Chapter 367

"Look at what you always say, you are my teacher, what you say today, that is what it is!"

Chu Qing hurriedly supported Huang Ren's arm, Huang Ren was actually not that old, and Chu Qing did it with an attitude.

At the same time, he looked at the front desk and said, "Remember, this is my old teacher, Mr. Huang Renhuang. Whenever Mr. Huang Ren comes, he must take it to my office as soon as possible!"

"Alright Mr. Chu!"

The front desk hurriedly agreed, but Teacher Huang Ren waved his hands with a smile and said: "It's not necessary, it's not necessary."

The eyes of the two elementary school students around were already brightened. Although they knew that Chu Qing was a student of Huang Ren's teacher, they didn't expect that Chu Qing would respect Huang Ren so much!

After several people came to Chu Qing's office, Chu Qing poured tea for Huang Ren himself, and then asked with a smile.

"Teacher, just call if you have anything to do. Even if we meet, I should be the one to visit you. Why do you come here in person?"

After taking a sip of tea, Huang Ren waved his hands and said, "Where is it, what is your status now, is it not suitable?"

"Look at what you said, I am your apprentice no matter what I am."

After they drank two sips of tea, Chu Qing looked at the two young men who had been standing behind Huang Ren.

Seeing this, Huang Ren smiled and said: "This is your junior, who just graduated this year, and they are all good seedlings. Although their talents are not as good as yours, they are still worth cultivating."

"At first I planned to send them to Yanjing Satellite TV, but I heard that there has been a lot of turmoil there recently, so I thought I would bring them here to show you."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Since you have spoken, teacher, of course there is no problem. What major do these two students study?"



The two replied almost at the same time, Chu Qing nodded, and shouted from outside the office: "Xia Zhen!"

"Hey, Brother Chu"

Xia Zhen, who was outside the office, agreed and trotted in.

After a period of tempering, Xia Zhen, the rebellious young man at the beginning, has already smoothed his edges and corners, or in other words, sorted out his outlook on life.

Chu Qing waited for Xia Zhen to come in, looked at the two juniors and smiled, "This is my assistant Xia Zhen, you just follow him."

"Xia Zhen, take my two juniors to the personnel department to see if there are any programs that are hosts right now! If not, plan and ask them to prepare a program. I will give them 2000 million start-up funds , and the rest will be sponsored by themselves, the requirement is that the host must be the two of them.”

"Hey, I'll do it right away"

Xia Zhen agreed and planned to go to the personnel department, but the two elementary school students were already dumbfounded.

This, what is this?

Aren't we here for an internship?
Can you have your own show with an internship?

Am I dreaming?This is too nonsense!
This feeling is like a young chef who has just graduated. When he came to a big hotel, he thought that he would have to cut pies for two years first. Who would have thought that when he first arrived at the restaurant, he would be asked to cook for the chief!
Huang Ren was a little dazed after hearing this, and said in surprise, "Isn't this too fast? It's good to give young people a chance, but at least they have to hone their skills."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Teacher, the people you brought will definitely be the same!"

Huang Ren laughed out loud, Chu Qing's face today is considered in place!
When the two elementary school boys went back to publicize, Huang Ren's face would naturally be saved.

Huang Ren nodded to the two students. The two elementary school students would also come, and they thanked Chu Qing before leaving.

After waiting for Huang Ren and Chu Qing to be left in the room, Huang Ren said with emotion.

"From the first day I taught you and listened to your voice, I knew you would have a career in the future"

"But in my mind, you will be a unique host"

"I never imagined that you would be able to start such a big company and even become an actor."

Huang Ren's voice was a little sad, but the love could be heard in it.

Chu Qing was in a daze. There were not many people in his life who he was sincerely grateful to, and Huang Ren was definitely one of them.

When she was in school, Chu Qing was very shy. This kind of person is often very out of gregarious, and it is difficult to integrate into a group.

Huang Ren made a lot of efforts for this. It can be said that he gave Chu Qing a perfect college life.

Even after Chu Qing graduated and was no longer his student, he still cared about Chu Qing.

Because of Cui Qiqi's affairs in the last life, Huang Ren worried about him a lot, but he missed a lot because of the so-called face.

So in this life, as long as Huang Ren opened his mouth, if he could help him, it would be considered as repayment.

Huang Ren sighed for a while and then smiled, "I'm here this time, I want to connect with you. Our school also has an acting department. Although the school paid attention to it before, it's just that. After all, our school focuses on broadcasting."

"But since you and Duan Peng came out, the school leaders have paid more attention to this aspect, and now there are many more freshmen applying for the exam every year, so they sent me here to discuss cooperation with your company"

"Our students who are about to graduate will be sent to your company for internship. On the one hand, you can take care of them, and on the other hand, they are juniors and juniors after all. Just like Yan Ying's acting, we may be able to form a system in the future." ?”

Chu Qing laughed as soon as he heard it. It was indeed a win-win situation. In addition, it was Mr. Huang who came forward again, so he couldn't refuse.

Although Huaxia Communication University's performance department is not that exaggerated, compared with other pheasant universities, it is still a section higher.

Chu Qing agreed immediately, and said that he would go to his alma mater in person just after the new year and talk to the principal.

Huang Ren's purpose of coming here has been achieved, and the task has been completed. After the two juniors finished negotiating with the HR department, he left the company accompanied by Chu Qing.

Originally, Chu Qing planned to ask the driver to take them back, but Huang Ren didn't agree with anything, saying that he drove here, so Chu Qing had no choice but to give up.

"Teacher! Your face is really too great!"

"Yes, yes! I didn't expect Senior Chu Qing to be so talkative!"

As soon as they got in the car, the two elementary school boys couldn't bear their excitement, and began to tell Mr. Huang Ren what they saw in the company.

"Teacher, you didn't see it. Mr. Xia led us to the personnel department just now, saying that we are the boss's apprentices, and asked if there is any position for a host."

"The manager of the HR department said without even watching it. Now there is a host position, but the programs are pretty average. He said that since he is the boss' junior, he should develop a program directly!"

"That's tens of millions. If you say develop it, develop it. This is all for your face, teacher!"

Listening to the flattery of his two apprentices, Huang Ren actually listened to it, but he still suppressed his knuckles.

"Hey, where, this is also the child's nostalgia. In fact, I didn't help him much at the beginning, but I just discovered his great horse."

That's what he said, but the pride on Huang Ren's face couldn't be hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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