Chapter 378 July
"Are you going to hit the Oscar winner?"

Song Dawei's voice changed a little with excitement, but Chu Qing shook his head after hearing it.

"You are stupid, do you think we have hope now? Besides, they haven't changed their leadership yet!"

"Oh, yes, you are right"

Song Dawei rubbed his eyes, yawned and said, "I drank a little too much today, so what did you plan to shoot when you said you were going back to China to invest?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Although we can't win the best actor, we can win the best foreign language film!"

Song Dawei was startled, rubbed his chin and nodded slowly.

"It makes sense, as long as it is shortlisted for the Oscars! You don't even need to win the best foreign language film, just being shortlisted is enough for us to brag about it in China!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "That's the truth."

"Oh, I understand, you are planning to pave the way for the future, let those people taste a little bit of sweetness first, so that when you challenge the actor in the future, they can fully support you!"

Chu Qing nodded, turned on the computer and said, "I drew up a list and sent it to your mailbox. After returning to China, you can see how many people you can contact. I greeted Wang Cong yesterday, and he will also help to contact you."

Song Dawei hummed, and let out a long breath while sitting on the sofa.

"With Wang Cong's help, it's easy"

At the beginning of July, Chu Qing and his party returned to Huaxia!
Thanks to his superb acting skills, the finale was half a month earlier than expected!
After returning to China, Song Dawei immediately contacted everyone on the list that Chu Qing gave him.

As long as he thinks of being able to hit the Oscar, this guy is more excited than bloody!
Chu Qing returned home leisurely. He still has a lot of things to do today. A little farewell is better than a newlywed.

Chu Qing's filming in Hollywood didn't alarm anyone, and [Bright Entertainment] didn't publicize it. After all, you went there. Who knows what the edited film will look like?

Let’s just say that in the previous life, Zheng Mou cut all the scenes when he went to film, and the scenes were only seen in the reset version later.

The company has now fully entered the right track, and the current [Bright Entertainment] is no longer the little transparency it used to be.

Duan Peng, Song Wei, Zhang Mo and others are fully able to support themselves!
In addition, there are many cooperative universities, and a large number of newcomers enter the company for internship every year.

Although there are very few talented people among them, there are always two left after the big waves wash the sand.

And these two can quickly be cultivated with large-scale resources, and they can become famous in two or three years!

This is the benefit of preferring the head of a chicken to the tail of a phoenix.

The company stabilized, and Chu Qing didn't have anything to worry about. She just stayed at home with her wife all day long, calling Duan Peng, Wang Cong and others to go fishing and play ball, and lived a very comfortable life.

This kind of life continued until mid-July, when Song Dawei returned to Beijing.

I haven't seen him for half a month, and this guy has gained a lot of weight. Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Viagra, hurry up and train two newcomers, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it if you drink like this all the time."

Song Dawei smiled and waved his hands and said, "When you become an Oscar winner, I won't have to drink like this! Qingzi, it's done! The matter is done!"

Chu Qing smiled when he heard the words. Although he had already guessed that this matter would be accomplished, he still couldn't help being excited when he heard Song Dawei tell him the news.

Chu Qing's plan is simple, share the profits!

Now that the film market is growing, there are quite a few people who want to eat this big pie.

But they couldn't find a way out, and the entertainment industry is actually a muddy pond, and there are countless intrigues in it.

A layman who enters the circle with money is no different from a child walking in the downtown area with a gold ingot. In the end, there will be no leftovers left!
And this kind of thing is not uncommon in the circle, on the contrary, it is very common, you can hear four or five such things every year.

For example, Wang Cong is a good example. If he hadn't met Chu Qing, would the one billion yuan still be left?People have been tricked away by various means.

But now, Chu Qing is using her good reputation and her record of never failing to invite these people to share this cake. Who can refuse?
People who can grow a company have one thing in common, that is vision!

And the plan that Chu Qing gave Song Dawei was selling the future!Feasible future!

It can be said that anyone who has read Chu Qing's plan has the confidence to stay!

And his purpose is also very simple, gather sand to form a tower!

In China now, the economy is frighteningly huge!He is a world leader in various industries, so Chu Qing intends to use these to influence the Chinese businessmen in Lijian Country!

Let them stand on my side. To put it simply, I can share the cake with you, and everyone can eat it together!

But the premise is that you must help me to make this cake bigger!Make my reputation louder!
This is a win-win for them.

Of course, this is an invasion of Li Jian country's film market!

The enlarged cake by Chu Qing and the others was snatched from their table!

These people will definitely be unwilling, these are not things that Chu Qing has to consider, but things that his 'partners' should worry about!
After the matter was settled, Chu Qing had a meal with these people directly at the biggest hotel in Yanjing.

At the table, everyone settled the matter thoroughly.

At this dinner, there were a total of 12 people including Chu Qing!
It involves all walks of life, Wang Cong is also there, but this time he is not representing himself, but his father!

"Hahaha, it's my honor to be here, come on, let me offer you a toast first!"

Chu Qing was the first to stand up to toast. If these people could come, no one would disrespect Chu Qing.

The atmosphere on the wine table was good. Chu Qing also drew the pancake very round, which made these people feel like they could grab it with their hands.

"Everyone, you should be able to see the growth of the film market over the years."

"Just a few years ago, a movie with a box office of one billion overwhelmed our generation! But now? Movies with 30 billion, 40 billion are not even uncommon!"

"We, Huaxia, have also become the largest film market in the world! Even the film markets of other countries can compete with us!"

"Those old men abroad, foreign devils are not stupid, and now they know how to curry favor with us when making movies, and add some Chinese elements or Chinese artists to the movies."

"Do they really like it? Shit! They are here for the Huaxia market, to come to our Huaxia to share the cake!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

"What the hell! Since they can share our cake! Why can't we grab their cake? Fuck them!"

(End of this chapter)

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