Chapter 364 Competition
After the movie ended, Chu Qing took Yin Tao back home.

Now Chu Qing also bought a villa in Yanjing, which belongs to Wang Cong's family. The price is favorable, and the location and supporting facilities are all Chu Qing likes very much.

Chu Qing hired two nannies. After all, he often filmed movies and needed someone to clean the house.

Usually at home, Yin Tao is very diligent, but firstly, Chu Qing is reluctant, and secondly, she is Chu Qing's assistant, and when Chu Qing usually travels, she will always take her with her.

These two nannies are not simple. They are proficient in cleaning, cooking, being a confinement lady, and taking care of children. Of course, the price is also very beautiful.

However, considering Chu Qing's current conditions, this little money is not in his eyes, but he thinks it is a good deal, so that when Yin Tao is pregnant, he will not be ignorant, at least there are two people around him who can teach him.

When the two returned home, the nanny had already prepared meals, and the two discussed the movie while eating.

The food is delicious, Song Dawei is visiting.

He didn't seem to be outside, and skillfully went to the nanny to ask for a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and began to eat after sitting down.

"I said you have a big heart, you didn't even go to see "World War Zombie" during the promotional period."

After Chu Qing picked up a piece of meat for Yin Tao, he said, "You are watching, what am I going to do?"

"You are too comfortable being a shopkeeper! Is this your company or mine?"

"Nonsense, have you ever met a boss who tied himself to the company every day? Do you understand that you must have a good time in life?"

Song Dawei sighed and said, "Hey, this is the first time I want to resign so much!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Are you willing? You want to resign from the family business that my brother has worked so hard to establish?"

Song Dawei smiled, and said while eating: "That kid Wang Cong is crazy busy! We have now negotiated many countries, but there is a problem with the Lijian country."

Hearing this, Chu Qing put down her job and said, "What kind of problem? Can't gifting solve it?"

Song Dawei smiled bitterly and said, "It was okay at the beginning, but who would have thought that the bastard who was doing the work was actually a racist!"

Chu Qing couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and said softly: "Is it just a theater?"

"Well, they are the leading theaters, if they don't agree, the other theaters won't agree either"

"He has no competitors?"

"Yes, but their competitors gave us very low sharing conditions, which even made me feel like they are partnering to lower the price."

Chu Qing sighed, knowing that there was a high probability that the other party was lowering the price!In a place like Lijian Country, how could personal grievances be more important than interests?
But after thinking about it, Chu Qing still said: "I agree with the second one!"

Song Dawei was still a little unwilling: "The more I think about it, the more angry I get, why can't anyone take care of those bastards?"

Chu Qing said very flatly: "We are making a fortune on other people's territory now, and it is normal to be a little angry at the beginning, but this will not be the norm! This time let them eat meat, and if they want to eat it next time, then You have to listen to us!"

Before Song Dawei was sent away, Wang Cong came again. Looking at the leftovers on the table, Wang Cong sighed, looked at his watch and said that he was late!

I haven't seen Wang Cong for more than a month, and he has lost a lot of weight, looking like a big-headed doll.

Wang Cong began to complain as soon as he sat on the sofa, saying how difficult it was for him to pass this time.

Chu Qing sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I know it's not easy for you, but you are an investor! It's normal for you to work hard. Whose boss do you see doing nothing every day?"

Song Dawei: "."

Several people chatted together for an afternoon. Song Dawei explained some company affairs, and Wang Cong explained some movie affairs. Generally speaking, everything is developing in a good direction.

On the second day, the premiere box office of "My Brothers and Sisters" was released!The box office of the day was 5000 million!
This is already a very good box office in urban dramas.

Of course, this is also because the box office appeal of Chu Qing, Song Wei and others is too strong.

Along with the rise, there is also the word-of-mouth of this movie.

The rating on is as high as [-]!

Although the score will definitely decline in the future, it is not easy to achieve this step!
The comments on attracted many people.

"This movie is really the most healing movie I have seen in the past ten years!"

"The above is right, this movie is definitely not to be missed, it's so outrageous to watch, it's really good, it's not abusive at all, it looks very relaxed"

"This movie can be called a milestone of domestic movies! I especially recommend that audiences with brothers and sisters watch it together, it will definitely enhance the relationship between you"

"Chu Qing's acting skills once again amazed me. Even though I already knew he was a good actor and a best actor, but this time he played the role of father, the look in his eyes still made my scalp tingle!"

"I also think Chu Qing is great, but Song Wei's acting skills are also very good!"

"Really, I didn't realize it at first, I was Song Wei's true love fan in vain."

"Everyone, I think Duan Peng is the one with the best acting skills! Don't you feel impressed by the big brother's acting?"

In just one day of release, there are thousands of comments on!
This urban drama quickly became popular at a speed that could be called a blockbuster!
Part of this is because [Bright Entertainment]'s sailors lead the rhythm, but more of the reason is because the quality of the movie is really excellent!

Song Wei was also recognized by countless netizens because of this movie!
Before, everyone thought that a person like him was a lucky one, without this face, he would be nothing.

It became popular only because of those brainless fans.

But now, the audience has finally recognized his acting skills!Also face up to his identity as an actor.

Song Wei is undoubtedly happy on this day, and his hard work has finally paid off.

But Zhao Yining on this day is unwilling!
No matter how dull he was, he found that the company's attitude towards him was different during this time.

He has been shooting urban movies for a while, but while shooting, he found that the script has been changed!
It was a male-to-male drama about a country boy he played who came to the city, alone, and joined a car company as a salesman.

After working for two years, with the improvement of his performance, he also had the opportunity to be promoted to be a manager, and the biggest opponent in front of him was a son who grew up in the city.

That is, the CP reserved for rotten girls.

Originally, he was a well-deserved protagonist, but in the end he also took the position of manager, and the young master was even more convincing as his deputy.

But the current script has been changed beyond recognition. In a word, he is the well-deserved male lead, and the other party can only be regarded as the second male lead.

But now, it has suddenly turned into a two-male lead drama, and it is even said that the other party is more like the male lead!
(End of this chapter)

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