Chapter 376 New Main Quest

Pete's eyes did not fluctuate. He shook hands with the other party and said, "I am Pete, the captain of the escort team. I will be in charge of your safety under the sea. Please cooperate when the time comes."

Paltrow didn't listen at all, but turned to look at Chu Qing and said, "Chu, I have a hunch that we can discover new creatures this time, which will shock the world."

Chu Qing shrugged and said, "I hope it's an underwater relic, so that we can find the disappearing underwater empire."

After hearing this, Paltrow shook his head: "No, no, it's more meaningful to discover new organisms. Maybe we can find a way to fight cancer in this new organism!"

"Cut! This one is over! Change the scene!"

When the director clicked, Pitt and Paltrow's assistant makeup artist rushed over and began to check the makeup and ask about their health.

Chu Qing, on the other hand, walked to the next shooting location in a calm manner.

He didn't take Yin Tao with him when he went abroad this time, and Xia Zhen didn't take him with him when he was filming, so he didn't have an assistant at all.

Fortunately, he has Song Dawei!

Song Dawei has gained a lot of weight now, which may also be a common problem of middle-aged men.

After a certain age, that figure starts to develop sideways.

Song Dawei puffed out his stomach, held Chu Qing's thermos cup in his hand, handed it to Chu Qing and said, "With such a big wrist, I don't even bring an assistant when I go out."

Chu Qing smiled, took two sips from the cup and said.

"Hey, it's mainly because it was too sudden, and Yin Tao doesn't speak English, so I don't feel safe here."

"Anyway, it's only been two months, and it's okay without an assistant."

After hearing this, Song Dawei shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter to you, it's just that I, a big manager, are tired!"

Chu Qing laughed, chatted and spanked with Song Dawei for 2 minutes, and started filming again.

After waiting for Chu Qing to go to shoot the movie, Song Dawei sat in his seat and began to think.

Since the establishment of Oscar, there has never been a Chinese actor!

If Chu Qing can become the Best Actor Oscar winner!Still not going sideways in the domestic film industry?
Thinking of this, Song Dawei's breath became short of breath!

However, thinking of achieving this achievement, it is too difficult, too difficult!

On the surface, it is said to be democratic and free, but in fact, racial discrimination has been imprinted in the bones.

If you want to win the Best Actor Oscar from these people, you need to put in a lot of effort!
After finishing the day's filming, Chu Qing returned to the hotel.

To be honest, I was a little unaccustomed to it. It was the first time Chu Qing discovered that one person could have so many substitutes!

Chu Qing was talking about Paltrow!
She is like a ninja who knows how to do avatars. After a day of filming, the shots she took personally took less than two hours.

Almost all the remaining shots are stand-ins!
Chu Qing was filming with her double, and Pete was also shooting with her double!

Although neither of them said anything, their impression of her was much worse.

But now Paltrow doesn't care at all, if she does, she can't be selected as the top ten annoying actresses!

It was only at this time that Chu Qing realized that the phenomenon of using body doubles abroad is no less than that in China!
In the future, there will be those brainless bragging about the roundness of foreign countries every day, they should really be slapped!

Chu Qing sat on the sofa, holding the script in his hand, watching the content to be filmed tomorrow.

Song Dawei walked in with a bottle of fruit juice, poured a glass for each of them and said.

"Hey, do you think you have any hope of winning the Best Actor Oscar?"

Chu Qing was stunned, then smiled and shook her head: "That's a dream! Oscar has been established for many years, and there is not a single Chinese shortlisted, let alone become the best actor."

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "It's different! Now our country is strong!"

Chu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Song Dawei meant. Indeed, the national power back then was different from the current national power!

And just as Chu Qing was thinking about the possibility of this matter, the long-lost system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the main task and making it popular in Asia!"

"Task rewards below the peak props are sent to the system space, please pay attention to the host to check!"

Chu Qing was startled, it has been so long, he thought this task had failed, why did it suddenly succeed again?
Peak props?Interesting.

He let out a long breath, turned his head to look at Song Dawei and said.

"Even if we are indeed different now, it is not so easy to get the best actor. We have no foundation in Hollywood, and it is useless to have works."

Song Dawei frowned, then nodded and said, "Yes, but not necessarily."

Chu Qing looked at him in surprise and said, "Not necessarily?"

Song Dawei said with a smile: "In Lijian country, there are many Chinese compatriots! When they are elected, they will need our votes."

Chu Qing understood in seconds: "You mean, when the election comes, unite with the Chinese and exchange benefits?"

Song Dawei nodded with a smile, but Chu Qing was speechless: "But what can we give to others? Even if we are all Chinese, they can't help us for no reason."

Song Dawei couldn't help thinking after hearing this, Chu Qing patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "You go back and think about it, I have to sleep, I'm so tired from filming all day long."

Song Dawei hummed, frowned, and began to think, indeed, even if they can help you, why should they help you?Just because you have the same skin color?

After sending Song Dawei away, Chu Qing couldn't wait to open the system backpack, and saw a huge box inside, which was far larger than the volume of all Chu Qing's previous props!

Chu Qing took out the props, opened the box, and saw a large stuffed bear lying quietly inside!

Chu Qing was a little confused, what the hell?The super-sized pinnacle prop, is it such a broken thing?

Is this intended to be reserved for myself to coax the children in the future?
Chu Qing thought so, but still took out the big stuffed bear.

"Stand-in doll, a passive item! It can replace the host's accidental death once!"

Chu Qing gasped, the effect of this prop is really amazing!

Can replace the host's accidental death once, that is to say, except for normal physiological death and one's own behavior, everything is fine?

Chu Qing rubbed his chin, this is equivalent to resurrection armor!With it, you can surf by yourself!

No, no, this is not a game, my life is my own, who knows what is the triggering condition of this item?
If the time comes and I kill myself, and the effect of the double doll is not triggered, wouldn't I be brain-dead?
But I have to say, Chu Qing still likes this effect!
"Dididi, the main mission is announced, please host the Oscar nominee for his superb acting skills! The time limit is three years!"

"Mission rewards, comprehensive talent improvement!"

(End of this chapter)

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