Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 374 Returning to Hollywood

Chapter 374 Returning to Hollywood

"Let's congratulate, Duan Peng!"

But when the word Duan Peng was called out, Chu Qing's shoulders slumped, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The camera showed Duan Peng who was in the audience, and Duan Peng even looked a little stupid, froze in place.

Han Jie on the side hurriedly patted him on the shoulder. Duan Peng just woke up like a dream. After tidying up his neckline, he strode onto the stage.

In the eyes of others, Duan Peng may look very calm now, but Chu Qing and Duan Peng have known each other for almost 30 years, how can they not see each other's nervousness?
Duan Peng walked onto the stage, shook hands with the award presenters, and took the trophy from the other party.

Then he walked to the microphone and waved the trophy to the audience.

The applause never stopped!
Duan Peng's acting skills may be worse than those of the old actors, but if compared with the new generation, it is still good, and he is worthy of the title of actor!

Chu Qing occasionally rests for a period of time, while Duan Peng is completely a desperate Saburo!
He even took on three dramas in a row within a month, without a break in the whole process!Less than five hours of sleep a day!
This is a drama lunatic, a drama lunatic who works so hard that people are scared.

"Well, I've actually done this scene several times in my dreams, and I've prepared some acceptance speeches"

As soon as these words came out, many people in the audience laughed out of good intentions.

Duan Peng also smiled, and then let out a long breath.

"But when I stood on this stage, I couldn't remember a word."

"Then let me thank you as well. I am most grateful to my parents. Even in such a bad family situation, they still chose to support me and let me learn acting."

"And then there is my good brother Chu Qing! 90.00% of the credit for my being able to make it this far belongs to him."

"And the director, the staff, and my fans!"

"Thank you, really appreciate it"

When the audience quieted down, they could all understand Duan Peng's mood at the moment.

The same is true for Chu Qing, even he understands Duan Peng's mood better than anyone else.

He knew that the position of film king was not only his goal, but also a knot in his heart.

And now, Duan Peng can finally move on!

In the end [Bright Entertainment], after winning these two awards, missed the final Best Picture.

But Chu Qing didn't feel a pity at all, he was already content with the current situation.

Artists of his own company increase their popularity, which is money for him!
Chu Qing turned off the live broadcast, tried her best to adjust a more comfortable posture, and sighed with emotion.

"Now, I've done what I promised him."

During this period of time, Chu Qing has completely become a hands-off shopkeeper, which is the benefit of knowing people.

With a group of capable subordinates, I can relax a lot.

Chu Qing spends all day in the office reading scripts, chasing dramas, and recently even fell in love with playing games.

The whole person is very happy~
And the company is constantly growing, especially [Bright Cinema]!
In the evaluation just last month, [Bright Cinema] has been squeezed into one of the top five theaters in China!
The top four are all veterans, how many years has Guangming Theater been?It is not too much to say that it is a dark horse!
And Jiang Shaoan also entered the eyes of many people for this, and there are countless people who want to poach him. After all, anyone with eyes can see that Guangming Cinema has today, and 80.00% of the credit is Jiang Shaoan. !
As for the family that expelled him before, now he is even more remorseful.

Chu Qing is not worried at all that Jiang Shaoan will quit, at least not now.

The relationship between employees and bosses is actually a double choice.

While Chu Qing chose Jiang Shaoan, Jiang Shaoan also chose Chu Qing.

Only when Chu Qing was so laissez-faire, Jiang Shaoan could do this!
In this way, time slowly came to May. On this day, Chu Qing was still in the salted fish, and Song Dawei suddenly rushed in with great interest.

"Qingzi, there is a big production this time!"

Chu Qing was surprised when he heard the words: "What big production?"

"Hollywood blockbuster! Absolutely big production!"

Song Dawei excitedly handed the tablet to Chu Qing, who saw that it was an invitation.

"Dear Mr. Chu, we appreciate your acting skills very much, so we invite you."

Chu Qing read the invitation at a glance, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows after reading it. This time it was really a big production.

A movie with an investment of more than [-] million US dollars can already be considered a big production.

But there is no script on it, it just said that so-and-so has already played the role.

After reading it, Chu Qing frowned and said, "There's not even a script, so what are you asking us to do?"

Song Dawei smiled and said: "Although there is no script, the other party said that this is an adventure movie with some horror elements mixed in. You play an archaeologist in it, and the role is not bad."

Chu Qing squeezed her chin and continued to ask: "Then what type of expert is this? I can't play that kind of cowardly expert, or an expert with a negative image."

"It doesn't matter what happens at home, but if I go abroad, then I represent the image of the Chinese, which is absolutely not allowed to be smeared"

Song Dawei nodded and said: "Then don't worry, I have already considered this when I help you choose the role, and all the companies I invest in will declare this in advance."

Now that Chu Qing felt relieved, if he wanted to reach the top as an actor, it was not enough to be in China alone!

This is also the reason why so many superstars in the previous life chose to go abroad.

And there is a more realistic problem, as long as foreign monks are good at chanting sutras!
As long as you have filmed in a foreign country, even if you can't double your salary when you return to your country, you can still increase it by [-]%!
The same is true for other industries. As long as you have worked abroad, your salary will definitely increase after returning to China!
It feels like, as long as you have worked abroad, you will be different after returning home!

But anyone who has been abroad will know, fart!What's the difference?Is the moon in foreign countries rounder?
But Chu Qing's current state can't change this reality at all, and Chu Qing's choice is to join if he can't beat it!
After Song Dawei agreed on a signing date with the other party, the group headed to Hollywood.

This time, Chu Qing's trip was not a small one, with more than 20 bodyguards alone!
After arriving in Lijian Country, Chu Qing hired ten more bodyguards with guns!
This is not a big deal, after all, this country is very chaotic, far from being as safe as China, and it is not enough to go out without bringing more people.

But it's a pity that Chu Qing obviously overestimated her popularity.

He felt that if he didn't bring so many bodyguards, no one would take a look at him when he went out.
(End of this chapter)

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