Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 387 "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"

Chapter 387 "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"

The main purpose of coming out this time was to let Yin Tao breathe out, and Chu Qing felt sorry for her when she was always wandering around in the community.

When we arrived at the theater, the staff had already reserved a VIP hall.

Everyone followed the staff passage into the VIP hall, and when they arrived at the screening hall, they could still hear the noisy voices outside. One can imagine how many people there are outside!
Not long after Chu Qing and the others sat down, Wang Cong and the others arrived late. As for Song Dawei, he had already returned to his hometown for the New Year.

As soon as Wang Cong sat down, he smiled and said, "Qingzi, there are more people this time! Hahaha, it seems that this is going to surpass the box office of our "Zombie World War"!"

Chu Qing rubbed his shoulders and smiled, "That's not good? Then you can buy a few more sports cars."

Unexpectedly, Wang Cong shrugged and said, "I can't park in the garage anymore. Hey, Qingzi, I saw your acceptance speech at the Oscars. Are you ready for the plan?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "There is only one framework, and it's not mature yet."

After hearing this, Wang Cong shrugged and said, "It's too late, there is still such a long time."

While the two were chatting, the auditorium slowly darkened, and the movie started!
Although Wang Cong, Chuqing and others have watched it several times, it still feels different when watching a movie in a cinema.

His father, Chu Jianye, is obviously very interested in this kind of subject matter. It is completely different from when he watched "World War Zombies" back then. He watched it seriously!
Especially when he saw Chu Qing appearing on stage, he rubbed his face narcissistically.

Chu Qing understood Dad's expression, which clearly said: "Look, look, this is my good gene!"

At the beginning of the movie, Li Mubai, played by Chu Qing, comes down the mountain to look for Yu Xiulian, who is full of immortality.

Yu Xiulian knew that Li Mubai had been cultivating in seclusion, seeking a higher realm, and envied him for being able to calm down.

Chu Qing smiled and said that he had left the customs early. At this time, his smile was very free and easy, as if he had let go of something, but Yu Xiulian didn't see it.

"During this retreat and meditation, I once entered a deep silence, and I seemed to have touched a realm that Master has never pointed out."

"You got it?"

"I don't feel this way because I don't have the joy of enlightenment? On the contrary, I'm surrounded by a kind of solitary sorrow, which is beyond the limit I can bear! I'm out of samadhi, and I can't continue"

What the two said was a bit mysterious and profound, and the audience was a little confused.

The Qingming sword is two feet nine long and one inch wide, and it was made by the kneading sword technique of the former King Wu of Qin!This method has been lost since the Han Dynasty.

Knowing that Yu Xiulian was going to Yanjing to take the darts, Li Mubai asked her to give the Qingming Sword to Lord Belle, and he planned to retire from the world.

Yu Xiulian sent the Qingming Sword to Baylor Mansion, and conveyed the news that Li Mubai was about to withdraw from the arena.

Lord Belle smiled and asked, "Is he implying you something by doing this? Don't be shy, I know your feelings."

Yu Xiulian said: "We are not timid people, maybe things are not as you think."

The housekeeper took Yu Xiulian to place the Qingming Sword, but when he walked to the study, he met Yu Jiaolong, the eldest lady of the nine admirals!

Yu Xiulian showed her the Qingming Sword, and Yu Jiaolong liked it very much. She had heard of Li Mubai's reputation when she was in Xinjiang Province, and she yearned for life in the Jianghu, and wanted to find her freedom.

In the evening, Lord Belle and Master Yu appreciated the Qingming Sword together.

Lord Belle said: "Swords need to be used by people to live. This is the so-called swordsmanship and human law! If Lord Yu wants to govern the capital well, he must not only focus on the court, but also have contacts in the rivers and lakes. Freedom is like this. Nine gates Only the admiral can sit still!"

Gao Shiniang came to comb Yu Jiaolong's hair, during which she warned Yu Jiaolong not to have too much contact with Yu Xiulian, as contacting with this kind of Jiang Hu will only bring trouble.

Yu Jiaolong was a little impatient and sent Gao Shiniang away.

In the middle of the night, a man in black sneaked into Baylor's mansion and stole the Qingming Sword. Although she was wrapped tightly, the audience could still tell at a glance that this was Yu Jiaolong!

The guard Liu Taibao fought against Yu Jiaolong, but he was completely invincible.

The two chased all the way to the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion, and two strangers drew their swords to help each other on the way.

But even though the three joined forces, they still failed to catch each other. Liu Taibao was very grateful to the two and asked each other's identity.

But the two bluntly said that they were entertainers and left the scene in a hurry.

On the roof, Yu Xiulian had already stopped the Snitch. He said that it would be easy to talk about returning the property to its original owner, but the Snitch didn't listen at all and fought her directly.

Yu Xiulian is very skilled, and she did not lose the slightest advantage in fighting Yu Jiaolong, and based on the person's body skills, she can be deduced that she is a member of Wudang sect!
The two of them have great fist and kick skills, and the scene of this fight is particularly exciting.

Yu Jiaolong thought that he was no match for Yu Xiulian in terms of punching and kicking, so he turned around and ran away.

But Yu Xiulian buckled down a piece of the wall, knocked down Yu Jiaolong, and then launched a fierce attack.

It was about to capture Yu Jiaolong, but a hidden weapon was shot from a distance, Yu Jiaolong took the opportunity to escape.

After watching this scene, the old man couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This Snitch is so easy to recognize, isn't this the little girl from before? What is it called? Yes, yes, Yu Jiaolong!"

Wang Cong laughed and said, "The old man has good eyesight!"

The old man laughed twice before continuing: "It's so easy to identify, I can guess it, and those young people are even better!"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, I didn't intend to make this Snitch character difficult to guess."

The next day, Liu Taibao suspected that the stolen Qingming Sword was related to Yufu.

Yu Xiulian also felt that the sword was in Yu's mansion, but Lord Belle didn't believe it, thinking that someone might want to frame Lord Yu!
On the other side, outside the gate of Yufu, someone posted a notice saying that the blue-eyed fox was just outside the gate.

Gao Shinianghe couldn't help complaining after seeing it, whoever had a grudge against the blue-eyed fox has come to our house arbitrarily.

Madam Yu just glanced at her indifferently and didn't speak.

During this period of time, Liu Taibao has not been idle, and has been searching secretly on the street, hoping to find news about the Qingming Sword.

In the end, he accidentally saw two mysterious people who helped him that night in the ruined temple. The two claimed to be father and daughter.

Back then, the blue-eyed fox committed several crimes and even killed his wife, and they came to Beijing this time because they found out the whereabouts of the blue-eyed fox and came to seek revenge on her!

Knowing what happened, Liu Taibao planned to help the two, but Cai Butou said that he had to solve his own affairs.

The three of them were chatting when a dart with a note was thrown in!

The blue-eyed fox asked them to fight to the death on Huangtugang at night!
When Yu Xiulian came to visit Yufu, she happened to see Yu Jiaolong writing.

After Yu Jiaolong learned of her surname, she wrote the word Yu for her.

Yu Xiulian looked at the character and said, "This Yu character is really written like a sword! In fact, calligraphy and swordsmanship are similar in principle."

When Yu Jiaolong heard this, her expression was a little nervous, but she forced herself to be calm, which made Yu Xiulian affirm her guess even more.

(End of this chapter)

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