Chapter 366 The Future
This news made Song Wei stand on the spot in a daze, the best newcomer award!

This is not a big award, but for Song Wei, it is very precious.

Being shortlisted for this award already shows that people in the industry recognize his acting skills, and that's enough!

Even if he didn't get it, he was still very proud!
Duan Peng's fist was clenched and then loosened. He had been shortlisted for Best Actor before, but he ran with him in the end, so this time he was shortlisted, and he didn't dare to have too many expectations, for fear that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. big.

Duan Peng is different from Chu Qing. Chu Qing belongs to the kind of half-way monk. After all, Chu Qing studied broadcasting at the beginning.

At that time, Chu Qing's expectation for his future was to become a host. If possible, he hoped to have his own program, which would be really popular!
And Duan Peng is learning to perform, and his dream since childhood has been to become a movie king!

And his conditions are actually not very good. According to what the teacher said when he was in school, he can play some special characters, but the road ahead is too narrow.

From such an evaluation to being shortlisted for the best actor, the sadness in it is beyond the comprehension of a genius like Chu Qing.

Seeing the reserved appearance of the two, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing and said, "Relax, you two. This time there are not many competing products in the same period, and Xiangjiang Films has really declined these years. They urgently need to expand the mainland market."

"So your chances are still great. Although our company doesn't have that much power in Xiangjiang, I also know some people. If others don't say it, isn't Fatty Wang from Xiangjiang? Although he is making commercial films, he can also talkative"

"I asked before, and Fatty Wang said, you two have a great chance!"

When the two heard Chu Qing's words, although they knew that it was probably comforting, they still relaxed a little.

The atmosphere at the dining table was also a little more relaxed, and the few people chatted first while eating and drinking.

"Xiao Song, you don't want to accept any endorsements and variety shows during this period of time. Take it easy, this movie alone is not enough, you need at least two movies that can prove your strength, so that the audience can trust you He's a good actor!"

Song Wei wiped his mouth when he heard the words, "Are you the leading actor?"

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "Calm down first, I have high expectations for you, and you can't afford a big production now! If the acting fails, it will destroy the good things you have accumulated before." reputation"

"I'm still playing a supporting role, but I'll give you a mention of the role. The setting of the role will also try to be as pleasing as possible. The main thing is to make you popular with the audience and your acting skills!"

Song Wei understood, nodded and said, "I listen to Brother Chu all the time."

Chu Qing smiled, then looked at Duan Peng and said, "As for you, your acting skills are almost the same, and you have shot so many movies, but you still lack a masterpiece!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she opened her handbag, took out a script and handed it to Duan Pengdao.

"Go back and have a look! Even if you don't get the actor this time, then this book is enough!"

Duan Peng took the script curiously, and saw four large characters written by Chu Qing on the cover.

"heroic nature"!
Needless to say the power of this movie, many of the classic lines are still used today.

'Officer, I haven't been a big brother for a long time'

'I don't come back to prove that I am better than anyone else, I just want to let them know that I will definitely get back what I lost! '

'Believe in God?I am God!God also came from man'

The characters in this are all flesh and blood, so that the audience will believe that they are real after watching them, not people made up by the screenwriter.

Originally Chu Qing wanted Song Wei to play the role of 'Song Zijie', but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

With Song Wei's acting skills, he can't support such a good role at all. Giving him this role will not only waste the role, but may even ruin the movie.

Looking at Song Wei's envious expression, Chu Qing once again took out a script from his bag and handed it to Song Weidao.

"This is for you, play well!"

Song Wei wiped his hands first, and then took the script, his expression was a little sacred, Chu Qing almost couldn't laugh out loud.

Song Wei took the script, flipped through it twice and asked, "Brother Chu, is this our company's new movie?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "No, this is a movie produced by my father-in-law's company. You can understand that this is a supporting role specially made for you."

Song Wei glanced at the script and realized that it was true!
The character of the supporting role in the play is very similar to him, and belongs to the kind of role that can be played in true colors.

It's just that this character didn't end well, and finally died.

This movie is a scene of a heroine. It is about the heroine who has cancer, and the process of fighting cancer optimistically.

And the role he plays is a big boy who also has cancer.

He is a little shy, and has always liked the carefree and positive heroine, and even said that he admires her a little.

He also wants to be as positive and sunny as the heroine, and warm others like the sun, but he still can't do it after all.

So he chose to be close to the sun, and finally died under the light.

It can be said that this is a very pleasing character, and it definitely belongs to the kind of character design that makes the audience move and never forget after watching it.

And the personality is relatively easy to grasp, and there is not much problem in acting.

Just like what Chu Qing said before, this is almost a supporting role tailor-made for him!
Song Wei was a little moved, but Chu Qing waved his hands and said, "Don't cry with that bitch, keep your emotions in your heart, act well, and if you earn more money, you will repay me!"

Song Wei nodded fiercely, put away the script solemnly, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Chu! I will definitely not let you down!"

Chu Qing smiled, turned to look at Duan Peng, but saw that Duan Peng was already deeply involved in the script.

After returning to the company, the company's annual meeting is under preparation.

In the past two years, the company has also recruited artists, especially after making the company famous, it has successfully negotiated with five universities, and their acting students can choose to come to [Bright Entertainment] for internship.

Of course, these five universities are not well-known universities. If Yan Ying is the one who participated in the show, they don't like 【Bright Entertainment】at all.

But now, a school came to him, and it was Chu Qing's old acquaintance.

It was Huang Ren!

He was also Chu Qing's mentor back then, and he was the one who left Chu Qing with a way out during Chu Qing's most difficult time!
I haven't seen Mr. Huang Ren for several years. Not only is he not old, but he looks younger.

Behind him were two young people, the kind of young people who could tell at a glance that they had just graduated, and their eyes were still bright.

"Teacher, why didn't you notify me when you came, so I can pick you up early!"

Chu Qing ran to Huang Ren in a few steps. Huang Ren had Chu Qing's private number, and he was one of the few people who had Chu Qing's private number.

After hearing this, Huang Ren laughed and said, "Today I not only represent myself, but also represent our school. It's better to follow the process."

(End of this chapter)

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