Chapter 373 Awards
With the rise of movies and online dramas in recent years, the screenwriting industry is also growing stronger and stronger!In other words, more and more people are grabbing food across industries.

Even many people who have never been in the screenwriting industry before have begun to try to be screenwriters and write scripts.

After all, this industry can be regarded as an industry that brings in money relatively quickly, and it belongs to the industry that does not open for three years and only takes three years after opening.

And the script that Chu Qing is looking at now is the script cast by non-staff personnel.

Originally, this was supposed to be an editor's job, but Chu Qing was really too busy, so much so that he desperately wanted to find a job for himself.

So I went to get a few scripts and read them as novels to relieve boredom.

Unexpectedly, it really made him discover a good script.

The screenwriter's writing style looks very immature, and it looks like a layman at first glance, but I have to admit that his story is still good.

It's about an urban legend, Chu Qing thought it was quite interesting after reading it for a while, and after imagining the picture in her mind, she simply started to draw the sub-shots.

The content of the story is simple, there is a pawn shop in the deepest part of the city.

Here you can buy anything you need, but the premise is that you have to take out equivalent things in exchange!

Or your lifespan, or talent, limbs and so on.

The protagonist of the story is a high school graduate who accidentally took over the pawn shop.

This is a person who obviously doesn't like the world's sufferings, but he doesn't like the sufferings of the world.

In order to help those in need, he began to take advantage of loopholes, and was finally eaten alive by the pawnshop!
With this kind of theme, Chu Qing had only watched one TV series before, which was "The Eighth Pawnshop"!
Although that TV series was good-looking, it wasn't very popular, and Chu Qing wasn't sure if adapting the script would make money.

So he decided to do some market research first.

No matter what you plan to do, whether it is self-employment or creation, market research is very necessary.

Because whether you are creating or starting a business, you are just selling your own things.

If you want to sell well, you need to know what your customers want!
Chu Qing, who was a salesman in her previous life, was particularly concerned about this point.

He used to do house sales for a period of time, and often met a bunch of clients to choose a house.

People are here to see the school district houses, do you recommend sea view rooms for them?
You have to know what the customer needs and needs, and you can sell things to the other party!
Of course, there is also a famous saying in the sales circle, that is, sell what you don't need to people who don't need it!
When Chu Qing was in sales, the leader always asked him how he could sell combs to a monk!
Every time Chu Qing heard this sentence, she felt that the leader was very mentally retarded.

Why should I sell combs to monks?After convincing the monk and trying to find a way, I can sell the comb to ten big girls!

Some may say, there are always times when you can’t choose!

Wrong, in fact, this is a misunderstanding. Life is a multiple-choice question that you keep doing!
The principle that a tree moves to die and a person moves to live remains unchanged for a long time.

And Chu Qing was able to become the top seller at a young age because he could do research, analyze, and sell the right things to the right customers.

Instead of being stupid, you have to sell everything to customers.

A person whose demand is a sports car, why do you insist on letting him buy an off-road vehicle?Just to show off your sales prowess?
With this time, wouldn't it be good for us to sell two more sports cars?
The research Chu Qing is doing now is to see how many people of different age groups can accept and like this style.

If the value is reached, then he will set up a project to make a movie.

If the value is not reached, it is a pity that we can only push back.

But the script must be bought first, after all, it doesn't cost much to buy a book.

The marketing department's work efficiency was very fast, and Chu Qing's answer was given two days later, and the market recognition was average.

The approval rate of young people is 60.00%, that of children is 20.00%, that of the elderly is 40.00%, and that of middle-aged people is [-]%.

All in all, the degree of recognition is average, not too low, but definitely not high either.

After thinking about it seriously, Chu Qing decided to take a shot and give it a try.

As for the choice of the leading actor, it was left to Xia Zhen!

This kid has performed very well in the past two years. If he performed so well, he should be rewarded.

So Chu Qing called Han Changqing, directly handed over Xia Zhen to him, and notified the company to prepare a project to shoot this "Fate Pawn"!
When Xia Zhen learned that he was about to play the leading role, he was completely dazed, and immediately came to Chu Qing, saying that he was still lacking in tempering, not capable of being the leading role, and was afraid that the company would lose money because of him.

He felt that the role of the male lead should be handed over to someone more capable, and he could play the third or second male role.

Chu Qing laughed after hearing this. He felt that Xia Zhen was a manifestation of his sense of responsibility, and felt that the child had corrected himself even more.

"You don't have to worry about other issues, you just need to read the script carefully and play him well! The rest of the box office, word of mouth, these are our business."

The time has just arrived in April leisurely, and it is another year of the Hong Kong Film Awards!

This year Chu Qing did not go, but chose to watch the live broadcast at home.

Yin Tao snuggled up beside him, resting her head on his shoulder, the husband and wife quietly watched the live broadcast.

Just like what Chu Qing said before, the competition for the Golden Phase Award this year is not fierce, and there are only two good works.

Song Wei won the best newcomer award without any surprise. When he came on stage, the audience applauded!Song Wei burst into tears on the spot.

It is very important for him to be affirmed by the circle!
This let him know that even if he gets old in the future, he can use his acting skills to make a living, instead of being a vase and only relying on this face.

Chu Qing's reaction after seeing him win the award was rather ordinary. After all, Chu Qing had already guessed the result before they went to Xiangjiang.

What happened to the Kim Sang Awards?They also want to eat, and they also need traffic!
Another reason is that [Bright Entertainment] is in full swing nowadays, and it is said that there is nothing wrong with the big domestic media companies!
They sent someone for the best newcomer award, is there a problem?
After the newcomer awards were presented, the best supporting actor and actress, best soundtrack and other awards were presented one by one.

After the halftime show, finally came the hottest award, Best Actor!

This time, five films were still shortlisted for the Best Actor Award.

But the highest quality among them must be "My Brothers and Sisters"!
(End of this chapter)

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