Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 393 I speak for myself!

Chapter 393 I speak for myself!

The ad continues.

Chu Qing was sitting at the desk, and the other party threw back his proposal impatiently.

"You can make light of our youth"

"But I will prove whose era this is!"

The next moment, Chu Qing talked eloquently at the press conference and won full applause!The few people who were impatient before also stood up and applauded, although their expressions were still somewhat reluctant.

"Dreams are doomed to travel alone"

"Doubt and ridicule are indispensable on the road"

Mirrors appeared around, and the people in the mirrors were pointing at Chu Qing and saying extremely ugly words, but Chu Qing didn't care, and smiled instead.

"Even if you are covered in bruises"

"Live beautifully too!"

Chu Qing got up and punched, all the mirrors around were shattered, turned into crystal fragments and fell down.

Chu Qing turned to face the camera, straightened her tie lightly and said.

"I am Chu Qing, and I speak for myself!"

Below the advertisement, a line of copywriting slowly rose up.

Bright Media, waiting for you to change the future together!
This advertisement directly hit Ai Qingli's heart, and made her feel a surge of enthusiasm in her heart!

Everyone's suspicion and distrust of her before seemed to have become a driving force at this moment!

Let her know that the heavens are about to send a great mission to the people, and they must first suffer from their minds, muscles and bones, and starve their bodies!

At the moment, she almost didn't think about it, and went online to find the way to sign up for Bright Entertainment.

"Duddu, hello, this is Bright Entertainment"

"Hi, I'm a senior student of Yanying, and I want to sign up to join Bright Entertainment!"

At this moment, there are no less than a thousand people who look like Ai Qingli!
This advertisement quickly went out of the circle, and was imitated by netizens on Shaking Hands.

Some of them were directly modified and used for publicity.

There are also some simply magical changes, used to be funny.

But no matter what, Chu Qing's advertisements were definitely successful!

The people in the personnel department are busy and crazy, ready to welcome the graduates to join!

As a thriving company, how can it do without fresh blood?

But Chu Qing here unexpectedly received the task from above.

Don't forget, besides being the boss of Bright Entertainment, he is also a first-class actor of the Railway Art Troupe!

Chu Qing took the script in his hand and read it twice in a row.

Song Dawei was sitting on the sofa trimming his nails. He waited for Chu Qing to put down the script before asking, "Why this expression? The script is not good?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "The book is pretty good."

"That's less investment?"

“The investment is not too small”

"Then what are you doing with such a heavy expression?"

"Because I don't know if I can act well!"

Chu Qing put down the script and sighed, rubbing her temples.

On the contrary, Song Dawei became interested. After reading the script, he was shocked and said, "What? Let you play Cao Cao?"

Chu Qing smiled wryly and said: "That's right, talk about my image, even if you don't let me play Zhao Yun, at least it's fine to play Zhou Yu! This, this makes me play Cao Cao, the role is not easy to control!"

Song Dawei was also a little confused, he didn't expect that Chu Qing would be given such a role this time.

This time, the top invested in the filming of the Three Kingdoms "Burning the Red Cliff"!
In fact, Chu Qing knew about this news before, but he was busy with "The Shawshank Redemption", so he didn't bother to ask. Who would have thought that someone would reserve such an important role for him!

To be honest, Chu Qing felt a little guilty!
If you want to support the role of Cao Cao, you need too many conditions!
And Chu Qing herself felt that she was not worthy of acting!
After thinking for a while, Chu Qing sighed and said, "No, I still can't act, otherwise even if I act well, I will be scolded to death by the audience, the gain outweighs the loss!"

Song Dawei was a little puzzled and said, "Why are you being scolded for acting well?"

Chu Qing smiled wryly: "Because I can't pass the test in my heart! An actor in his thirties plays Cao Cao, he knows nothing!"

Song Dawei: "."

In desperation, Chu Qing could only call the Railway Art Troupe to decline, but the other party asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Cao Cao has a lot of roles in the movie, don't you think about it?"

"Um, thank you for your kindness, but I really can't handle the role of Cao Cao."

The other end fell silent, just when Chu Qing was wondering if he had offended someone, the other party said quietly.

"What about Zhuge Liang?"

Chu Qing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

Zhuge Liang!But for all the men who have watched the Three Kingdoms, who has ever fantasized about this role?Feather fan towel, planning thousands of miles away!

If the role of Cao Cao cannot be played by ordinary people, then Zhuge Liang Chuqing thinks he can still give it a try!

After all, hasn't Takeshi Kaneshiro played in the last life?What's wrong with me?
Thinking of this, he adjusted his breathing and agreed decisively.

"Leader, I think I can still try the role of Zhuge Liang. Do you need an interview?"

"Hahaha, look at what you said, I don't know your acting skills yet? Well, let's send the script to your mailbox first and you can practice it. It is estimated that the filming will be almost ready in two months."

Chu Qing agreed, hung up the phone, and soon received Zhuge Liang's script in the mailbox.

Song Dawei took out a can of orange juice from the refrigerator and asked while drinking, "What's the matter? Cao Cao can't act, but Zhuge Liang can act?"

"Come on, everyone has stepped down, if you don't continue, I feel a little clueless"

Song Dawei pursed his lips and said, "I think it's you who want to play Zhuge Liang!"

After finishing speaking, he yawned and said, "How about the book?"

Chu Qing shrugged and said, "It's okay, but the lines are a little less than Cao Cao's."

"Isn't this nonsense? That's Cao Cao! As long as he plays in the scene, Cao Cao will never be less!"

After Song Dawei left, Chu Qing began to read the script seriously.

This script does not change the original history too much, and it restores the most famous "burning Chibi" in the three major battles of the Three Kingdoms period very well.

This is also the famous template battle of winning more with less in Chinese history.

It was also because of this battle that the foundation was laid for the tripartite confrontation in the future!

After reading Zhuge Liang's script, Chu Qing felt very satisfied. First of all, the image must fit a lot.

Playing Cao Cao requires arrogance!Playing Zhuge Liang is much easier.

Didn’t you see that people and ghosts in later generations dare to play Zhuge Liang?

Chu Qing started to go online to watch Zhuge Liang played by some seniors before, hoping to learn something useful from them.

Two days later, Chu Qing received a call from the leader again, and "Burning the Red Cliff" was officially finalized!
The filming will start on May [-]st, and it will be released on October [-]st!
And this time, as a long-lost big action movie, the cast is also luxurious!

After reading the list of actors, Chu Qing couldn't help swallowing, all of them are national first-class actors!

(End of this chapter)

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