Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 385 Shortlisted for Oscar

Chapter 385 Shortlisted for Oscar

As a result, after some research, Chu Qing found the movie they had in mind.


Especially the kind of individualistic hero, the kind of hero who saves others by himself!Preferably one with a historical archetype.

Because Li Jian country is most criticized by the outside world for not having the history of its own country.

They don't even own the country's land, but 'borrowed' it.

But Chu Qing is a yellow-skinned Chinese, which doesn't fit their image at all.

At the very least, it must be a white person with blonde hair and blue eyes!

So Chu Qing had no choice but to give up on this point, and almost gave up on the theme of war movies.

Regarding racial discrimination, to be honest, Chu Qing didn't really want to shoot it.

Because the best way to show racism is to photograph blacks and whites.

Well, the best thing he can do is make an inspirational movie!
It's a pity that inspirational movies are actually about portraying heroes, but the portrayal is a commoner hero, so Chu Qing is actually not suitable.

This made Chu Qing feel very embarrassed. After a lot of research, she found that she might not be able to shoot Li Jian country hero movies because of image problems.

Now he has two paths in front of him, the first path is to choose to be a director!
If he is the director, it will be easy to win the award.

Just find some blacks and whites to play, and there are many movies to shoot, such as "Forrest Gump", "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", "The Shawshank Redemption" and so on.

But in this way, he can only go from the front of the stage to the backstage, and he is definitely not the first choice.

The second is to forcibly star in some well-known movies, or modify some well-known movies so that I can star in them.

This road will be much more difficult, but assuming he succeeds, the future that awaits him is absolutely sensational!

At least in the domestic entertainment industry, he will become one of the big names!

Chu Qing's choice is of course the latter!
After all, he is an actor first, and then a director!
And as long as he is an actor, who can turn a blind eye to the position of Oscar winner?
The previous seniors were not selected for various reasons.

But the times are different now. With the backing of a strong motherland, they must give us a fair chance to compete!

With such a good opportunity in front of him, how could Chu Qing miss it?

It's a pity that until February, when the Oscars ceremony started, Chu Qing didn't think about which movie to shoot.

Song Dawei seemed very excited, wishing he could start a live broadcast to share his current mood with China!

This is Oscar!
Chu Qing was calmer, or in other words, calmed down on the surface.

When Song Dawei laments that Oscar is different, Chu Qing is thinking in his heart, how can he conquer this place!

How can I be here and become the first Chinese actor!
There were a lot of reporters on the scene, and there were also a lot of Chinese reporters, and many of them even rushed here from China.

After all, this is the first time that a Chinese language film has been nominated for the best foreign language film. Now this film is not only Chu Qing's business, but also has a relationship with Huaxia.

Of course, some people may feel that it is a bit over the line.

But the reality is like this, it doesn't matter what you do at home, but abroad, your words and deeds will affect people's impression of your country!

The awards ceremony began soon, and Chu Qing possessed LV50 language skills, so naturally there was no communication problem.

Song Dawei's English is not bad, at least he can understand a general idea.

Watching the awards being handed out one by one, Song Dawei gradually felt a little nervous, and whispered while pinching the corner of his clothes.

"You said, can you win the prize?"

Chu Qing also replied in a low voice: "I think there is hope! Now not only do we need Oscar, Oscar also needs us!"

He said this sentence very carefully, and he still used Mandarin.

Otherwise, it would be interesting if someone heard it.

With the passage of time, finally came the best foreign language film link!

"The shortlist for this year's best foreign language film is the Japanese country! "The Heart Is Like a Ghost"!"

The big screen switched quickly, and a Japanese man in a kimono was walking on the streets of Tokyo, but the surging crowd actually looked like evil spirits in his eyes, ferocious and terrifying!
There is also this monologue in Japanese below, and the translation is, Hell is empty, and evil spirits are in the world!
"The shortlist for this year's best foreign language film is Gaul! "Deadly Perfume"!"

The big screen switched again, a ragged white man was tied to the scaffolding, but the eyes of the people around him looked at him as if they were on a pilgrimage.

The next moment, those people swarmed up and devoured him alive.

"The finalists for this year's best foreign language film are Will Country! "War Criminal"!"

This time there is a small white man with a ridiculous beard who looks like a Japanese ronin.

At this moment, he is sitting in front of the drawing board, whispering while drawing: "Since no one in the world appreciates my paintings, then I will change the world!"

"The shortlist for the best foreign language film this year is Bo Lan! "The Flood"!"

This time the picture is quite shocking, the flood is raging all over the sky, it doesn't look like a special effect, but it seems real!
This time Chu Qing really guessed right, this is indeed not a special effect, but a man-made flood!

Nearly [-] million Huaxia coins were spent just to shoot the scene of the flood!It's a big production!
And the director is really courageous, you must know that if you shoot this kind of scene, if you don't do it well, you will die!

While thinking, the screen has switched again, and this time, Chu Qing's shot finally appeared!
On the screen, Chu Qing was wearing a white robe and fighting Yu Jiaolong in the bamboo sea. That beautiful picture made many people on the scene gasp in admiration!

Song Dawei clenched his fists so tightly that Chu Qing could even see his bulging veins!
He patted the other person on the back lightly, signaling him not to be nervous, but at this moment the camera switched to him.

Looking at the calm and composed expression on Chu Qing's face, as well as the way he comforted his companions, many people changed their views on Huaxia.

Huaxia people really have a big heart!
After the shortlisted screen was played, the award presenters selected by the organizer stepped onto the stage.

After interacting with the host for a while, he opened the envelope and announced the winner of the best foreign language film.

"This year's Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film is! Congratulations, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Before Chu Qing and Song Dawei cheered, those Chinese reporters who came here from a long distance cheered!
They are too aware of the significance of this award to Huaxia!
This is the first Chinese film that was nominated for an Oscar and successfully won an Oscar!
Regardless of investment or filming, it is a Chinese film independently finished by Chinese!
honor!This is honor!

(End of this chapter)

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