Chapter 390
That night, everyone went out to celebrate together. These people took turns to toast Chu Qing, apparently intending to get Chu Qing drunk.

But what is Chu Qing's drinking capacity?Put everyone down with ease and let their respective drivers drive them home.

On the second day, these people came to [Bright Entertainment] with some headaches, and wanted to discuss the follow-up plan with Chu Qing.

Looking at it now, the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will definitely not be lower, and the foreign box office should come out soon in the past two days.

This is already a piece of meat, what they have to think about now is how to eat the next piece of meat!
It's a pity that Chu Qing only has one idea, but there is still a long way to go before turning this idea into reality!
Not long after, the total foreign box office came back, [-] million US dollars!
This data is already exaggerated!

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the final box office of this "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"!
There are even experts in the circle who believe that this movie may become the top three in the world's box office!
But Chu Qing didn't have this confidence, because the top three movies in the world's box office were all big movies with a box office of more than 200 billion Chinese dollars.

Just relying on "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is definitely not enough. My own movie knows that the reason why this movie is so popular in China is because Chu Qing is selling pride and feelings!Otherwise, how could the box office exceed one billion in a single day?
And the box office of movies is mainly watched in the previous week, and the box office will become weaker as the time goes on. Who knows what will happen in the follow-up?
But no matter what, the limelight of this movie is still unstoppable!

Song Dawei also came back, and he was dizzy. After seeing the box office results of the past few days, he stuttered a bit.

But then, Chu Qing sent him abroad to contact more Chinese businessmen, preparing for the Oscar in two years, no, one year!

Those businessmen in the past may think that he is drawing big pies, or that the money he earns is small money, and they are not very interested.

But now that Chu Qing has made the big pie into a meat pie, and the meat pie is still getting bigger, can these people not be greedy?Don't want to join?
Coupled with Chu Qing's never-failed record, he couldn't believe that these people wouldn't fall for it!
Song Dawei also knew that the time was tight and the task was heavy, so he didn't talk nonsense at all, so he took the list and bodyguard assistants he had prepared before, and went straight to Lijian country.

Chu Qing focused on the company.

[Bright Entertainment] is not listed, so there is no shareholding system, it is completely Chu Qing's opinion.

Chu Qing didn't plan to go public either, at least not now, he didn't have that much experience in intrigue with shareholders.

Looking at it now, [Bright Entertainment] has already ranked in the top ten among domestic film and media companies!

After all, in terms of background, he is still a little shallow, and the biggest background is Zhang Sanli.

But Zhang Sanli owns his own company, so it is impossible for him to consider everything for him!
Therefore, developing their own network background has become a top priority, which is an indispensable part for them to grow!
Another thing is the development in the past two years. The most works of [Bright Entertainment] are still online dramas. In the past two years, because it has absorbed many old artists, it has also started to shoot TV dramas, but now the market has become saturated.

So Chu Qing felt that it was time for [Bright Entertainment] to make some changes!

The last point is about [Bright Cinema]. Under Jiang Shaoan's leadership, today's theaters have spread all over the country.

If they expand further, they will break the existing balance, and then either they will occupy other people's audiences, or others will occupy their audiences.

For them, the current state is the best state.

So Jiang Shaoan turned his attention to foreign countries again. Originally, Chu Qing thought that he would go to those big countries, such as Lijian, Gaul and so on.

But who would have thought that he set his sights on the small countries in Southeast Asia!
Chu Qing was a little dazed, and didn't understand what he was thinking. Those countries were dying of poverty, so were they still in the mood to watch movies?
But then Jiang Shao'an produced a lot of evidence, the biggest evidence being that the two bosses of Huaxia had already made a move!

One was the richest man in China back then, and the first person to establish an online shopping platform in China!

The other one is Huaxia chat software No.1!
These two bigwigs have already taken action and started to deploy in small countries in Southeast Asia.

This time, Chu Qing couldn't help but have some thoughts.

In society, what if you find out that you are not as smart as other people?
Simple, just follow the smart people!
Chu Qing immediately agreed to Jiang Shaoan's plan, and said that it was still the same as before. He would not move all the previous box office share, and handed it over to Jiang Shaoan!

Scholar die for the confidant!

Chu Qing's trust made Jiang Shaoan feel heavy.

In fact, his certainty is even less than [-]%. After all, it is something that has never been tried before. Who knows the success or failure?

But he also understands that this is an opportunity, an opportunity that can take off if grasped!
That's why he took the initiative to tell Chu Qing about his plan, and he had thought about Chu Qing's answer.

In his opinion, Chu Qing would most likely refuse. After all, Chu Qing has almost never received a dividend after opening the theater for so many years.

All the money has been invested by him to build a new theater. In his mind, their theaters in China are already big enough. Chu Qing should be satisfied and start thinking about dividends.

After all, whose boss has made an investment for several years and hasn't seen a return?
Unexpectedly, Chu Qing still chose to believe him!Let him do it!
In this way, time slowly came to March, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was finally taken off the shelves, and the final domestic box office was 72 billion!
Foreign box office, 49 billion!The total global box office is 120 billion!
This box office shocked the attention of countless people!
Over [-] billion!The martial arts film with a global box office of over [-] billion!

In an instant, there were all kinds of headlines on the Internet, such as the rise of martial arts, the myth of Chu Qing's invincibility, etc., and countless self-media also started to hype.

Those investors were even more excited. Each of them invested tens of millions, but they could get a share of four to five billion. What kind of concept is this?
At present, there is no one to contact, and many investors come to the door with money, hoping to cooperate with Chu Qing.

It's a pity that Chu Qing rejected all of them. He was not short of money, but his connections!

The reason why I cooperated with those previous investors and shared the profits is to use their energy to help myself gain a foothold in Lijian Country!
Otherwise, what are you doing for your money?Can't you eat billions by yourself?

But if you ask Chu Qing if she feels sorry, then Chu Qing can tell you responsibly, no!
Because without their support, it is almost impossible for Chu Qing to be shortlisted for the best foreign language film, and there will be no terrifying box office now!
(End of this chapter)

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