Chapter 371
crazy!disaster!All languages ​​are pale in front of this scene!

In the face of a huge number of zombies, the army's suppression is of no avail, and the people have suffered heavy deaths!
The connector asked the army to take Chu Qing away, and Chu Qing fled upstairs with the soldiers.

At this time, another hint appeared.

The berserk zombies did not attack a thin child, this scene happened to be noticed by Chu Qing.

Everyone fled while fighting, but the helicopter that came to meet them was dragged off by a group of zombies abruptly.

The footage of this scene is also shocking!
That picture is like a bird being caught in a huge spider's web!
They could only go to the airport, but to their desperation, the plane had already taken off when they came!
Chu Qing looked around and found that a passenger plane was about to take off not far away, so he immediately led his team to intercept the passenger plane.

But now there is no passenger elevator car, and the hanging ladder is useless. The driver can only lower the ladder in the cockpit to rescue them on the plane.

There was chaos throughout the plane, and even the captain and pilot didn't know where they could go.

The airliner finally took off before the zombies surrounded it.

Chu Qing picked up the satellite phone to contact his wife, asked him to find his old friend, and told him what he had discovered.

After a high-level meeting and communication with the captain, they decided to go to the World Health Organization for help!

But before everyone could calm down, a zombie appeared in the cabin locker at the rear, directly infecting the stewardess!
Seeing this, Chu Qing hurriedly led the people in front to block off the aisle with luggage, but due to a mistake by one person, a suitcase fell, which instantly attracted the attention of the zombies!

In the screening hall, my cousin was completely afraid to watch, she hugged her aunt's arm and covered her eyes.

The cousin watched it with gusto, such a bloody scene, he could still eat the popcorn with a calm demeanor, which made Chu Qing think he was a good candidate.

As the movie continued, Chu Qing, who had no choice but to throw a grenade, blew up the rear half of the plane.

The high air pressure instantly swept over the plane, sucking the zombies away.

But the plane could only make an emergency landing and hit the ground!

Chu Qing was seriously injured. Fortunately, there were still two members of the team around. The three supported each other and went to the World Health Organization.

On the other side, Chu Qing's top management had not been contacted for 48 hours, thinking that Chu Qing had died in battle, and took his wife and two daughters to the martyr's area in grief, and his wife was crying.

Here Chu Qing has made some changes, the changes are a little big, but they are more humane and in line with the current aesthetics.

After all, if you want to show the evil of human nature, why not just shoot "Train to Busan"!

Three days later, Chu Qing woke up from a coma, and he hurriedly contacted the higher-ups to prove that he was still alive.

At the same time, it also allowed the high-level to prove his identity, so that he can ask the World Health Organization for help!
He hopes to get a deadly, but curable pathogen!

When he saw that the zombies did not attack the lame soldiers and the emaciated children, he saw some of the zombie's weaknesses.

That is, they don't attack sick, dying people!So he wanted to try it.

He feels that this virus that infects humans has restrictions on the conditions of the host, that is, the host must be healthy!
After determining the plan, they decided to get the pathogen.

But their current location is in area A, while area B, where pathogens are stored, has been occupied by zombies. ,

After some thinking, Chu Qing's eyes gradually became firm.

He had to break into Area B and get the pathogens!
In the end, after going through untold hardships and costing countless lives, Chu Qing finally got the pathogen.

And at this time, the outside of the laboratory is densely packed with zombies!He has been completely surrounded.

He can only go all out and inject himself with pathogens!

The process is painful, but he has no choice.

After surviving the outbreak of pathogens, Chu Qing was very weak, and the glass in the laboratory had been smashed by those zombies.

But they turned a blind eye to Chu Qing who was slumped on the table. He succeeded!
In the end, Chu Qing strode out against the zombies. Because of Chu Qing's discovery, the World Health Organization successfully developed a "stealth vaccine" and invested it in survivors all over the world.

And Chu Qing finally embarked on the journey back home to reunite with his wife and children.

The movie ended, but it still habitually left a foreshadowing for the second part.

How could human beings allow zombies to wreak havoc?After the invention of the stealth vaccine, the human counterattack will inevitably start!

And the ghost knows whether the zombie virus will mutate and break out the stealth vaccine when it is in danger!

After the movie ended, my cousin breathed a sigh of relief, and vowed never to watch this kind of horror movie again.

The cousin discussed with Wang Cong enthusiastically when he could watch the uncut version.

Father stretched himself, he was not too fond of this kind of movie, if it wasn't for the movie starring Chu Qing, he probably wouldn't even watch it.

This led Chu Qing to come to a conclusion that most of the audience who watched this movie were male young audiences.This part of the talent is the biggest audience of the movie.

After leaving the cinema, everyone went to have a meal together before leaving.

On the Internet, discussions about this movie have already begun.

For this movie, that's really mixed reviews.

Although the overall praise outweighs the negative, but compared to the previous films produced by [Bright Entertainment], the ratings have dropped.

This is not to say that the movie is not good-looking, but that the audience's expectations are too high!

After all, that's one billion!With this kind of investment, an individual can make a good movie, let alone [Bright Entertainment], which is a 'professional good movie'.

And those trolling netizens finally found a sense of presence and began to show off their IQ at night.

There are countless words that a dog can make a good movie with this money, and I can do it with me.

For a while, the rhythm actually started to deviate somewhat.

This is something Song Dawei can't bear, after all, this is one of [Bright Entertainment]'s biggest plans this year!There is no room for error.

He decisively started to contact the sailors, film critics, big V, etc., and began to take the rhythm. The usefulness can only be said to be average, and he even developed some rebellious psychology.

Even if the film's premiere box office exceeds [-] million!They also think it's nothing, after all, this achievement is not unprecedented, isn't "Infernal Affairs" the same?And how much is the investment in Infernal Affairs?
Your one-billion-dollar movie premiere box office is only [-] million. What are you proud of?If I were you, I would be ashamed to say it.

But all of this quickly turned around after the foreign news came back!

#Shock!This movie actually swept Lijian country and became the hottest in Lijian country at the moment? #
#《死亡世界大战》is popular abroad, and countless foreigners startled their eyes#
(End of this chapter)

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