Chapter 363
However, they still don't know that the most violent tear gas has not yet come!
After the younger brothers and sisters are sent away, it's Sitian's turn. This child who is so sensible and distressing is about to be sent away.

When the elder brother who had always been strong, stubborn, starving to death and refusing to eat what he had come to, knelt on the ground, knocked his head on the ground one after another, and begged the other party to take his sister in, the auditorium was already full of crying.

"I beg you! Please take my sister in!"

"I know you are all good people, and you have no children yet, please take my sister in."

"My younger sister is very sensible and doesn't eat much, please take her in."

Under such pleadings, not to mention the characters in the play, even the outside audience couldn't resist.

Most of the Huaxia people are like this, obviously their lives are in a mess, but they just can't see the suffering in this world.

In the end, the couple who were planning to go abroad agreed to adopt the younger sister, but the elder brother Yiku left the only package to the younger sister, and turned around and ran away.

Listening to Si Tian's words "Brother, come back, brother, come back", it almost broke the hearts of these audiences.

Yiku ran alone on the cold street of Bingcheng, forcing himself to resist all the sadness and reluctance.

He called the names of his younger siblings, but he didn't even have a direction to run.

I don't know how long he ran, but he ran to the river and fell down on the snow.

He broke down and shouted: "Dad! Mom!"

It wasn't until this time that the audience realized that this brother who has always been very strong is just a child.

In the screening hall at this moment, there is no one in the audience who does not shed tears.

They feel sorry for those children, and even more for that strong brother.

Time goes back to 20 years later, the eldest brother Yiku has become a taxi driver, and he has been looking for his sister Qi Miao.

Anyone who gets into his car, he will ask about his sister's whereabouts.

On the other side, Si Tian found her younger brother Qi Tian after finding her younger sister Qi Miao.

Every time Qi Tian celebrates his birthday, he will use the radio to order a song for himself, and he will also say a sentence in the message, which only represents Qi Sitian and Qi Miao.

She saw her younger brother Qi Tian again on the playground of the university. They hadn't seen each other for almost 20 years.

But when she got close to him, his younger brother recognized her immediately.

It was only during the conversation between the siblings that the younger brother's adoptive parents passed away very early, and the city government helped him attend college.

She has found her younger siblings, and the only thing left is her elder brother.

But she didn't know that there was only a thin line between her and her elder brother!
Eldest brother Yiku saw the news about Sitian in the newspaper, and hurriedly drove to the entrance of the concert, hoping to go in and see Sitian.

But the taxi driver thought he was here to steal business, so he beat him up violently.

At this time, Sitian got into the car and left, making Yiku miss her.

Qi Yiku has been struggling in society for so many years, how can he be a person who will be bullied?The drivers who fought back immediately ran away with their heads in their arms. One driver had a car accident while avoiding his pursuit. Qi Yiku was wanted like this.

He didn't dare to see his sister anymore, for fear that he would affect her life and image.

Because she was wanted, she couldn't go home even more.

His sister was right in front of him but he couldn't see him, so he chose to anesthetize himself with alcohol.

While drinking, he met a few gangsters, including his sister Qi Miao.

Ke Yiku drank too much, and he couldn't recognize the woman with heavy make-up in front of him as his sister.

Qi Miao didn't recognize him either, instead she snatched his newspaper and boasted that the musician on it was his sister.

The little bastard spoke badly, and the elder brother who had been angry for a long time naturally took the initiative to teach them a lesson. He yelled that it was his sister, his own sister, which made Qi Miao recognize his elder brother.

But two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that he was already drunk, if his sister Qi Miao hadn't protected him that night, he might have been beaten to death.

Early the next morning, Qi Yiku woke up in a daze, and found himself in an unfamiliar place, thinking that he had done something messy after drinking.

But without opening her mouth, Qi Miao revealed her identity.

The brother and sister looked at each other, first laughed, and finally wept with joy.

Afterwards, Qi Miao was going to take Sitian to his eldest brother, but Yiku had already disappeared, and he didn't want to hurt his younger siblings.

On the day of the performance, Qi Tian and Qi Miao all came, and they were waiting for Big Brother.

Although they haven't seen Yiku's figure yet, they firmly believe that the eldest brother will definitely come today, but the eldest brother has not appeared for a long time.

It turned out that Yiku was caught by the police in the subway on the way to the performance.

After hearing his story, the police still fulfilled his wish and took him to the concert site.

He stood under the stage, looking at his sister who was directing on the stage, with complex eyes that made people feel sad.

His attire, coupled with the appearance of a police escort, quickly attracted the attention of some viewers.

He was afraid of dragging down his sister's image, so he turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Qi Tian Qi Miao, who was in the front row, turned his head away under the fetters of blood.

"Big Brother"

"Big brother!"

Brothers and sisters who have been separated for more than 20 years are finally reunited.

In the applause of the audience, the four brothers and sisters hugged each other tightly, just like when they were young.

Just like what my father said, they used to be snowflakes that fell from the sky. They didn't know each other at first, but after they landed, they became one, condensed into ice, and turned into water, and they were never separated.

At the end of the movie, when the lights came on, Chu Qing found that almost all the audience were wiping their tears, or simply letting them flow. Everyone lined up and walked out of the screening hall. From time to time, they could hear two curses on the director or screenwriter. if.


"Who made this movie? Is there a prototype?"

"There must be. Otherwise, would you be able to write such a good book?"

"Did you find out? Song Wei is playing the big brother."

"What? Damn it! That's right, it was said earlier that there was Song Wei in it, but I haven't been able to find it, it's actually that big brother!"

"No way, that big brother is just a child anyway?"

"That's right, think about it carefully?"

"Oh shit! Really! This kid is amazing, don't you say he is a fresh meat?"

"What's wrong with Little Fresh Meat? Wasn't Chu Qing the same at the beginning? He's not the actor yet!"

"Hey, the [Guangming Media] people are too powerful, and anyone who can be pulled out is a powerful faction."

Listening to the voices of the audience's discussion, Chu Qing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. As a media company, the audience's reputation is more important than anything else!

At the beginning, Chu Qing relied on his title of "good actor" and his excellent works to change the audience's impression of him.

And now, this good impression is gradually being passed on to his company.

As long as he succeeds, he can gain a foothold in the Chinese film industry!
(End of this chapter)

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