Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 375 Breaking into Hollywood!

Chapter 375 Breaking into Hollywood!
Chu Qing came to the hotel agreed upon by the two parties. The hotel was not very high-end, and it belonged to the kind of hotel that Wang Cong talked about.

As soon as Chu Qing walked into the conference hall, several people sitting inside immediately got up to greet him.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chu, I have admired your name for a long time. I have watched and watched several of your movies, especially your "Infernal Affairs", which is really classic."

"I have never seen such a perfect fusion of two main lines."

The most enthusiastic is a middle-aged white man, about 1.8 meters tall, with a big belly and curly brown hair. I don't know if he has black blood.

Although he may not look amazing, he is one of the new generation of big directors in Hollywood, and he has some energy here in Hollywood.

Can compete with domestic Han Jie!
Although he can't compare with the big-name directors of the old generation, there are really few directors in the new generation who are his opponents.

Chu Qing shook hands with the other party with a smile and said: "Director Smith, I have watched a lot of your movies, and my favorite is your movie "Silence". My scalp was so numb after watching it!"

"Silence" is a low-budget movie and the debut work of director Smith.

With a total investment of 100 million U.S. dollars, it has earned a total box office of more than 4000 million U.S. dollars, which can be said to be very rare in the industry.

After the two flattered each other, they sat down.

And Chu Qing was finally able to read the complete script once before signing the contract!
The script is actually not complicated. The general content is that a mysterious hole appeared under the sea, and the survey robot found a pyramid inside.

After Li Jianguo found out about this, he sent a female biologist to go with the archaeologist played by Chu Qing.

The male protagonist is the captain of the guard team, while the female biologist is the female protagonist.

Chu Qing played quite a few roles in the play, and he can be regarded as the second male role.

But Chu Qing discovered some details by watching the lines and so on. This character should have belonged to a black man!
Because some of the settings are closer to black people!

Maybe he noticed Chu Qing's expression, but Director Smith didn't hide it from him.

"Actually, when this role was first set, we wanted to find a black actor to play it. After all, you know"

Director Smith shrugged, this is their national conditions.

When shooting some movies, there must be black shots, otherwise some people will say racial discrimination!
Director Smith smiled and said: "But please don't mind, because there are only some slight gaps, and we can modify the lines at that time."

After seeing it, Chu Qing shook his head with a smile and said, "These are not problems. I think I am qualified for this role. Mr. Smith, the next step is the contract."

Smith didn't speak, and the assistant behind him had already taken out a document in the briefcase.

Smith took it and handed it to Chu Qing and said, "Mr. Chu, here is the contract. If there is something that makes you dissatisfied, we can negotiate."

Chu Qing was not polite either. After accepting the contract, he and Song Dawei began to observe seriously.

The remuneration price given by the other party is very good, 1000 million US dollars!

The shooting lasted for two months, and there was a request to make up for the crew for free.

The basic necessities of life in Hollywood were borne by the film crew, and the makeup products were marked on them, and they were all brands that did not irritate the skin.

Overall, it's pretty good.

After the two parties signed the contract, the matter was settled.

Chu Qing got the script and stayed in the hotel arranged by the crew. The shooting time was very tight, and the filming was due in a week, so there was no more time to study the script.

As for his role, there is no biography of the characters, only some basic data. If he wants to play well, he needs to enrich the role himself.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for Chu Qing.

In this way, the time came to mid-May, and the crew officially started!
It wasn't until this time that Chu Qing saw the hero and heroine of this movie!
The leading actor is Hollywood bigwig Pete!Chu Qing's ability to star in this movie has something to do with him.

If this name wasn't on the cast list, Chu Qing wouldn't even consider this crew.

After all, the name of this person often represents the quality of the movie!
The actress is a scandal-ridden person with a bad reputation in Hollywood. Although she has won the Oscar for Best Actress, it is because she used some tricks, and she was also dubbed the shame of the Oscars by netizens!

But no matter what other people say, being controversial means being hot, and she is still very hot!Maybe that's why the director chose her as the heroine.

Pete was easy to talk and didn't look arrogant. After seeing Chu Qing, the two shook hands and praised each other.

Even though Chu Qing knew that the other party couldn't have seen her movie, and she probably just searched for information to tout it, she still found it very useful.

The heroine Paltrow is not small, and she doesn't bother to talk to Chu Qing at all. When the two met, they just gave Chu Qing a smile to prove that they are not racist.

But that's good, Chu Qing didn't plan to have too much contact with the other party.

After putting on makeup, the filming began.

This movie will use a lot of special effects, but very few real scenes, and most of the content is done in the studio.

"Three two one, God Ike!"

Following the director's voice, Chu Qing, who was dressed in casual attire, stood up on the office chair, walked towards Pete with a smile and shook hands with him, and said, "Hello, Mr. Pete, I am the archaeologist for this mission. Check this is not an ancient ruin”

Pete shook hands with Chu Qing earnestly: "Hi sir, I am the captain of the guard this time, responsible for protecting your safety! Please also go to the bottom of the sea and cooperate with our work!"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded kindly: "That's natural. Professional matters should be left to professional people. I believe that you are definitely professional in terms of protecting people."

Hearing Chu Qing's 'praise', Pete couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

At this time, the heroine outside the door opened the door and came in. She didn't even look at Pete, but walked directly to Chu Qing and said excitedly.

"Chu! I just reported back the latest news, and found life fluctuations in the ruins!"

Chu Qing shrugged helplessly and said, "Paltrow, maybe it's just some fish or sea snakes?"

Paltrow shook his head excitedly and said: "No, this kind of life fluctuation reaction is very weak and slow, definitely not a sea fish or a sea snake."

Chu Qing sighed and said, "The discovery of life forms may not be a good thing for us."

Paltrow was about to refute, but found Pete on the side.

As if she just saw each other, she smiled and stretched out her hand: "Hi, I'm the biologist for this mission, Paltrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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