Chapter 377: Mid-June
Chu Qing sighed, what the hell, did she not escape!

He has owned the system for so long, and he has also discovered some patterns.

For example, when he wants to do something, if the system does not announce the main task, it is very likely to issue a main task that fits what he wants to do.

But the system will increase the difficulty!
Like now!Just as Song Dawei finished talking about Oscar, the system came up with an Oscar task!

Fortunately, the task this time was not too restrictive, it was just shortlisted, which gave Chu Qing some living space.

Just being shortlisted still has a chance!
Early the next morning, the crew started filming again.

Somehow, Parrott actually came to film with the two in person, without using a stand-in.

"Come on! Take your places! God Ike!"

At the order of the director, the filming started again.

The scene of this shooting is that after Jin Ren led the team into the underwater ruins, Chu Qing discovered a kind of writing that he had never seen before, which proved that this was a civilization that they had never come into contact with.

Chu Qing started to decipher this kind of writing, but at the critical moment, he heard the screams of the team members.

They turned their heads and saw only a huge black shadow!

After hitting the board, Chu Qing quickly entered the state, squatting in front of a 'stone tablet' with a frenzied expression and said.

"Guys! Look at what this is? I've never seen this kind of writing! I'm sure we have discovered a civilization that has never been discovered! Just this discovery is enough for us to enter the annals of history!"

Director Smith stared at the monitor and couldn't help but feel emotional after seeing Chu Qing's control over his expression.

"This man's control over his expression is really amazing! No wonder he can become China's film king at such a young age! That's great!"

Sitting next to Smith is a gray-haired old man who is the investor in the film.

After hearing Smith's emotion, he smiled and said: "Yes, the Chinese film market has grown very fast in the past two years, and many good films have been produced! Smith, just watch, it won't take 30 years, the center of gravity of the film market It will be biased towards Huaxia!"

Smith was a little surprised when he heard the words. He knew that the producer was optimistic about the Chinese market. A large part of the reason why Chu Qing was able to participate in this movie this time was that the producer wanted to expand the Chinese market.

But he never expected that the agent's expectations for the future Huaxia market had reached such a level!

If these words are said today, it will definitely cause quite a stir!
After the whole morning of shooting, Chu Qing finally knew why Parrot took so much effort to shoot.

"Honey, long time no see"

Chu Qing watched Parrott jump into the arms of the producer with her own eyes, and Chu Qing couldn't help being speechless.

His boss these years has not been for nothing, and he still has some skills in judging people.

As soon as Chu Qing saw these two people, he knew that there must be something tricky!And this trick is not small!

Pete noticed Chu Qing's gaze and said in a low voice.

"Mr. Chu, she is just an example of our Hollywood, I hope it will not affect the impression of Hollywood in your heart"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and patted Potter and said, "Of course not. Everyone chooses their own path. I will not impose values ​​on others. Everyone is free, right?"

Pete smiled when he heard this, it was very rare for Chu Qing to say that.

He felt that Chu Qing was being polite, but he didn't know that this was really Chu Qing's truest thought.

People are willing to betray themselves, what does it have to do with you?If you have an idea, you can sell it, and no one is stopping you!
You want to sell but no one wants to!Of course, Chu Qing would definitely not say these words.

This is an era where people laugh at the poor but not the prostitutes. You can't expect everyone not to be in the same boat as this era!
After exchanging pleasantries with Paltrow for a while, the producer walked up to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing was a little surprised, he didn't expect to know the capital businessman in front of him at all.

"Mr. Chu, Jiu Yang, you may not believe it, but I'm still your fan! That "Infernal Affairs" is really great!"

When Chu Qing heard the words, she thought to herself that she really didn't believe it!

But on the surface, he still smiled gently: "Hahaha, you are too much."

The producer continued with a smile: "It is my honor to have you here this time! We also hope to add more Chinese elements to our films, and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in more films "

Chu Qing nodded with a smile: "You are really too modest, I also hope to have the opportunity to have more cooperation with you"

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries again, the producer left with Parrott's 'support'. As for what to do, Chu Qing didn't know, after all, it was early in the afternoon.

After an hour's break at noon, the filming continued!
Chu Qing's shooting quality is as high as ever!

In him, there has never been an NG phenomenon!
Even if it's NG, it must be because of other people's reasons!This kind of high-quality performance made director Smith impressed.

Before, Chu Qing was invited only to open up the Chinese market, but now he knows that he really found a good actor!

The shooting was going on as scheduled, and it was mid-June in a blink of an eye.

The two-month filming task was originally set, but Chu Qing completed more than half of it!

Chu Qing also completely conquered everyone in the crew through this period of more than a month!

It's always a mistake to start filming again, and the professional quality is excellent!Never use a double, people have no airs.

Who doesn't like this artist?This is especially true in places like the crew, where efficiency is important.

Song Dawei was not idle during this period of time, he participated in various gatherings, and sent out two boxes of business cards alone.

In terms of communication, Song Dawei definitely has a way!
When he became Chu Qing's agent before, his background was only average, but what about now?

He has become a well-known big broker in the circle!
"Qingzi, I contacted two more crews, both of which are pretty good. Although they are not the male lead, they have more roles than the second male lead!"

That night, Chu Qing was videoing with his family, and Song Dawei, who was a little dizzy from drinking, opened the door and walked in.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I plan to go back to China after finishing this movie."

Song Dawei was startled, and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Going home? Did something happen at home?"

"Nothing, just go back and have a meeting, discuss with those people in China, see if we can invest some money, we will shoot a blockbuster movie!"

Song Dawei was surprised when he heard the words: "Solicit investment? We are not short of money now, why should we go back to solicit investment?"

Chu Qing said speechlessly: "If we don't share a big pie, who is willing to help us?"

Song Dawei shuddered, sober from the wine.

Looking at Chu Qing with wide eyes, he said, "You mean, Oscar?"

Chu Qing nodded slowly: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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