Chapter 386 Spring Festival
These reporters can't wait to go back to China and announce the news.

They can already imagine how crazy it will be after receiving this news in China!
Amid the applause, Chu Qing took two deep breaths in a row, and strode towards the stage with great strides!

Song Dawei's eyes were red behind him. He is not a sentimental person, but at this moment, his heart is surging and his emotions explode.

Because he watched with his own eyes the frustrated college student step by step onto the world stage!
After taking the stage, Chu Qing hugged the host and the guests with a smile, and then took the trophy from the hands of the other party.

Looking at the statuette trophy, Chu Qing didn't feel much joy. Instead, he felt a flame rising deep in his heart, burning to his limbs!
That flame is called ambition!
Let him secretly swear in his heart that the next time he stands on this stage, he will win the best actor Oscar!
"Well, to be honest, I am very honored to receive this award"

"As a filmmaker, I don't think anyone will not yearn for this trophy"

"But I feel that what I am doing is not good enough, and there is still a lot of room for improvement"

"Although this is the first time for me, or even our country, to win an Oscar, I believe that we will become regular visitors here in the future!"

Chu Qing spoke his acceptance speech in the most standard American English, and after he finished speaking, he waved the trophy vigorously at the audience again!
This time, he didn't say any nonsense about who to thank, in his opinion, he deserved it all!

When Chu Qing returned to his seat, Song Dawei, who had been waiting for a long time, took the trophy decisively. Seeing that blushing and excited, he almost died suddenly!
The two of them didn't care about the subsequent awards at all. They didn't even look up to see who the best actor was.

While waiting for the ceremony to end, the two had just walked out of the scene when a large group of Chinese reporters surrounded them.

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, as the first Chinese to win an Oscar, do you have anything to say?"

"Mr. Chu, is what you said on stage before true? Have you prepared better works?"

"Mr. Chu, when do you plan to hit the Oscars next time, will you continue to hit the best foreign language film?"

Chu Qing also stopped and answered some reporters' questions with a smile.

"Sorry, we haven't prepared the next step yet. I just have a draft. I will discuss it with my friends when I return home."

"Those acceptance speeches I said are my most honest thoughts at the moment, but I hope you don't over-interpret them"

"To be honest, I think our country's movies are improving all the time. After these years of development, we have found our own way to the future, so I think we will be regular visitors to the Oscars in the future!"

It took more than ten minutes to answer the question, and it was Song Dawei who played tricks on the bodyguards before he walked out of the crowd.

That night, they got on the plane back to China.

They were still on the plane, and the news about their awards had already been sent back to China!

At this moment, not only netizens were sensational!
Even the officials were a sensation, especially the Railway Art Troupe!
Chu Qing is still a national first-class actor in their troupe, which is a credit to the troupe!
Immediately began to organize, and went to the airport to meet Chu Qing.

Various domestic media have also begun to report on this matter one after another!

Before the Spring Festival, the popularity of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" could not be overwhelmed by anyone or a work!

When Chu Qing returned to Yanjing and got off the plane, it was the first time she felt such a big battle!

'Warmly congratulate Chu Qing, a first-class actor in our troupe, for winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film! '

A huge banner was hung in the airport like this, and some leaders were sitting beside the banner, and Zhang Sanli was among them.

Chu Qing hurriedly greeted them, while Song Dawei took out the trophy from his bag. There were many media around him, and he knew what the media wanted to see.

"Teacher, what are you doing! Leader, this, this, ah, just won a small award, why are you fighting so hard!"

I have to say, what Chu Qing said was a bit like Versailles.

Zhang Sanli patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Don't talk nonsense, you are also winning glory for the country. Since you are winning glory for the country, shouldn't we welcome you?"

The leader on the side also nodded, and after taking a group photo with the trophy, they went to the hotel together to clean up Chu Qing.

On the Internet, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has become a phenomenal topic!

Even many people who don't watch movies at all and don't care about the entertainment industry have heard of this name and are somewhat curious.

After all, who wouldn't want to see the first Chinese film to be nominated for an Oscar?

After Chu Qing returned home, she also received the highest standard of treatment.

Now Chu Qing's parents are at his house, and his daughter-in-law is pregnant, so there is no one to take care of her.

Although Chu Qing said that the two nannies he hired were professional, the mother was not at ease and insisted on being by her side.

In her words, outsiders are not as caring as family members.

Yin Tao has been pregnant for a short time and has not yet shown her pregnancy, but she has already become a giant panda at home!

At ordinary times, my mother wished she would not let her walk, and finally she would just lie on the bed and do nothing.

But Yin Tao is not the kind of person who can sit idle!

Even with a nanny in the house, she likes to do the cleaning herself.

After Chu Qing rested at home for two days, he went to call Wang Cong's investors again. This time, it was time for them to show their talents!

Excluding his own theater chain, with the help of various investors, the film schedule of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in other theater chains has also reached 50.00%!

This probability is already very exaggerated!This is equivalent to showing "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" half of the time in a movie theater!In the remaining half of the time, other movies will be released!

If "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" hadn't been so popular right now, even if these investors made a move, it would be impossible to secure such a high film schedule.

In the blink of an eye, time came to February [-]th, and it was the Spring Festival of another year, and Chu Qing was one year older.

This year, his parents finally stopped forcing marriage and urged to have a child.

Instead, he looks forward to the birth of his granddaughter or grandson next year!
Now the two elders are even a little dazed. They will buy some children's toys and clothes when they go outside, and they will buy some for their grandchildren to play with when the time comes.

Chu Qing looked at the toy that filled the whole room, and couldn't help but wonder how long this kid would have to play with it!
The family reunited and celebrated the Spring Festival. On the first day of the new year, Chu Qing drove his wife and parents to the cinema to watch a movie together.

(End of this chapter)

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