Chapter 392 Advertisement?

Song Dawei went abroad as soon as he got the list, and those big-name artists usually have to make an appointment a year in advance to know if there is time.

Fortunately, now is the time to see, the next thing is to see if people are willing to come.

But Chu Qing is confident that there should be many people who come because of the reason. After all, who would have trouble with money?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Song Dawei to send back good news one by one. Most of the artists agreed to appear in this movie and signed contracts with Song Dawei.

There were also a small number of artists who refused due to various reasons. Chu Qing didn't feel sorry for this, and directly gave Song Dawei a few alternative names, asking him to ask these people.

In this way, it took no more than a month before the actors were finalized!

If people in the circle knew about this, they would definitely laugh out loud.

Because Chu Qing didn't even go to see these actors in person, and even signed a contract with the other party without even having a basic interview. Isn't she afraid that the artist will not be suitable at that time?

But Chu Qing is really not afraid, because Chu Qing has a system!

These actor lists were all deduced by him by consuming a lot of points.

During this time, Chu Qing actually intends to reduce the frequency of using the system.

Because this will give him an unreal feeling, as if as long as the system disappears, his life will return to the past!
Chu Qing didn't like this kind of feeling very much. In fact, he was the same kind of person as Yin Tao in his heart, a kind of person who was extremely insecure.

That's why he tried his best to put various auras on himself, just to assume that one day the system disappears, and he is still the radiant Chu Qing!
The actors have been settled, the shooting location has been settled, and then some props.

Because the filming is a period drama, a lot of props from that time are needed, whether it is firearms, clothing, or cars, buildings, etc. of that era.

Fortunately, there was enough time, Chu Qing directly found a prop production company and gave the other party a large order.

The other party promised that all the props that Chu Qing requested would be satisfied within three months!
And many people in the circle also received the wind, and vaguely knew that Chu Qing was going to make a big move!
This has made many companies feel the pressure. They are not afraid of other things, but they are afraid of hitting the schedule!
The horror and deterrence of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is still there. Haven't you seen how many other movies in the Spring Festival period have been paid for?

For this reason, many people took the initiative to come to the door, hoping that Chu Qing could give them some information so that they could escape the schedule in advance.

When they learned that Chu Qing would only shoot a movie next year, these talents often breathed a sigh of relief, and then seized all the time to start preparing for the movie, which must be released this year!

Even Chu Qing didn't expect that just because of his words, the number of movies this year doubled!
Countless actors greeted Chu Qing from the bottom of their hearts when they were running out of schedule.

In May, the graduation season is about to come, and major companies are preparing to start shooting people.

It is definitely not necessary to think about the good seedlings of those college students who are Yanying's acting, because before they graduate, they will say hello to their seniors and sisters, and the company will want them after they graduate.

But it is inevitable that there will be some good seedlings that slip through the net, and these are the targets that other companies are vying for.

These companies will also use some small means, the most common means is to use some 'celebrities'!
For example, XX, who graduated from university, is now in their company, saying how good the company's treatment is, etc., and finally adding a sentence, I am waiting for you in XX company!

It's like speaking for the company as an endorsement!
Generally speaking, the effect of this kind of advertising is not bad.

On this day, the company's personnel department and publicity department found Chu Qing and gave Chu Qing a copy, asking Chu Qing to shoot an advertisement to attract newcomers.

After Chu Qing saw their advertisement, she smiled and shook her head and said, "Your copywriting is not good enough, you are not passionate enough, I'm an endorsement for Bright Entertainment? It sounds silly."

This made the Propaganda Department who wrote the copy a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, Chu Qing simply wrote a version and said, "How about this?"

The two of them leaned over and took a look, and they were immediately shocked!

"This, this is fine! This is fine!"

"Mr. Chu is Mr. Chu, this kind of skill is beyond my lifetime!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Okay, flattering won't give you two a raise in wages, if it's okay, go make preparations and shoot this!"

"hey hey"

The two quickly agreed, and quickly went down to start preparations.

After the preparations were over, Chu Qing took a special day to shoot this advertisement.

The next day, the Propaganda Department contacted the famous schools to publicize the advertisement.

After the audit, the school also felt a little surprised!
In addition, the current [Bright Entertainment] is indeed a good company for students, so they helped to promote this advertisement.

But none of them expected that the effect of the advertisement this time would be such a sensation!
It even went viral, not just on the school network!
Ai Qingli, a female student of Yanying Acting Department who is about to graduate.

Compared with other students, she is an ordinary person with no background and no internship experience.

Although the grades in the class are not bad, the instructor didn't introduce any crew to her, just a little transparency.

She is about to graduate, and she imagines that after graduation, she might be able to sign a contract with a big company and become a small star or something.

But she knew very well in her heart that she would probably change careers. After all, after studying acting for a few years, she also discovered that she was not a genius.

But even though she had this idea, she still planned to give it a try, but when she logged into the campus network to watch the forum, she accidentally saw an advertisement.

"You only smell my perfume!"

"But I didn't see my sweat!"

At the beginning of the commercial, a glamorous woman is walking on the street, the screen switches, and in the blackened office building, only her desk is lit, and she is still working hard!

"You have your rules!"

"I have my choice!"

The screen switched again. When signing the contract, a wretched-looking person held her hand, but she threw it away!

"You deny my present!"

"I decide my future!"

A father was yelling at his child, mocking him for not doing his job properly, can painting be eaten?
Ai Qingli felt that this boy looked familiar, and then suddenly realized!Isn't this Chu Qing!

The screen switched again, and my father was already holding an admission notice in his hand!
"You laugh at me for having nothing and not being worthy of love"

"I pity you for always waiting!"

In the rain, a tall, rich and handsome man stood in front of a luxury car holding flowers.

On the other side of him, Chu Qing was holding a flower, but there was only a bicycle behind him.

But he took the initiative to go to the girl before him, and won the girl's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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