Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 372 The box office that shocked everyone's attention!

Chapter 372 The box office that shocked everyone!

Seeing the rave reviews from foreign countries immediately inspired the national pride of these netizens!

In an instant, this "World War Zombie" has changed from a high-investment bad movie to a blockbuster movie that wins glory for the country!

The highest evaluation on the Internet is the netizens of Li Jianguo!
"I have also watched a lot of zombie movies, but I think this one is the coolest, especially the scene of the zombie siege"

"The shot of the zombie holding the helicopter can be used as a movie poster!"

"My God, can Chinese people make such perfect zombie movies now? I always thought we were the big country of zombie movies!"

"I have to say that this movie has many loopholes, but it still doesn't hide its flaws. It's a very successful movie!"

"Everyone! Through this film, we can already see China's current film technology! If we don't work hard, our position as the number one film power may be lost!"

"Yes! I think we should boycott them!"

Seeing these comments, Huaxia netizens couldn't help laughing,
"Hahaha, let these silly foreigners see our great country demeanor!"

"The progress of Chinese films is definitely at the forefront of the world!"

"These old men still think we are the same as before? It's funny, don't they know who is the world's number one film market? If there is a market, our films will not work? Haha"

"Come on, domestic filmmakers! Let foreigners experience what a great country is like!"

Under this wind, "Zombie World War" actually came out of the circle!

Even many people who are not interested in zombie films at all will go to the cinema to buy a movie ticket.

They don't do anything else, they just want to do something for Huaxia Film.

And Chu Qing really appreciates this!Not because of anything else, but because he can make more money this way!

However, no matter what, this movie became popular, not only in China, but also in the whole world!
At the moment when zombie movies are not mature, the shock of this "Zombie World War" is unparalleled.

The scenes of the zombie siege, holding the helicopter, etc. were edited by countless people, and even announced as the best shot by many foreign small awards.

The movie also quickly went out of the circle, and at this moment, the show operation came.

Jiang Shaoan directly found a clothing factory to cooperate and directly produced a batch of the same clothing as Chu Qing in the movie.

Then start the draw!Every time after the screening, one will be given away in the theater!
As soon as this news came out, not to mention movie fans, netizens were all sensational, let alone Chu Qing's fans, who asked Jiang Shaoan to hang up.

However, Jiang Shaoan immediately stated that the clothes are only for gift and not for sale!And the relevant patents have been registered, and all clothing has numbers and anti-counterfeiting marks.

In a word, it is limited!You can't buy it with money!

This move directly attracted the audience from other theaters to [Bright Cinema]!
After all, they are all watching movies, and there is still a chance to get a piece of clothing for nothing when watching in the light, isn't that good?

Some people are like this. If something has a price, they don't want it, but if it is limited, then they must buy it!Whether you like it or not.

Just like the limited skins in some games, people who buy them like it, can they play it?

Not necessarily, when many people buy skins, they think that if they don’t buy it this time, they won’t be able to buy it next time.

In a word, two words, compelling!

Under Jiang Shaoan's coquettish operation, the audience in the cinema increased significantly.

And Chu Qing also discovered a way to get money through this matter, that is the surrounding area!

Although it is impossible to make a large peripheral like Marvel Pokémon, it is still possible to make some small peripherals.

Selling clothes, props in the play, etc. are all possible.

Chu Qing told Jiang Shaoan his idea, but Jiang Shaoan shook his head affirmatively, expressing that it would not work at all.

The first point is that piracy is too serious!

Before your genuine products are on the market, almost all pirated copies have come out.

The second point is, big IP!

Before you have a mature big IP, if you want to make money by selling peripherals, you must lose money to grandma's family.

Nowadays, a large part of the cartoons that children watch are actually filmed by toy factories, in order to create an IP and sell toys!

What kind of toy cars, dinosaur eggs, transforming robots, etc., most of them are like this.

So before there is no big IP, don't think about the surrounding things, but occasionally launch some so-called limited edition star posters.

The biggest advantage of Chu Qing is that he knows people!

He will listen to the advice of professionals. Since Jiang Shaoan has said so, there must be his considerations, so the plan has been delayed.

It took a month, and finally on March [-]th in the Gregorian calendar, the movie was taken off the shelves!

The total box office, the total domestic box office is 51 billion!
The total foreign box office is 47 billion!

The total global box office is 98 billion!The difference between [-] million and [-] billion!
As soon as this result came out, [Bright Entertainment]'s name directly occupied the top five on the hot search list!
fear!Really scary!
This result was even published in the 'Mass Daily'!Although Wang Cong knew that the results would be good, he never expected that the final box office of this movie would be so terrible!
This guy was so excited for him that he couldn't sleep at night, so he called Chu Qing more than a dozen times and asked Chu Qing to go out with him.

Chu Qing has a family and a job, so he rejected him decisively. This guy called the rest of the main creative team to go out with him!After drinking too much of this guy, he suddenly bought the nightclub!
He used this movie to prove that he can survive away from home, and Chu Qing used this movie to prove that he has the potential to make blockbuster movies!
It is also because of this movie that the name Chu Qing has become well-known in the world. Although there are not many of them, the audience will still feel familiar when they see him.

There are also countless directors who hope to open up the Chinese market and contact Song Dawei, hoping to invite Chu Qing to film.

This made Song Dawei so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut for the past two days. Which manager could refuse the temptation to cultivate a world superstar?
In just a few days, he received no less than ten scripts!
But it's a pity that Song Dawei doesn't know those directors well, and the few he knows are all small directors, so they can't get on the stage.

Shooting their movie with Chu Qing's popularity now is not a brilliant thing for Chu Qing at all.

Song Dawei could only refuse, and began to actively contact some foreign film companies, hoping to have a chance to interview famous directors for their film projects.

As for Chu Qing herself, she seemed to be salty.

I don't know if this is a common problem of men. If there is no pressure after marriage, they will be lazy instead.

At this moment, Chu Qing was sitting in his office, flipping through the script of the internal cast.

(End of this chapter)

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