Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 388 What is freedom?

Chapter 388 What is freedom?

Yu Xiulian sat down slowly, she said that she heard that Yu Jiaolong's wedding was coming soon, and congratulated her in advance.

But Yu Jiaolong didn't want to mention this at all. She said that this marriage was just to stabilize her father's position in Yanjing, and she still hoped that she could live freely with the people she liked like in martial arts novels.

Just like Yu Xiulian and Li Mubai.

After hearing this, Yu Xiulian had a bitter expression, and slowly told Yu Jiaolong a story.

In fact, Yu Xiulian also had a marriage contract back then, that person was called Meng Sizhao, and she and Li Mubai were sworn brothers.

In a fight, Meng Sizhao died trying to save Li Mubai.

Although the relationship between Yu Xiulian and Li Mubai is getting deeper and deeper, Meng Sizhao is always in their hearts, making them dare not take a step closer.

Everyone thought that would be a kind of betrayal to Meng Sizhao, so she was not as free as Yu Jiaolong thought.

After hearing these words, Yu Jiaolong felt that she and Yu Xiulian were very close, so they became sisters.

Li Mubai came to Baylor Mansion to look for Yu Xiulian, he had just heard that the Qingming Sword had been stolen.

Yu Xiulian felt that the Yu Mansion was full of doubts, so she took out the arrest warrant of the blue-eyed fox.

Li Mubai's expression changed when he saw the arrest warrant, because it was this person who killed his master.

He asked Yu Xiulian, he heard that when the sword was stolen that night, there was a fight outside the Yu Mansion, and asked if Yu Xiulian was there and if he knew what happened.

Yu Xiulian thought that he had blamed herself for the loss of the sword, and said a little unhappy that she would definitely get the sword back.

Li Mubai explained with a smile, saying that Yu Xiulian misunderstood him, I didn't come here to track down the sword, I thought we had made a deal.

Yu Xiulian showed a puzzled expression, and Li Mubai also looked a little lonely.

The audience had already guessed what Li Mubai was thinking when they thought of what Lord Belle said before and the story told by Yu Xiulian.

It turned out that he came this time with the intention of taking Yu Xiulian to retreat with him, but looking at it now, Yu Xiulian still hasn't stepped out of Meng Sizhao's shadow.

At night, Liu Taibao and Cai Tutou came to Huangtugang, and saw Mrs. Gao walking out in black. It turned out that she was a blue-eyed fox!
Then several people played against each other, and the three lost.

At the critical moment, Li Mubai made a move, Li Mubai's swordsmanship was superb, and when he was about to kill the blue-eyed fox, Yu Jiaolong came to rescue him again, and became one with Li Mubai.

Li Mubai deduced that the sword technique she used was actually the Wudang sword technique within two fights with her!
Judging from the figure of the other party, he should be young, and he has such a talent at a young age, which vaguely moved the idea of ​​​​receiving apprentices.

He is going to retire into the world, but this sword technique needs to be passed on.

In the end, the blue-eyed fox was rescued by Yu Jiaolong after killing Cai Butou.

Cai Butou's daughter believes that the blue-eyed fox is in Yufu, and Lord Belle thinks that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. Li Mubai said that he will go back to Yufu to investigate the matter.

But Yu Xiulian felt that this was too reckless, Master Yu was an official of the imperial court, representing the imperial court and the security of the capital, so it would be of no benefit to both sides.

She suggested inviting Yu Jiaolong and Mrs. Yu to sit at the mansion. If you want to catch the old fox, you have to catch the little fox first.

This sentence meant that Yu Xiulian had already guessed Yu Jiaolong's identity.

At the tea table, Yu Xiulian tested Yu Jiaolong's martial arts skills, and secretly pointed her to return the sword.

In the middle of the night, Yu Jiaolong wanted to send the sword back, but met Li Mubai who had been waiting for a long time.

The two flew over the walls and came to a Buddhist hall. Li Mubai praised her for her talent, but she didn't have enough understanding of Wudang's mind. He said that he could teach him.

It's a pity that Yu Jiaolong didn't appreciate it, and when the two fought, Li Mubai took the opportunity to teach her some sword skills.

Because of her identity being exposed, Bi Yanhu wants to take Yu Jiaolong with her, but Yu Jiaolong disagrees. She feels that she has done the utmost to Bi Yanhu.

The blue-eyed fox wanted to take her away by force, but found that he was no longer Yu Jiaolong's opponent.

It turns out that they have studied Wudang Xinfa together these years, and the blue-eyed fox can't read, so he can only practice according to the pictures above.

And Yu Jiaolong savored the mystery carefully, and now her martial arts are already higher than her master's.

The next day, the blue-eyed fox left alone.

Under the night, Li Mubai danced his sword under the moon, while Yu Xiulian beside him was thoughtful.

"The sword is back, are you happy?"

Li Mubai held the sword behind him and said: "It's only after I lost it that I realized how attached I am to it. Although it is no longer my sword, I need to borrow it again. Do you know who that snitch is?"

Yu Xiulian nodded slowly: "I know, but I have to worry about everyone's face. If I say it, it may ruin her life."

Li Mubai turned around and looked at the bright moon in the sky: "I saw her last night, her character still needs to be restrained, and her martial arts still needs to be taught."

He looked a little lonely, saying that he handed over the Qingming sword because he wanted to quit the arena, but he didn't expect to provoke more old and new hatred.

At night, Luo Xiaohu sneaked into Yu Jiaolong's boudoir.

It turned out that the two of them knew each other when they were in Xinjiang Province. Luo Xiaohu had a deep affection for her, and after saying that he would make a big career, he came to marry her in an open and honest manner.

But now Yu Jiaolong is about to get married, and he came this time to take her away.

But Yu Jiaolong refused, and Luo Xiaohu left sadly.

On the second day when Yu Jiaolong got married, Luo Xiaohu came to snatch the marriage, but he was overwhelmed with two fists and four hands. Just when he was about to fail, he was rescued by Li Mubai and sent to Wudang to let him wait for news from him.

That night, the Qing Ming Sword was stolen again.

The Yu family also sent word that Yu Jiaolong had run away from home and wanted to ask Lord Belle to help her find her.

Li Mubai took the initiative to accept the matter, saying that he would definitely get it back.

On the other side, Yu Jiaolong finally lived the life she wanted in the world.

However, she found that this world is not as free as she thought, instead, there are sneak attacks and plots everywhere, fighting and killing!

She came to the Escort to find Yu Xiulian, crying about her experience during this period.

Yu Xiulian comforted her, saying that even if she didn't want to get married, she still had to live without her parents. As for her and Xiaohu's affairs, Yu Xiulian would arrange for them.

Unexpectedly, this sentence angered Yu Jiaolong instead. The reason why she ran away from marriage was because she didn't want others to arrange her life. What she pursued was freedom!
And Yu Xiulian was also a little angry. She knew that Yu Jiaolong was a snitch, but she kept giving her a chance, but in the end, the other party didn't know good people!
The two sides became angry and began to fight!
After being instructed by Li Mubai, Yu Jiaolong's kung fu became even more powerful, and with the extremely sharp weapon in her hand, Yu Xiulian was actually a little difficult to parry.

At the critical moment, Li Mubai came out and repelled Yu Jiaolong, and there was a beautiful scene of the fight in the bamboo sea.
(End of this chapter)

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