Chapter 365 Regret
This is something he can't bear no matter what!
Why did he want to make an urban film?Isn't it just to compete with Song Wei!

The results of it?Acting and acting as the second male?Then how do you compare with the other party?
Now when he sees those people who praise Song Wei on the Internet, he becomes very angry!

Are you blind?
It's okay, go back and watch "Chen Qing Ling" before talking!He plays the male lead in it, and I play Ning Du who is hotter than him!Can't you tell who is better at acting?
Now the whole internet is praising Song Wei, saying that he is good at acting, especially that part of running wild after seeing off his younger brother and sister, it even acted out the bitterness in Qi Yi's heart at that time.

Zhao Yining was speechless, he thought to himself what's the matter!
Give him a week, and he will also give you a segment, which is guaranteed to be better than that guy!
Song Wei was already in the mood to be in the limelight, but when the director and the screenwriter changed the script, Zhao Yining was so angry that he immediately exploded.

"What bullshit! I came here to play the leading role, not a supporting role for you! This movie is without me, who do you expect to beat the box office? Does that little boy have any fans?"

"I'm telling you! I won't make this movie anymore! If you want me to make it, I'll change the script back!"

"Do you really think that I, Zhao Yining, was made out of dough and let you bully me?"

In the crew, Zhao Yining threw his thermos cup on the ground and was very aggressive.

His assistant bodyguards and so on are all members of his family, and now seeing that his cash cow is angry, they also started clamoring.

"That's right! Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

"Let me tell you! My family Yining is a big star, do you know how much my family Yining is worth? It is your honor to be able to make a movie with my family Yining!"

"No acting! Heavenly King Lao Tzu will not act anymore!"

Looking at these yelling assistant bodyguards, the staff looked confused.

They thought in their hearts whether you act or not, don't care about me!Are you talking to me?You go to the director!

"what happened?"

At this time, the agent and the producer came out together.

Many people may think that the director is the biggest in the crew, but in fact this is a misunderstanding.

The director is only responsible for filming, the producer is the one who decides the life and death of the crew!
The producer of this film is also a veteran in [Awakening Media], and all the staff were silent when it came out.

The manager's eyes fell on the overturned thermos, and he subconsciously frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Yining sneered and said, "My surname is Zhang, do you regard me as a human being? The script is revised three times a day, and the more I change, the less I will be in the role! You [Awakening Media] recruited me as a supporting role?"

The manager's face turned cold when he heard the words, he looked at Zhao Yining and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"How about it? Change the script back to me immediately! Otherwise, I will refuse to act!"

After hearing this, the agent sneered and said: "Reject? Let me see if you refuse to act? You can leave now, and then I will sue you! Do you know how much you will lose? Just tell you that, and put your whole body It’s sold up and down, it’s not enough!”

Zhao Yining was even more furious after hearing this, grabbed the mineral water on the side and threw it at the manager.

"What the hell are you! Are you worthy of talking to me like this?"

The manager dodged sideways, and sneered again: "What are you? After two days of being popular, do you really think you are someone? Do you think you are Song Wei?"

These words directly made Zhao Yining blushed with anger, pointing at the other party and said angrily.

"Believe it or not, I can make my fans call you ugly with just one word?"

The manager curled his lips in disdain and said, "Didn't you read the contract carefully? Since you signed with our company, all your social accounts belong to the company! Without our permission, you can't even post a punctuation mark, otherwise, you will lose money." Your mother doesn't even know you!"

By now, the manager had shown his madness, and Zhao Yining, who had never seen him before, was a little confused by this appearance.

It was not until this moment that he realized that something had really changed.

He took a deep breath and said, "I want to see the boss! The boss spent one billion to lure me back, is it just for watching?"

But the agent shook his head and said, "The boss won't see you. The only way out for you now is to make a movie with peace of mind. It's good for you and me!"

Zhao Yining clenched his hands tightly, his joints began to turn white, and the veins under his fair skin bulged, and he could see the anger in his heart.

He took two deep breaths in a row before he calmed down, and he sat back on the chair silently and asked.

"Why? You have to give me a reason. I, Zhao Yining, aren't worth the company spending hundreds of millions to buy it back and block it! Why don't you even give me a chance to try?"

The agent stared at Zhao Yining's eyes and said slowly: "We have given you enough opportunities, but you have never cared about it! To tell you the truth, if you didn't spend hundreds of millions to buy it back, your treatment It might be better than it is now.”

"You mean, this is all the boss's idea? He thinks it's a loss to spend several hundred million to buy me? Do you know how much those endorsers asked me for before? I can earn him back!"

The agent slowly shook his head and said, "Do you think there are still endorsers coming to the door?"

The air gradually quieted down, and Zhao Yining's eyes were complicated.

A man's growth often happens in an instant, and now he suddenly understands why Chu Qing chose Song Wei instead of Zhao Yining.

He also suddenly understood why these people's attitudes towards him changed so quickly, and they didn't even want to give him a chance to try.

He sat on the chair without saying a word, but everyone knew that he would compromise in the end.

Because as early as when the contract was signed, the company didn't leave him any room to refuse!
Zhao Yining regretted it, it was the first time he regretted leaving [Bright Entertainment].

If he was still in [Bright Entertainment], they would at least give him a chance to prove himself, right?
Hehe, it's ridiculous. I tried my best to change jobs, but in the end I locked myself in.

Chu Qing didn't know what Zhao Yining was thinking, and even if he knew, Chu Qing wouldn't care.

A person's brain capacity is limited, and Chu Qing doesn't want to use his precious capacity to remember such people.

This night, Chu Qing specially invited Song Wei and Duan Peng to dinner.

At the dinner table, Chu Qing announced the good news.

Their "My Brothers and Sisters" has already been shortlisted for next year's Hong Kong Film Awards!
Duan Peng!Nominated for Best Actor!

Song Wei!Shortlisted for the Best Newcomer Award!

The movie itself was shortlisted for Best Picture!

Except for the fact that the best newcomer award may be lower, the remaining two are all awards!
(End of this chapter)

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