Chapter 370 Zombie Siege
Crowds running in panic, zombies attacking everywhere, last moment it was a civilized society, but now it is Shura Hell!

The cousin watched with relish, but the cousin was a little scared and said: "Cousin, this is too bloody!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing laughed and said, "What we are watching now is the deleted version. If it were the original film, it would not be released at all."

Wang Cong also nodded after hearing this and said, "Well, speaking of it, the original version is actually more enjoyable to watch!"

As soon as my cousin became interested, this kid has always been very interested in this kind of movies since he was a child. Hearing this, he asked curiously, "Where can I see the uncut version?"

Wang Cong shrugged and said, "Li Jian country, Gaul country and other countries are fine, our country can't show it, but if you want to watch it, I can take you to the editing room to watch it!"

The cousin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately looked at Chu Qing.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Go, but I can warn you, don't be so scared that you can't sleep!"

The cousin slapped his small chest and said: "No, no, cousin, don't you know my courage?"

But the cousin made a booing gesture and said, "Stop talking, hurry up and watch a movie."

Everyone's attention was once again focused on the plot of the movie.

The infected crowd entered a state of madness, attacking all living things in sight like crazy.

Chu Qing's car could no longer be driven, so he could only get out of the car with his wife and the child.

The two children were terrified, and the wife tried to stay calm, but her nervousness could be seen in her shaking body.

Chu Qing's family could only flee with the crowd, and Chu Qing's professional habits made him pay attention to his surroundings all the time, and because of this, he discovered the law of mutation after being bitten.

12 seconds!
It will mutate in 12 seconds after being bitten!
At this time, Chu Qing couldn't care about anything else, so he took his family and drove away in a caravan, and rushed out of the city with his family through all kinds of hardships!
Fighters flew by one after another in the sky, proving that this matter was far from over.

Because of the fright, the younger daughter had an asthma attack, but the respirator and medicine were all in the previous car.

Just as Chu Qing was thinking of a solution, his phone rang suddenly.

"I need you!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very calm, but these four words could not be refused!

At this time, Chu Qing's identity was exposed, letting the audience know that there was a reason why he was able to think so calmly before.

Because his younger daughter had an asthma attack, he had to take her to the hospital.

But they were robbed in the hospital. Fortunately, Chu Qing was quick and beat ten of them one by one, knocking everyone down, but when they came out, the RV had long since disappeared.

He could only contact his friends in the high-level, and agreed to use flares as a signal tonight to have a round with the helicopter he sent!

Zombies raged, but they turned a blind eye to a beggar nesting in a corner, but everyone was in a state of tension, and no one noticed this 'little easter egg' at all.

Chu Qing led his family to avoid the attack of zombies, and finally fled into a building, where he was taken in by a kind family.

In order to repay the other party for keeping them safe, Chu Qing said that he could take them away, which would be safer.

But the other party was unwilling to leave, he felt that he belonged to this city, even if he died, he should die here.

Seeing that the other party had made up his mind, Chu Qing had no choice but to give up. Although the other party borrowed some knives and tape, he simply made two spears and simple armor for himself, and then led his family to the roof!
And not long after their family of four left, the zombies came to kill them!
In order to protect his wife and children, Chu Qing fought hard and let his wife and children go to the rooftop, but was besieged by zombies and almost died.

At the most dangerous time, the young son of the kind-hearted family rushed out and chopped off the zombie's head!

Chu Qing was successfully rescued, but some blood was splashed on Chu Qing's mouth.

Chu Qing rushed to the rooftop in a panic and started counting down. He wanted to confirm whether he would mutate.

It would be best if there is no one, but if there is, he will jump off so as not to hurt his family.

Fortunately, 12 seconds later, he was safe and sound, and successfully rounded up with the helicopter. He took his family and little boy to the sea base.

Chu Qing and his party were arranged to enter the cabin by the high-level, and Chu Qing went to meet his old friends. Only then was Chu Qing's identity revealed.

But as soon as they got off the plane, they were attacked by zombies!
The virologist was frightened, turned around and wanted to run away, but was directly thrown down by a zombie, who bit his trachea with one bite, and blood spurted Lao Gao!

He felt that Chu Qing should go to the 'Holy City'!
Because they had already started building high walls before this disaster started, as if they had realized that there would be an outbreak of infection!
After losing the virologist, Chu Qing had no choice but to do so.

On the way back to the plane, the few people were afraid of alarming the zombies, so they could only take advantage of the sound of rain and ride their bicycles on their way.

But who would have thought that at this time, the wife who missed her husband would call from a satellite phone.

The ringtone of the phone instantly attracted the attention of the zombies, and finally the captain was bitten by the zombies in order to cover his teammates.

Before the mutation, he chose to kill himself.

A group of people set out on the road and came to the holy city, where they also found a connector. The two chatted happily, and the other party directly drove Chu Qing to see the wall of the holy city!

Also here, the biggest scene in the whole show, the zombie siege!
As a holy place of religion, the holy city naturally has no shortage of believers.

After being saved, the believers were grateful and sang hymns with a microphone connected to the stereo.

And this successfully attracted the attention of all the zombies, and the people in the city felt that the towering walls were enough to protect them.

But the zombies told them with practical actions, dreaming!

Groups of zombies began to gather, rushing desperately under the city wall.

More and more zombies gradually form a zombie mountain!The latecomers stepped on the corpses of the forerunners, building the mountain of zombies higher and higher, and finally surpassed the city wall!

In the next second, countless zombies fell into the holy city like dumplings!

(End of this chapter)

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