of the grave, the cousin reassured the old father that even if the food was simple, the children would always have something to eat.

But at that time, every family had a hard-to-recite scripture, so how could it be comfortable to live under the fence?

There are already four children in my cousin's family. How can it be easy for them to add Yikusitian?

Just when the cousin was complaining, Yikusitian and the others had already wrestled with the children of the cousin's family, and this made the uncle, cousin and the two of them quarrel even more.

In the end, Yiku took his younger siblings and left his cousin's house. At that time, the children were very confused and asked their elder brother where he was going.

Yiku only said that his father said back then that he would not eat the food that came when he died of starvation!

At the beginning, Yiku didn't understand what this sentence meant, but now he understands.

Although the younger brothers and sisters didn't understand, they understood a truth, the uncle's home was not their home.

Yiku dragged his younger siblings to walk in the snow, he said that as long as he still had breath, he would not let his younger siblings be wronged.

They didn't know it at the time, but their departure shocked many people.People from my father's work unit have been looking for them, and my uncle and aunt almost got divorced.

Under the night, the elder brother sent each of them a family portrait photo.

The younger siblings don't want to be separated, so the older brother can only comfort them, saying that they will be together when they grow up.

At that time, we will recognize each other with the photo.

The eldest brother first handed Qi Miao to an old couple, told her to be obedient, and promised her that he would come back to see her when the time came.

Little Qi Miao, who was ignorant at the beginning, has become a lot more sensible after experiencing so much.

But when the eldest brother left, he still couldn't help crying and chased after him.

Many viewers who watched this scene cursed out loud, and more than half of the people in the cinema shed tears.

Children are always the weakness of Chinese people, regardless of gender!
Then, they sent the younger brother to the home of an intellectual. The younger brother was very smart and recited several Tang poems on the spot. The intellectual was very satisfied.

The younger brother was still crying fiercely, and the elder sister Sitian was dragged away by the elder brother, but kept yelling at the younger brother.

"Qi Tian, ​​you have to be obedient, don't trouble your uncles and aunts, we will come to see you, we will definitely come to see you"

This time, the audience who could bear it before couldn't hold back anymore.

They only have one sentence in mind now, cure?What the hell do you call this a cure?Do you have a bag in your head!

I was really fooled by devils, so I listened to you to watch this movie.

(End of this chapter)

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