Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 389 Terrifying Box Office!

Chapter 389 Terrifying Box Office!

Yu Jiaolong, who was finally defeated, was rescued by the blue-eyed fox. In the ruined temple, she said that after this escape from marriage, Yu Jiaolong's parents would not let her into the house again, and hoped that she could go to the Western Regions with her.

While speaking, put the ignited spices into the incense burner.

It turned out that all this was the trick of the blue-eyed fox, who added the enchanting incense to the incense burner.

Because she knew that Li Mubai would definitely find this place, and when Yu Jiaolong's medicine took effect, the two of them would be in perfect harmony, if she lures Yu Xiulian to witness all this, then the three of them would be ruined.

Yu Jiaolong has no way out, so he can only follow her to the Western Regions.

But she underestimated the trust between the two, Yu Xiulian still listened to Li Mubai's explanation.

The blue-eyed fox in the dark saw that the trick was not going to work, so he used the poisonous needle to sneak attack, but was stabbed to death by Li Mubai in the end, but Li Mubai was also hit by the poisonous needle, and he estimated that he could live for an hour at most.

At this time, Yu Jiaolong said that he knew the formula of the antidote, and hurried down the mountain to prepare the medicine.

Li Mubai meditated with his eyes closed in the ruined temple, and he told Yu Xiulian that he still had one breath left.

Yu Xiulian asked him to use this last breath to cultivate his spirit and return to the void, to achieve the state he pursued all his life, so don't waste it on me.

"I've wasted my life"

"I'm going to tell you this"

"I have always loved you deeply"

After Li Mubai finished speaking, he fell straight backwards, and Yu Xiulian's tears fell uncontrollably.

When Yu Jiaolong came back, it was still one step too late, Li Mubai was already dead.

Two people who have always loved deeply, but because of worldly vision and spiritual shackles, they could not get together in their whole life.

Yu Xiulian gave her hairpin to Yu Jiaolong, and told her to treat herself sincerely no matter what.

This is her summary of her life. She wanted to hold an umbrella for someone just because she had been drenched in the rain.

Yu Jialong came to Wudang and spent a night with Luo Xiaohu, but he didn't feel free and happy.

Early the next morning, as she looked at the thick fog below the mountain, she suddenly remembered the story Luo Xiaohu told her back then in Xinjiang.

There is a sacred mountain there, as long as you jump off the top of the mountain with sincerity, the gods will grant his wish.

Yu Jiaolong looked at the white mist at the foot of the mountain, and slowly jumped down.

Maybe it wasn't until this moment that she found what she always wanted, freedom.

The movie is over.

After the movie was over, the lights in the auditorium were turned on, and the old man scratched his head and asked in a puzzled manner.

"A pretty good girl, why did she jump off a cliff? What's the matter? Isn't the world worth it?"

This sentence directly made Chu Qing, Wang Cong and others laugh, and Wang Cong laughed very loudly.

"Haha, uncle is so fashionable, you know what is not worth living in the world"

"However, this is not something that is not worthy in the world, but the kind that is looking for freedom and has a high intention, and it is based on this thing that it wins the prize."

The old man curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's just that I'm full."


After the family left the movie theater, Chu Qing took Yin Tao to go shopping.

The second elder went to buy vegetables, saying that he wanted to make some delicious food for his daughter-in-law.

And on the Internet, the first batch of people who finished watching "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are swiping the screen like a tide.

"Damn it! I didn't know until after watching this movie that martial arts movies can be so great!"

"Uh, I don't understand it very well, but it's still pretty good, at least I like the fighting scene"

"Everyone, am I the only one who thinks that Yu Jiaolong is a slut? Very hypocritical!"

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. Without Yu Jiaolong, Li Mubai wouldn't have died! He has long since retired with Yu Xiulian."

"Don't be stupid, Yu Jiaolong is actually Li Mubai when he was young! Both of them are looking for freedom, but Li Mubai has a concern and can't let it go, Yu Jiaolong can let go of everything for freedom!"

"Should I say it or not, it's a good movie! Hahahaha, the one who didn't form a team for the second time? This kind of movie must be supported!"

Most of the Internet is unflattering about this movie. Even if someone says it's not good, they will be sprayed with blood immediately, so that no one can say no!
In fact, this is a very sad thing, because the more this happens, the stronger the rebound will be in the future.

And it also shows that most of the netizens are just following the trend and have no ideas of their own.

What everyone says is good, it must be good!

If I feel bad, it's not the problem of other people's works, but my own problem.

However, this is a good thing for Chu Qing.

Even this time he didn't spend much money on publicity, Oscar for best foreign language film, that's the best publicity!

At noon the next day, when the box office came out on the first day, Chu Qing rubbed his eyes fiercely, wondering if he had read it wrong.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" premiered with a box office of one billion!
The single-day box office broke one billion!This data stunned everyone.

Especially the producers and directors in the circle.

Their eyes are popping out, billions!The box office of the premiere is one billion!Is this something normal people can achieve?Did you check the box office?
Many people in the industry immediately jumped out and said that there was a problem with the box office. In any case, the premiere box office of one billion is too exaggerated!

For this reason, the website that calculates the box office is cost-effective again. Not to mention, there are really problems with the box office. The box office of the premiere should be 2000 billion [-] million!
As soon as this data came out, everyone in the circle went crazy!Netizens who have seen this movie are also crazy!

They posted their own movie tickets in various ways, proving that they also contributed to the box office!
Unknowingly, this brought another trend, more and more people walked into the cinema to watch this "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"!
Seeing this achievement, other film companies were envious and crazy, and immediately set up a team to investigate the reason for the success of the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"!

Judging from the movie alone, the quality of this movie must be very good, but this kind of plot and fighting style shouldn't be so popular!
Most of the Chinese audience grew up watching martial arts movies and TV series, and they are almost immune to this kind of martial arts theme, not to mention martial arts, even immortals are almost immune!

Then how can it be like this?In the end, they really found the reason.

That's the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film!

Because of this award, the audience felt honored and aroused their sense of national pride. This is fundamental!

At present, many company leaders directly started cursing, what the hell, isn't this a waste of analysis?If we can win an Oscar, we still need to analyze you?
Many people were a little disappointed. The success of [Bright Entertainment] this time cannot be replicated at all!

As for [Bright Entertainment], it has fallen into a sea of ​​joy at this moment, and those investors have also rushed to the company to celebrate together.

This time, Chu Qing gave them the flatbread and made it into meatloaf, everyone could eat it so much that their mouths were full of oil!

(End of this chapter)

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