Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 379 Project Approval

Chapter 379 Project Approval
Some people may think that the gatherings of rich people must be to drink tea elegantly.

This can only be said to divide people!

At least the people at Chu Qing's table like to curse when they are excited!

As soon as Chu Qing said to overthrow them, Wang Cong was the first to jump up and shout hello.

"Okay! Hahaha, I have long since watched those so-called foreign blockbusters that are not pleasing to my eyes! Bullshit blockbusters! Just say that the "World War Zombie" filmed by our brothers slapped them in the face? This Once, our two brothers teamed up again, we must turn their Hollywood upside down!"

"Hahaha, Brother Wang, what are you talking about, what do you mean you two should join forces? Could it be that we are here today just to watch the excitement?"

A middle-aged man at the wine table joked with a smile that his surname was Cao, he was the son of a world-renowned glass king, and he was of the same generation as Wang Cong.

Wang Cong laughed twice when he heard the other party's words: "Brother Cao is right! It's me, Meng Lang, so I'll punish myself!"

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Chu Qing sat next to Wang Cong, smiled and patted Wang Cong on the shoulder and said, "Brothers, I don't talk nonsense, I have a plan now, I plan to invest [-] million to make a movie! But the movie will be in First released overseas, then won awards, and finally released domestically!"

As soon as these words came out, these people were taken aback.

Although they haven't had much contact with the film industry, they all know that movies are usually released first in China!

Unless it is the kind of film that can't pass the trial in China, it will win awards abroad and find other countries to show it. Why do you plan to do it the other way around?

Chu Qing explained with a smile: "Because this time, I will shoot a martial arts movie! Now you know that the domestic martial arts market is extremely sluggish! But it is different abroad, the mysterious oriental kung fu is still very popular."

"So this time the film will be screened abroad, and it would be best to win the Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film! Just being nominated is enough, and then the film will be given a halo."

"After returning to the country, we can make a big claim to win glory for the country! What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood that although they drank alcohol, this amount of alcohol could not stop their brains from running at high speed!

Everyone calculated in their hearts and understood that the times are different now. It is indeed more reasonable to seize the foreign market first, then add gold to the film to increase the halo, and finally go back to China to grab the cake!

At that moment, everyone raised their glasses together and said, "If there is anything you can do to help, Brother Chu, try to speak up."

Chu Qing sat down with a smile and said, "I've already written the script of the film, I won't talk about the funds. With all the brothers around, the funds are not a problem."

"The only difficult thing is the foreign Oscars"

Speaking of this, Chu Qing deliberately sighed and said: "The Lijian country is said to be a free nation, but none of our Chinese movies have been selected for so many years, but that little devil has been shortlisted a lot, do you think this is fair? "

Everyone understood Chu Qing's meaning as soon as they heard it. Mr. Cao said with a smile: "My family still has a certain influence in Lijian country. I will go back and ask my father about this matter. I think I can help Brother Chu a little bit."

Chu Qing was overjoyed when he heard that, and poured another glass of wine to signal to the other party.

Then one after another, someone said that they could help.

In fact, this is normal, because in the list that Chu Qing made at the beginning, all the people on it are businessmen with certain energy in Lijian country!

The only one who is worse may be Wang Cong, but it doesn't matter, he has money and connections!
He has no energy in Lijian country, but he knows someone who has energy in Lijian country!

The matter was quickly finalized in this way, there were 12 people present, and no one invested 5000 million!
About to use [-] million yuan to film a martial arts drama to conquer Lijian country!

As for the script, Chu Qing wrote it early.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
This is a highly controversial movie in China, but generally speaking, it is still praised more than criticized, and it belongs to the kind of martial arts in the eyes of Westerners!

As for this movie, Chu Qing mainly filmed it for Westerners, or in other words, just to create another wave of presence!

Let them get used to their presence, then look for opportunities!
Oscar winner, do you really think Chu Qing is as calm as he appears on the surface, as if he doesn't care at all?

Of course not!He cares so much!
However, he clearly knew that now was not the time, and he had to wait.

These entrepreneurs were very optimistic about Chu Qing's plan, and within three days, all the funds had arrived.

The "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" project was launched immediately, and the director was naturally Han Jie, who was Chu Qing's confidant!
As for the male lead, Li Mubai, Chu Qing must play the role himself. After all, this film was made to make himself familiar. Wouldn't the one who doesn't act in the most roles go out of the way?
As for Yu Xiulian, Yu Jiaolong and other characters, he also had a plan in mind.

And most importantly, Ze's martial arts guidance!

For a martial arts scene, whether it looks good or not, martial arts guidance is the most important thing!
And now the most famous martial arts instructor is undoubtedly Yuan Jiaban.

However, Mr. Yuan is old, and with Chu Qing's qualifications, he might not be able to invite him.

But Chu Qing, a first-year apprentice, can still ask for a move. Just give Fatty Wang a call, and Fatty Wang will help with it.

Since [Bright Media] grew stronger, the connection with Fatty Wang has also become closer.

Over the years, he helped Chu Qing introduce many old artists from Xiangjiang.

Chu Qing didn't let him suffer, and gave him a lot of film resources.

This is also a win-win cooperation for both parties.

In recent years, Chu Qing has also written many scripts for these old Xiangjiang artists.

A large number of web dramas and TV dramas have been filmed, so that the current [Guangming Video] not only has its own space in web dramas, but also has a reputation in TV dramas!
Now every year, no less than four TV series with more than [-] episodes are sold to TV stations!

The new artists of the company can even get publicity on TV, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

After deciding on martial arts guidance, Chu Qing began to choose actors.

It's too late to choose actors now, after all, if you want to invite some well-known artists to act, you have to say hello at least a year in advance.

In this regard, Chu Qing can only use the old method and add more money!
In the end, Chu Qing successfully found Yu Xiulian in her heart!
That is a well-known female artist in Xiangjiang. She has been filming action scenes since her debut. She has good acting skills and the asking price is not high. The only disadvantage is that she is not well-known in the world.

Yu Jiaolong is not so easy to find. This role not only needs to be outstanding, but also has a good popularity with the audience.

She belongs to the type that the audience will want to forgive her no matter how she dies.

(End of this chapter)

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