Chapter 391 Cooperation
In mid-March, Song Dawei came back.

His mission this time was very successful. After waiting for the box office results of 120 billion to come out, there was no need for him to bother, and those investors readily agreed. After all, who would be against money?

Just like that, Chu Qing's team grew stronger again!
These people will all have the right to vote in next year's election!Naturally, their importance goes without saying, as long as the candidates of Li Jian Country want to take a step forward, they need to make a certain exchange!

Nothing else, an Oscar winner, is still no problem, right?

At least Chu Qing himself felt that there was no problem. Song Dawei, Wang Cong and others would help him deal with this matter, which he was not good at.

After some deliberation, Chu Qing finally chose an old movie, "The Shawshank Redemption"!
Although the movie lost out to "Forrest Gump" in 1995, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good movie.

On the major lists, search for the best movies, and it must have a place in the top three positions!
Moreover, the victory of "Forrest Gump" also has a certain relationship with political stance.

It is said that 1995 was also a year of fighting between gods and gods. It is really not easy to decide the winner among them in "The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump" and "Pulp Fiction".

But in the end, Chu Qing still chose "The Shawshank Redemption", because this movie is more suitable for him, and it is relatively easier to shoot.

After deciding to shoot, Chu Qing directly started to write the script, and then drew the sub-shots. After two days, the complete script had already appeared on his desk.

Later, Chu Qing invited the previous investors to a meeting again, and told them about "The Shawshank Redemption".

After hearing this, investors all felt that there was something wrong, but Wang Cong raised a key question.

"There is a bug! The story happened around 1930. At that time, we Chinese had no status in Lijian country. How could we become bankers?"

As soon as these words came out, the others frowned.

Indeed, there is racial discrimination even in Lijian now, let alone nearly 100 years ago!

At that time, the Chinese and blacks in Lijian country could only engage in the lowest industries!
For example, Xiao Hei in "Forrest Gump", his family has been cooking shrimp for generations.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "Who said that? There is an example. Didn't black people have musicians at that time? Besides, what era is this? Don't talk about others, just say that the protagonist of "The Little Mermaid" is not Is it black?"

When the investors heard this, they laughed out loud.

This is true, now Li Jianguo has replaced many white roles with blacks in order to show that he is not racially discriminatory.

In this way, there is nothing unreasonable in "The Shawshank Redemption".

After everyone made a plan, Chu Qing said seriously: "This time, I plan to play a big game! Just build a prison like that in China for filming! All the actors are also looking for international superstars! This time, I plan to Invest 20 billion!"

This statement made many investors startled, but no one refused afterward.

After all, their share of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is several hundred million, and it is enough for a dozen of them to contribute more than one hundred million each, which is "small money".

However, what Chu Qing didn't expect was that Wang Cong saved him a lot of money with just one sentence.

"Qingzi, do you have any idea about the location of the prison building?"

Chu Qing shook her head, can it be built anywhere?
But Wang Cong said with a smile: "Hengdian is planning to expand the new cinema, I think we can cooperate with them! We can invest a part of it and let them build the prison according to our drawings! We will shoot movies after the construction is completed. After filming the movie, the prison will belong to them, and we will not lose money!"

Chu Qing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, Wang Cong's proposal was indeed a good one.

He immediately turned his head to look at everyone present and said, "Does anyone know someone from Hengdian? I think Wang Cong's suggestion can be given a try."

Wang Cong patted his chest with a smile and said, "Leave it to me! My father and them are old acquaintances."

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, there are indeed people who are easy to handle!
Within two days, Wang Cong sent back news. When the other party heard that Chu Qing was going to make a movie, he didn't ask Chu Qing to spend money at all.

They said that they had originally planned to invest in the expansion of the studio, and now that Chu Qing was going to film a movie, it happened to be a promotion for them, which was something they could only wish for!

This made Chu Qing think that he was different for the first time. This kind of treatment was only given by the old teacher of the state in his previous life!
There was nothing embarrassing about Chu Qing, and he simply sent his request for drawings, and the other party directly said that there was no problem.

Even the prison they built will be even bigger!It can definitely meet Chu Qing's request.

After learning that Chu Qing and others were going to start filming next year, they even directly approved the project, telling Chu Qing that work would start in one month, and they would definitely not delay Chu Qing's filming and use next year!

Chu Qing felt a little embarrassed to be so supportive, and finally signed a long-term contract with him.

In the next three years, Bright Entertainment will be the first choice for filming in Hengdian World Studios!

Over the years, the first thing that comes to mind when everyone is filming is Hengdian Film and Television City. Many people even think that Huaxia goes to film here, just like Hollywood.

But in fact, there are actually many large film and television cities in China.

The reason why Hengdian Film and Television City is the most famous is that most of its buildings were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China.

In recent years, most of the TV dramas were filmed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China, which is why Hengdian became popular.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the strength of Hengdian and the high emotional intelligence of the boss.

Chu Qing said that he wanted to make a prison movie, and he would build a prison for you!The purpose is also to attract [Bright Entertainment] to go to Hengdian to film more.

After all, who doesn't know [Bright Entertainment] is in full swing now, and it can be said to be the leader of the new generation of media companies!
In the next ten years or so, it may be the world of others. It is always right to have a good relationship now.

The shooting base is settled, and the next step is the list of actors.

Chu Qing drew up a list of actors for Song Dawei, all of whom he thought were good actors, and most of them were foreign actors.

And these actors all have one thing in common, that is, they all have a certain reputation in the world!

If all these people were invited to film in one crew, the salary alone would be sky-high!
But at this moment, Chu Qing doesn't care about money anymore, what he wants is this effect!
As long as he can sit on the Oscar Best Actor position, there will be a lot of opportunities to make money in the future!
Now it's just paving the way for the future, what's wrong with spending some money?
He has earned so much money in the past few years, isn't it just for the present!

(End of this chapter)

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