Chapter 384 Research
The two arrived in Lijian country, and as soon as they walked out of the airport, they saw twenty black bulletproof off-road vehicles parked outside.

This time Chu Qing hired a total of sixty fully armed bodyguards. Now that he has money, he attaches great importance to his own safety.

Especially in a place like Lijian Country, otherwise, like Batman's parents, who are so rich and go out without bodyguards, how worthless would it be to kill them?
Especially since he hasn't seen his child yet, it would be a pity if he dies at this time!
Wang Cong had already come to Lijian country, and it was said that he was having a hot affair with two female stars of Lijian country, which surprised Chu Qing very much.

Young Master Wang, who has always liked the face of Internet celebrities, how did he fall in love with Dayang horses?
Could it be that you have eaten too much and want to change the taste?
When Chu Qing arrived at the hotel, Wang Cong had already brought people to wait for him outside the hotel.

After seeing Chu Qing, this guy came up with a bear hug, slapped Chu Qing twice on the back and said.

"I knew it, I knew you could do it! It's definitely not wrong to follow you!"

He has made two successful investments in succession, and already feels that he is a successful person.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Where is this? It will be better in the future!"

Wang Cong laughed loudly, and led several people upstairs to a conference hall.

There are already more than a dozen people sitting in this conference hall, most of them are unfamiliar faces, and there is only one familiar face, that is the son of Mr. Cao, the glass king!

But at this moment, he was sitting obediently next to a fat man. Chu Qing knew the identity of this fat man without guessing!
"Haha, I'm sorry uncles, it's too late to be late"

Chu Qing smiled politely and apologized to a few people. Naturally, everyone would not take such a small matter to heart, and Mr. Cao spoke first.

"Young man is not bad. In the past two years, his reputation has become bigger and bigger! He is as good as I was when I was young!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Your old lady praised you!"

If someone told Chu Qing that you had a fight with me when I was young, Chu Qing would just smile and pretend that the other party was joking.

After all, how many people can have a net worth of tens of billions at the age of 30 like Chu Qing?
But Mr. Cao is different. If people say that, it is really giving him face!
Chu Qing took his seat, sat down, and said with a smile: "The success of this movie is not possible without the support of all uncles! My nephew has no talent, so he will make some movies. The only reward is to send some advertisements to all uncles. up"

Hearing this, many people present laughed.

There was no sense of sarcasm in this smile, but good intentions instead.

To be honest, with their wealth and status, they don't even care about the small money of movies, because the money each of them earns is enough to spend in this lifetime.

But there are really too few things about being a hero and a hero.
So they didn't object to their son and grandson getting in touch with people like Chu Qing, but they supported it!

Because this is a retreat they leave for their descendants, even if they can't hold on to the country they left behind, they can still make a living with Chu Qing.

And the more Chinese businessmen who are abroad, the more they understand the importance of unity!
If the original Chinese people were not united, there would be no Chinatown later!

Now that the motherland is strong, and the younger generations come to Lijian country with vigor, isn't it something that should be supported?
What's more, this is also a good thing for yourself!

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Chu Qing revealed his purpose.

Being shortlisted is just a primary goal, and his task is to win the Oscar for Best Actor when Li Jian Guo changes office two years later!
This is something no Chinese person has ever done before, and now, Chu Qing plans to attack this goal!
The reaction of the people now is not great, after all, they are all people who have seen big storms!
Everyone here is the kind of person who was told no by countless people when he was young.

There are always two so-called seniors who come out and ask him to give up, saying that it is for his own good, that it is pointless to persevere, it is just a waste of life!

And if they had believed those words back then, they wouldn't be sitting here now.

Instead, he continues to work in a certain company, or becomes an executive, or manages, but he will not become a world-renowned businessman anyway!

That night, Chu Qing talked a lot to these people.

He didn't talk about his family and country feelings, because some things can be kept in his heart.

With businessmen, the first thing to talk about must be benefits!

Although they may not like these benefits, the figures are attractive enough.

And "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is Chu Qing's first big pie, he will make these people full first, and then think about eating well!

After seeing these businessmen, Chu Qing went to meet some theater owners the next day.

Chu Qing directly paid the commission to these people!Voluntarily increase the other party's commission ratio, as long as you don't lose money, you can earn a little.

This made the cinema bosses go crazy, except for a few racially discriminatory bosses who firmly disagreed with the release, the rest of the bosses increased the number of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" films, and even took the initiative to help promote it!
Huaxia Kungfu is already very popular in foreign countries, and now they have given a high promotion, so what are you waiting for if you don’t promote it?How many years have I never encountered such a good thing!
And the release time of foreign movies has also been set, which is one day later than domestic ones!
Taking into account the time difference, the difference is actually not that big.

Next, Chu Qing started various company research and market research.

It even made him find the feeling of stepping on the plate in his previous life!

He is analyzing Hollywood's mainstream market, social market and selection market!
There is no doubt that there are only three types that are most likely to win awards in Hollywood.

The first one, war!

Second, racism!

The third type, inspirational movies!

These three kinds of movies are almost all movies made to win awards. Of course, everything in the world has a choice.

If you choose to win the award, it will definitely not be ideal in terms of box office.

Forrest Gump on one side and The Avengers on the other!
Putting two movies in front of you, which movie do you think has the most box office?
Without a doubt, the latter!
Because it takes a certain amount of experience to understand "Forrest Gump", and after you understand this movie, what he conveys can even affect your life. It is undoubtedly a good movie.

But the latter can kill the market regardless of the age!In terms of audience groups, the two are not at the same level.

Although the audience of the latter will only say something cool after watching it, and may even forget the plot after a few days of freshness, there is no doubt that the latter is making money!
And what Chu Qing has to do is to know what kind of movie can be regarded as a well-known movie in the hearts of the audience!
(End of this chapter)

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